
2024-01-08 09:42:58

佛沟 笔记

module_init(hello_init); ///每个ko文件的最后都必须有module_init和module_exit?

CSV即Comma Separate Values,这种文件格式经常用来作为不同程序之间的数据交互的格式。

?? ?Events----各种事件
?? ?keycode----按键?? ??? ?keycode=键值大全; down =true(按下) down =false(松开)
?? ?AUDIO_ROUTE-----查看播放通路
?? ?DeviceName----查看音频播放设备
?? ?shutdown----重启关键字
?? ??? ?subsys-restart: subsystem_shutdown(): [kworker/u17:2:437]: Shutting down modem
?? ?qcom:
?? ??? ?snd_devices------播放设备
?? ?screenoff(screen off)-------锁屏关键字
?? ??? ?stop try start standby by lockScreenMsg ON when screenoff
?? ?
?? ?1. 24950 10-24 08:58:24.808423 ? 963 ?3018 D AudioService: Mits getDeviceForStream: stream2 device:2
?? ?2. 25004 10-24 08:58:24.909459 ? 519 ?5008 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setStreamVolumeIndex() stream 8, device 00000008, index 10
?? ??? ??? ? 09-22 17:51:09.532 ?1915 ?1915 D AS.AudioService: checkLimitedMusicVolumeForSpeaker mMaxMusicVolumeForSpeaker = 150index = 11 ? (音量level)
?? ?3. 25632 12-20 09:38:31.613 689 689 D AudioManager: setWiredDeviceConnectionState: type = 8, state = 1, address, name = (有线耳机插入/拔出log)
?? ?4. 19560 12-15 04:47:13.363570 626 3572 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: setDeviceConnectionStateInt() device: 0x10, state 1, address 88:C6:26:DA:71:D6 name Jaybird X3 ? (蓝牙耳机连接/断开)
?? ?5. APM_AudioPolicyManager: [MTK_APM_Input]getInputForAttr() source 0 ····· ?音频通路
?? ??? ??? ??? ?这个source=0代表是record mode, 要等于7才是voip mode.
?? ??? ??? ??? ?
?? ?6. D APM_AudioPolicyManager: [MTK_APM_Route]setPhoneState() state 1/0 ? ?电话接通,挂断log
?? ?
?? ?7. wcd_mbhc_report_plug: 检查耳机插入拔出以及阻抗
?? ??? ?wcd_mbhc_report_plug,compute impedance,zl = 20,zr = 22
?? ??? ?wcd_mbhc_report_plug: Reporting insertion 3(3)
?? ??? ?
?? ??? ?wcd_mbhc_report_plug: Reporting removal 3(0)

?? ?标准的具体细节,标准的要求是什么

DAI: Digital Audio Interfaces 数字音频接口
APR:Asynchronous Packet Router 异步数据包路由
LPASS:Low Power Audio Subsystem 低功耗音频子系统
ACDB:Audio Calibration Database 音频校准数据库
ADSP:Audio Digital Signal Processor 音频数字信号处理器
MBHC:Multibutton Headset Control 多按键耳机控制
POPP: Per-Object post-Processing
COPP: Common-Object post-Processing ?xx后处理模块(PP)

APSS: Applications Processor Subsystem 主CPU处理器

?? ?
FAILED: out/soong/build.ninja(报错用以下方法解决)

?? ?首先先建立一个分区:
?? ??? ?sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/swap bs=1024 count=2048000
?? ??? ?(报错:dd: failed to open '/swapfile': Text file busy ?----->> ?运行 sudo swapoff -a)
?? ?分区变成swap分区:
?? ??? ?sudo /sbin/mkswap /home/swap
?? ?使用这个swap分区,使其成为有效状态
?? ??? ?sudo /sbin/swapon /home/swap
?? ??? ?free -m命令查看一下内存和swap分区大小
?? ?设置扩展的swap分区为自动挂载
?? ??? ?vim /etc/fstab
?? ??? ?最后一行加上:
?? ??? ?/home/swap swap swap defaults 0 0
?? ??? ??? ??? ?
?? ??? ?
make ?bootimage: 编译内核
增加PA驱动后内核编译报错?? ?fatal error: 'dsp/msm_audio_ion.h' file not found\n"
?? ?fix:makefile 文件写错?
?? ??? ?KO编译方式
?? ??? ?
?? ?cd .repo/manifests
?? ?grep -rn "audio-kernel"
?? ?确定仓的映射;audio-kernel仓的位置(vendor/qcom/opensource/audio-kernel ? or ? kernel/msm-5.4/techpack/audio)

