Learn Kubernetes in 1 Hour - K8s新手速通 - 进阶笔记敬请期待
Learn Kubernetes in 1 Hour
Welcome to learn k8s with me!!! [Kubernetes Crash Course for Absolute Beginners NEW] - YouTube
1. Kubernetes Architecture
control node - several important processes
worker nodes
master nodes are much more important than worker nodes
2. Main Kubernetes Components
2.1 Node & Pod
Node: a virtual or physical machine
IP adjust every time the pod restart,so -> service
2.2 Service &Ingress
Ingress: cause the node-ip is not very practical.
2.3 ConfigMap & Secret
change name: mogo-db-service -> mogo-db
! ConfigMap is for non-confidential data only! ->Secret
2.4 Volume
2.5 Deployment & StatefulSet
my-app died -> replicates everything!
Define blueprint for Pods: specify how many replicas you want to have
work with deployments instead of pods.
! DB can’t be replicated via Deployment!
DB has state -> data inconsistence - > StatefulSet
however, deploying StatefulSet not easy -> common practice: DB hosted outside of k8s cluster.
3. Kubernetes Configuration
talk to API server
each configuration file has 3 parts
4. Minikube & Kubeetcl - Setup k8s cluster locally
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