PTA Count Connected Components 分数 10 作者 陈越 单位 浙江大学

2023-12-14 00:58:54

Write a function to count the number of connected components in a given graph.

Format of functions:

int CountConnectedComponents( LGraph Graph );

where LGraph is defined as the following:

typedef struct AdjVNode *PtrToAdjVNode; 
struct AdjVNode{
    Vertex AdjV;
    PtrToAdjVNode Next;

typedef struct Vnode{
    PtrToAdjVNode FirstEdge;
} AdjList[MaxVertexNum];

typedef struct GNode *PtrToGNode;
struct GNode{  
    int Nv;
    int Ne;
    AdjList G;
typedef PtrToGNode LGraph;

The function CountConnectedComponents is supposed to return the number of connected components in the undirected Graph.

Sample program of judge:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef enum {false, true} bool;
#define MaxVertexNum 10  /* maximum number of vertices */
typedef int Vertex;      /* vertices are numbered from 0 to MaxVertexNum-1 */

typedef struct AdjVNode *PtrToAdjVNode; 
struct AdjVNode{
    Vertex AdjV;
    PtrToAdjVNode Next;

typedef struct Vnode{
    PtrToAdjVNode FirstEdge;
} AdjList[MaxVertexNum];

typedef struct GNode *PtrToGNode;
struct GNode{  
    int Nv;
    int Ne;
    AdjList G;
typedef PtrToGNode LGraph;

LGraph ReadG(); /* details omitted */

int CountConnectedComponents( LGraph Graph );

int main()
    LGraph G = ReadG();
    printf("%d\n", CountConnectedComponents(G));

    return 0;

/* Your function will be put here */

Sample Input (for the graph shown in the figure):

8 6
0 7
0 1
2 0
4 1
2 4
3 5
Sample Output:
16 KB
400 ms
64 MB


void DFS(LGraph Graph, Vertex V, bool visited[])
	visited[V] = true;
	PtrToAdjVNode p = Graph->G[V].FirstEdge;

	while (p)
		if (!visited[p->AdjV])DFS(Graph, p->AdjV, visited);
		p = p->Next;

int CountConnectedComponents(LGraph Graph)
	Vertex V;
	bool visited[MaxVertexNum];
	int Components = 0;

	for (V = 0; V < Graph->Nv; V++)
		visited[V] = false;
	for (V = 0; V < Graph->Nv; V++)
		if (!visited[V])
			DFS(Graph, V, visited);
	return Components;