?? ?hal层编译后so包
?? ?
git clean -dxf :清除未追踪的文件

topo-id 和 port-id 怎么确认:
port-id:文件/kernel/msm-5.4/techpack/audio/include/dsp/apr_audio-v2.h ? ? 或
?? ??? ??? ?/kernel/msm-5.4/sound/soc/qcom/qdsp6/q6afe.c ?中 AFE_PORT_ID_XXXXX 对应的值,例如

device/qcom/holi/init.target.rc ? ?BoardConfig.mk ? ?holi.mk

kernel/msm-5.4/techpack/audio/asoc/codecs/aw882xx/aw882xx.c ....
kernel/msm-5.4/techpack/audio/Makefile.am ? ?asoc/Kbuild ? ?asoc/codecs/Kbuild ? ?config/holiauto.conf ? ?config/holiautoconf.h


?? ?
?? ?
?? ?
-----------------------------------------------?? ?
mixer_paths_qrd.xml 编译后内容被修改?原因 opensource/audio-hal/primary-hal/configs/holi/holi.mk 将 opensource/audio-hal/primary-hal/configs/common/base/mixer_paths_base.xml 替换到 holi/mixer_paths_qrd.xml
?? ?修改?? ?/configs/holi/holi.mk ?? ?

mixer_paths_xxxx.xml :确定使用那个xml ? ?#define MIXER_XML_PATH 定义?? ?

新建分支:git branch branch_name(分支名称)
切换分支:git checkout branch_name
创建并切换到分支:git checkout -b branch_name
将branch_name分支合并到 当前分支: git merge branch_name

?? ?标准patch?? ?git diff > patch
?? ??? ??? ??? ?git apply patch
?? ??? ??? ??? ?git apply –check 检查补丁能否干净完整合入
?? ??? ??? ??? ?
?? ?git专用Patch?? ?git format-patch HEAD^ #生成最近的#次commit的patch
?? ??? ??? ??? ?git format-patch ?你的commit对应的id

?? ?cat /proc/asound/cards

?? ?lsof |grep pcm ??
?? ?
?? ?ls /dev/snd/
?? ?音频设备的命名规则为 [device type]C[card index]D[device index][capture/playback],即名字中含有4部分的信息:
?? ?comprC0D11 ?comprC0D7 ?pcmC0D10c ?pcmC0D15p ?pcmC0D20c ?pcmC0D2c ? pcmC0D33p ?pcmC0D38c ?pcmC0D5p ? timer
?? ?comprC0D24 ?controlC0 ?pcmC0D12c ?pcmC0D16c ?pcmC0D21c ?pcmC0D2p ? pcmC0D34c ?pcmC0D39p ?pcmC0D6c
?? ?comprC0D25 ?hwC0D1000 ?pcmC0D12p ?pcmC0D17c ?pcmC0D22c ?pcmC0D30c ?pcmC0D34p ?pcmC0D3c ? pcmC0D80c
?? ?......
?? ?[device type]
?? ??? ?设备类型,通常只有control/pcm/compr。从上图可以看到声卡会管理很多设备,PCM设备只是其中的一种设备。
?? ?[card index]
?? ??? ?声卡的id,代表第几块声卡。通常都是0,代表第一块声卡。手机上通常都只有一块声卡。
?? ?[device index]
?? ??? ?设备的id,代表这个设备是声卡上的第几个设备。设备的ID只和驱动中配置的DAI link的次序有关。如果驱动没有改变,那么这些ID就是固定的。
?? ?[capture/playback]
?? ??? ?只有PCM设备才有这部分,只有c和p两种。c代表capture,说明这是一个提供录音的设备,p代表palyback,说明这是一个提供播放的设备。
?? ?
?? ?cat /proc/asound/pcm
?? ?xxxx# cat proc/asound/pcm
?? ?00-00: MultiMedia1 (*) : ?: playback 1 : capture 1
?? ?00-01: MultiMedia2 (*) : ?: playback 1 : capture 1
?? ?00-02: VoiceMMode1 (*) : ?: playback 1 : capture 1
?? ?00-03: VoIP (*) : ?: playback 1 : capture 1
?? ?00-04: MultiMedia3 (*) : ?: playback 1
?? ?00-05: AFE-PROXY RX msm-stub-rx-5 : ?: playback 1
?? ?00-06: AFE-PROXY TX msm-stub-tx-6 : ?: capture 1
?? ?......
前面2位数字指的card index:00,后面2位是device index:01

