
2023-12-15 21:35:33



Google Earth Engine APP——影像条带色差、色调不均匀等现象解决方案Landsat5 NDWI Image Restoration APP_ndwi不能识别泛红水体怎么办-CSDN博客



1. 光学系统问题:光学系统中的透镜、滤光片等元件可能存在偏差或缺陷,导致不同波长的光在传输过程中被聚焦的位置不一致,从而产生色差。

2. 图像传感器问题:图像传感器中的像素单元可能对不同波长的光的响应度不同,导致不同波长的光在图像传感器上形成的图像亮度不一致,从而产生色差。

3. 色彩处理问题:在图像的处理过程中,可能会对不同波长的光进行不同的处理,如增强某个颜色通道的亮度或饱和度,从而导致色差。

4. 环境光影响:在拍摄现场,环境光的波长和强度可能有所不同,对拍摄的影像产生影响,从而产生色差。





Computes the normalized difference between two bands. If the bands to use are not specified, uses the first two bands. The normalized difference is computed as (first ? second) / (first + second). Note that the returned image band name is 'nd', the input image properties are not retained in the output image, and a negative pixel value in either input band will cause the output pixel to be masked. To avoid masking negative input values, use ee.Image.expression() to compute normalized difference.


this:input (Image):

The input image.

bandNames (List, default: null):

A list of names specifying the bands to use. If not specified, the first and second bands are used.

Returns: Image



Returns the image collection containing the given images.


images (List):

The images to include in the collection.

Returns: ImageCollection

ui.Chart.image.histogram(image, regionscalemaxBucketsminBucketWidthmaxRawmaxPixels)

Generates a Chart from an image. Computes and plots histograms of the values of the bands in the specified region of the image.

  • X-axis: Histogram buckets (of band value).

  • Y-axis: Frequency (number of pixels with a band value in the bucket).

Returns a chart.


image (Image):

The image to generate a histogram from.

region (Feature|FeatureCollection|Geometry, optional):

The region to reduce. If omitted, uses the entire image.

scale (Number, optional):

The pixel scale used when applying the histogram reducer, in meters.

maxBuckets (Number, optional):

The maximum number of buckets to use when building a histogram; will be rounded up to a power of 2.

minBucketWidth (Number, optional):

The minimum histogram bucket width, or null to allow any power of 2.

maxRaw (Number, optional):

The number of values to accumulate before building the initial histogram.

maxPixels (Number, optional):

If specified, overrides the maximum number of pixels allowed in the histogram reduction. Defaults to 1e6.

Returns: ui.Chart

setSeriesNames(seriesNames, seriesIndex)

Returns a copy of this chart with updated series names.


this:ui.chart (ui.Chart):

The ui.Chart instance.

seriesNames (Dictionary|Dictionary<String>|List|List<String>|String):

New series names. If it's a string, the name of the series at seriesIndex is set to seriesNames. If it's a list, the value at index i in the list is used as a label for series number i. If it's a dictionary or an object, it's treated as a map from existing series names to new series names. In the last two cases, seriesIndex is ignored.

seriesIndex (Number, optional):

The index of the series to rename. Ignored if seriesNames is a list or dictionary. Series are 0-indexed.

Returns: ui.Chart


Create a reducer that will compute a histogram of the inputs.


maxBuckets (Integer, default: null):

The maximum number of buckets to use when building a histogram; will be rounded up to a power of 2.
