1971. Find if Path Exists in Graph
2023-12-15 05:11:39
1971. Find if Path Exists in Graph
There is a?bi-directional?graph with?n
?vertices, where each vertex is labeled from?0
?to?n - 1
?(inclusive). The edges in the graph are represented as a 2D integer array?edges
, where each?edges[i] = [ui, vi]
?denotes a bi-directional edge between vertex?ui
?and vertex?vi
. Every vertex pair is connected by?at most one?edge, and no vertex has an edge to itself.
You want to determine if there is a?valid path?that exists from vertex?source
?to vertex?destination
?and the integers?n
, and?destination
, return?true
?if there is a?valid path?from?source
, or?false
class Solution:
def validPath(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]], source: int, destination: int) -> bool:
p = [i for i in range(n)]#每个i的根
def find(i):#找根
if p[i] != i:
p[i] = find(p[i])
return p[i]
for u, v in edges:
p[find(u)] = find(v)
return find(source) == find(destination) #是否同根
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