?? ?tinypcminfo -D 0 -d 0

adb remount报错: Cannot use remount when a checkpoint is in progress
?? ?# in device
?? ??? ?vdc checkpoint commitChanges
?? ?# outside device
?? ??? ?adb shell vdc checkpoint commitChanges

?? ??? ?
安装adb后安装fastboot 驱动:https://link.zhihu.com/?target=https%3A//dl.google.com/android/repository/usb_driver_r13-windows.zip

单编adsp :编译vendor/build_nonhlos-xxx.sh, 选择对应的编号
单编报错:ERROR: qaic builder: couldn't find qaic exe for your host.?
?? ?locate libffi.so
?? ?sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libffi.so.6.0.4 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libffi.so.6
?? ?或者
?? ?sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libffi.so.7 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libffi.so.6
?? ?
1. awinic 算法库文件编译到代码中去:找另外一个py,保证算法地址对就OK
2. 单编adsp时 ./vendor/huaqin/build/build_nonhlos-holi.sh 5 | tee build_adsp.log
3. 编译后结果为 adsp.mbn ? ?| ? ? ?grep -rn -a "Awinic" adsp.mbn 检查算法是否编译成功 ? -a 不忽略二进制文件

grep -rn "androidboot.serialno=NFNA1F0156" 查看log中设备SN号

?? ?先预处理为.i文件:?? ??? ??? ?gcc -E add.c -o add.i
?? ?再编译为汇编文件:?? ??? ??? ?gcc -S add.i -o add.s
?? ?再汇编为二进制的.o文件:?? ?gcc -c add.s -o add.o

1?? ?.o文件是源码编译出的二进制文件
2?? ?.a文件实质上就是*.o文件打了个包。一般把它叫做 静态库文件
3?? ?.so文件不仅是.o*文件打了一个包,它是一个ELF格式的文件,即linux的可执行文件

?? ?deep_buffer:铃声、视频等对 ? 时延要求不高 ?的放音场景
?? ??? ??? ??? ?----Android开发中最常用的播放模式,边加载边播放,由 ?CPU进行解码 ?,再送入AudioFlinger进行混音播放
?? ?low_latency:按键音、触摸音、游戏背景音等低延时的放音场景
?? ?mutil_channel:多媒体播放。和hdmi相关
?? ?compress_offload ?:mp3、flac、aac等格式的音源播放场景,这种音源不需要软件解码,直接把数据送到 ?硬件解码器(aDSP),由硬件解码器(aDSP)进行解码,可以降低CPU的负载
?? ?

?? ?record:普通录音场景
?? ?compress_record: A recording mode where encoded packets are received by the APSS directly from the aDSP
?? ?
查看调用通路log:audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path:?? ?

?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?在
(target/hardware/qcom/audio / hal/msm8974/platform.c)
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?中调用

?? ?<path name="speaker">?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?---- use case 和 devices?
? ? ? ? <ctl name="PRI_MI2S_RX Channels" value="Two" />?? ??? ??? ??? ?----tinymix 控件
? ? ? ? <ctl name="aw_dev_0_switch" value="Enable" />
? ? ? ? <ctl name="aw_dev_1_switch" value="Enable" />
? ? ? ? <ctl name="aw_dev_1_prof" value="Music" />
? ? </path>

ctl name?? ?-----audio devices ?--> 在 platform.c 中定义
path name ?? ?-----usecase?? ??? ?--> 在 audio_hw.c 中定义


cat sys/kernel/debug/asoc/dais
cat sys/kernel/debug/asoc/components

cat sys/firmware/devicetree/base/soc/i2c@4c90000/aw-cali-mode
?? ??? ?-- aw_attr
xxd sys/firmware/devicetree/base/soc/i2c@4c90000/sound-channel
?? ??? ?-- xxd用来检查数值,以16进制显示
?? ??? ?

