User usage survey report by FZU Flying Club_Beta Sprint

2023-12-14 12:58:16

This assignment belongs to which courseEE308FZ Software Engineering
Where this assignment is required
Team nameFZU Flying Club
The goal of this assignmentHelp students understand Beta Sprint and promote course project progress
Other referencesNone

1 Introduction

Recently, our team conducted a user survey on our FZU Flying Book website. FZU Flying Book focuses on sharing the study abroad experiences of senior students, aiming to provide abundant study abroad insights for a wide range of international students. The website not only includes shared study abroad experiences but also covers modules such as postgraduate exam cases, recommended for postgraduate study cases, and civil service exam cases, offering comprehensive academic development support to users.

2 Website Overview

2.1 Module Subdivision

FZU Flying Book centers around sharing study abroad experiences and, based on user needs, subdivides into different modules, including study abroad experiences, postgraduate exam experiences, recommended for postgraduate study experiences, and civil service exam experiences. This design provides users with a personalized information retrieval experience, allowing them to obtain targeted information.

2.2 Online Chat Feature

The website provides an online chat feature, enabling users to engage in real-time communication with senior students, clarifying doubts, and obtaining more detailed information. This interactive feature enhances user engagement and improves overall user experience.

2.3 Community Interaction through Comments

Users can participate in discussions and make friends in specific comment sections. This feature fosters information sharing and mutual assistance among users, creating a community atmosphere and providing more opportunities for user interaction.

3 User Survey Results

3.1 User Satisfaction

Through the survey, we found that the majority of users are satisfied with FZU Flying Book. They believe that the shared study abroad experiences positively influenced their decision-making, and they highly appreciate the content of modules such as postgraduate exams and recommended for postgraduate study.

3.2 Interactive Experience

The online chat feature received unanimous praise from users. They find this real-time communication method efficient, making information retrieval more convenient. Users also express fondness for the community interaction through comments, stating that they have gained more opportunities to connect with senior students.

3.3 User Suggestions

Some users provided constructive suggestions, including adding more subdivided modules such as internship experience sharing, course selection experience, and timely updating of website cases. Additionally, users recommended strengthening responses to practical issues in student life, such as visa applications and cultural adaptation.

4 Some pictures of the user survey process


The project manager is asking users of the website to fill in a questionnaire about their practical website experience.


The project manager is conducting survey interviews with client students using the website.

5 Conclusion

Combining the results of the user survey, our website has received positive feedback. High user satisfaction and a rich interactive experience have provided Fuzhou University students with a beneficial platform for information exchange. However, continuous optimization and improvement are necessary to meet diverse user needs and enhance the website’s influence among international students. We look forward to future achievements in the field of study abroad information sharing.

6 Team Optimization Suggestions and Future Directions

6.1 Content Expansion and Subdivision

To accommodate evolving user needs, it is recommended to further expand content areas by adding more subdivided modules, such as internship experience sharing, course selection experience, and research experience, providing a more comprehensive solution for different user requirements. This will make the website more attractive and cover a wider user base.

6.2 Enhanced Practicality

In addition to experience sharing, the website can introduce columns to address practical issues, such as visa application procedures, cultural adaptation, and job-seeking skills. This type of content will increase the practicality of the website, offering comprehensive support to users and enhancing its authority among international students.

6.3 Technological Optimization

From a software engineering perspective, it is advisable to optimize the website’s search engine algorithm to improve information retrieval efficiency. Additionally, enhancing technical support for the online chat feature ensures users have a smooth interactive experience.

6.4 Data Security and Privacy Protection

In the age of information, users are concerned about data security. Strengthening measures for protecting user data and implementing effective methods to ensure privacy will build user trust. Establishing comprehensive privacy policies and user agreements is crucial for enhancing user confidence in the website.

6.5 Community Building and Activity

To further strengthen the community atmosphere, initiatives like themed discussions, organized events, and the introduction of reward mechanisms are suggested to increase user participation. Encouraging users to share valuable content will make the community more vibrant.

6.6 Technological Collaboration and Updates

Establishing close collaborations with relevant universities and study abroad institutions and introducing the latest research findings, policy changes, and information will maintain the website’s freshness and authority. Simultaneously, regularly updating technological facilities will ensure the website adapts to the rapid changes in technology.

7 Summary

Through the user survey on our FZU Flying Book website, we identified numerous strengths and areas for improvement. From a software engineering perspective, the website has achieved a certain level of success in technical implementation, but there is still room for enhancement.
