2023-12-15 20:47:51
git clone https://github.com/juniorxsound/ThreadedDepthCleaner --recursive
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../ && make -j4
这一步容易出现undefined reference to symbol ‘dlclose@@GLIBC_2.2.5‘
和undefined reference to symbol ‘pthread_create‘报错,
undefined reference to symbol dlclose
undefined reference to symbol ‘pthread_create‘
Mat rawDepthMat = imread("depth.png", cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
const int w = rawDepthMat.cols;
const int h = rawDepthMat.rows;
// Create an openCV matrix for the DepthCleaner instance to write the output to
Mat cleanedDepth(Size(w, h), CV_16U);
//Run the RGBD depth cleaner instance
depthc->operator()(rawDepthMat, cleanedDepth);
const unsigned char noDepth = 0; // change to 255, if values no depth uses max value
Mat temp, temp2;
// Downsize for performance, use a smaller version of depth image (defined in the SCALE_FACTOR macro)
Mat small_depthf;
resize(cleanedDepth, small_depthf, Size(), SCALE_FACTOR, SCALE_FACTOR);
// Inpaint only the masked "unknown" pixels
inpaint(small_depthf, (small_depthf == noDepth), temp, 5.0, INPAINT_TELEA);
// Upscale to original size and replace inpainted regions in original depth image
resize(temp, temp2, cleanedDepth.size());
temp2.copyTo(cleanedDepth, (cleanedDepth == noDepth)); // add to the original signal
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