--------------------------------------------------?? ??? ?
?? ??? ?
Linux 常用的文件系统有三个:procfs、sysfs、debugfs
?? ?procfs:该文件系统主要用来反馈内核的信息,包括系统中所有的中断、进程信息都可以在这里查看。挂载在 /proc/...
?? ?sysfs:该文件系统主要是和驱动强相关,会反馈所有的驱动信息,以目录形式显示。挂载在 /sys/...
?? ?debugfs:该文件系统挂载在 /sys/kernel/debug/... ,主要用来 debug

?? ?包含subsystem0 ~ 5 共6个子系统
?? ?
?? ?--> crash_count
?? ??? ??? ?崩溃次数
?? ?-->?? ?firmware_name
?? ??? ??? ?firmware名称,0~5 分别是adsp、cdsp、
?? ?-->?? ?name
?? ??? ??? ?子系统名称,0~5 分别是adsp、cdsp、
?? ?-->?? ?power
?? ??? ??? ?暂不清楚
?? ?-->?? ?restart_level
?? ??? ??? ?system、related:
?? ?-->?? ?state
?? ?-->?? ?subsystem -> ../../../../../bus/msm_subsys
?? ?-->?? ?system_debug
?? ?-->?? ?uevent
?? ?-->?? ?waiting_for_supplier
?? ?-->?? ?wakeup
?? ?
?? ?
?? ?
?? ?
DRE:Dynamic range enhancement
?? ?
?? ?The compander or DRE (Dynamic range enhancement) provides Hi-Fi audio quality for headphone and line-output?
?? ?PAs. Compander support is available on MSM8998 with WCD9335 and WCD934x. The DRE controller is located in?
?? ?the codec (WCD9335/WCD934x)
?? ?
?? ?compander 或者 DRE(动态范围增强)为耳机和模拟PA提供Hi-Fi 高质量音频。DRE 控制器位于codec中?

The mixer commands below will enable the DRE in stereo speaker path and setup the Headset for the Playback.

adb shell?
tinymix 'HPHL_COMP Switch'
tinymix 'HPHR_COMP Switch' ? ? ---读取当前状态,是否OFF
tinymix 'HPHL_COMP Switch' 1
tinymix 'HPHR_COMP Switch' 1 ? ---写入,打开DRE
tinymix 'HPHL_COMP Switch'
tinymix 'HPHR_COMP Switch' ? ? ---读取当前状态,是否ON

?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?或 COMP1 Switch ? ?tinymix | grep "COMP"



SELinux(security enhanced linux)安全增强型Linux系统,它是一个linux内核模块,也是Linux的一个安全子系统。


sestatus / getenforce: 检查SELinux的状态
?? ?--Enforcing ?? ?SELinux处于“Enforcing”模式,正在强制执行系统的安全策略;
?? ?--Permissive ?? ?SELinux处于“Permissive”模式,只会记录安全事件,而不会强制执行任何策略;
?? ?--Disabled ?? ??? ?SELinux处于“Disabled”模式,已经被禁用,不会提供任何安全保护
setenforce: 设置SELinux的状态?? ?


linux 信号系统:
?? ?http://akaedu.github.io/book/ch33.html?? ?
?? ?
binder是一种进程间通信机制,基于开源的 OpenBinder 实现?? ?

确认audioHal启动情况,log标签:audio_hw_primary; 关键字:adev_open
09-17 15:10:13.533 30607 30615 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open: enter
09-17 15:10:14.346 30607 30615 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open: exit time 813.25 ms


android audioserver里面用于binder调用超时检测有个TimeCheck机制,对于audioserver binder调用不能超过5s,如果超过5s就会产生一个abort的log


1. audiohal进程被杀?? ??? ??? ?---SIGNAL 35
audioserver的调用超时之后TimeCheck线程先向audio hal的进程发送DEBUGGER_SIGNAL的信号,触发debuggerd_signal_handler信号,fork子进程crash_dump32产生dump信息,同时该信号触发tombstoned进程将相关dump信息写入到/data/tombstones/tombstone_xx文件。(sigqueue)

08:25:31.244 11489 11568 I AudioFlinger: [createRecord:2049]
08:25:36.250 11489 11522 I TimeCheck: requesting tombstone for pid: 11490

2. audioserver进程自杀?? ??? ?----SIGNAL 6
在给audio hal进程发生DEBUGGER_SIGNAL的信号之后,再等待1s,然后使用LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL断言函数触发系统调用abort(),发送SIGABRT信号,终止程序,触发debuggerd_signal_handler信号,fork子进程crash_dump32产生dump信息,同时该信号触发tombstoned进程将相关dump信息写入到/data/tombstones/tombstone_xx文件。

08:25:36.250 11489 11522 I TimeCheck: requesting tombstone for pid: 11490
08:25:37.250 11489 11522 F TimeCheck: TimeCheck timeout for IAudioFlinger command 2

TimeCheck 一般伴随着Tombstone

signal 11:段错误,当应用程序试图对无权访问的内存地址进行读写操作时,就会触发这个错误
?? ?例如 1.指针错误 2.内存错误 3.堆栈溢出 4.资源不足

aw882xx_codec_probe: 未注册
1.?? ?检查dai_link配置
?? ?cat sys/kernel/debug/asoc/codecs或sys/kernel/debug/asoc/components
2.?? ?确认声卡是否注册成功
?? ?失败 → 检索ASoC,分析相关报错
?? ?成功 → 确认所修改的dai_link是否有添加到声卡
?? ??? ?确认方式:分析machine_probe函数,确认所修改的dai_link是否有添加到total_links。
如下示例,修改的dai_link为msm_mi2s_be_dai_links,而machine_probe中读取”qcom, mi2s-audio-intf”不为0时才会添加msm_mi2s_be_dai_links。



adb reboot bootloader
fastboot oem qcom-on
fastboot reboot ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ---出高通口


getevent: 检查按键、耳机、触摸等外部事件


getprop 查看属性

adb pull product/etc/build.prop .

[ro.audio.monitorRotation]: [true]
[ro.audio.monitorWindowRotation]: [true]

adb push ?D:\Project\Fogo\build.prop product/etc/

logcat |grep set_parameter:



#define module_platform_driver(__platform_driver) \
?? ?module_driver(__platform_driver, platform_driver_register, platform_driver_unregister)
?? ?
?? ?#define platform_driver_register(drv) \
?? ??? ?__platform_driver_register(drv, THIS_MODULE)
?? ??? ?extern int __platform_driver_register(struct platform_driver *,
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?struct module *);
?? ?extern void platform_driver_unregister(struct platform_driver *);
?? ?
?? ?
?? ?

module_init(fn)?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?----/kernel/msm-5.4/include/linux/module.h
?? ?__initcall(fn)?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?----/kernel/msm-5.4/include/linux/init.h
?? ??? ?device_initcall(fn)?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?----/kernel/msm-5.4/include/linux/init.h
?? ??? ??? ?__define_initcall(fn, 6)?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?----/kernel/msm-5.4/include/linux/init.h
?? ??? ??? ??? ?___define_initcall(fn, id, .initcall##id)?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?----/kernel/msm-5.4/include/linux/init.h
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?static initcall_t __initcall_##fn##id __used \
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?__attribute__((__section__(#__sec ".init"))) = fn;?? ??? ?----/kernel/msm-5.4/include/linux/init.h

?? ??? ??? ??? ?即module_init(aw882xx_i2c_init)展开为:
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?static initcall_t __initcall_aw882xx_i2c_init6 __used __attribute__((__section__(".initcall6.init"))) = aw882xx_i2c_init

?? ??? ??? ??? ?所以这里的意思就是:定义一个名为 __initcall_aw882xx_i2c_init6 的函数指针变量,并初始化为 aw882xx_i2c_init (指向 aw882xx_i2c_init);并且该函数指针变量存放于 .initcall6.init 代码段中。?? ??? ?
?? ??? ??? ??? ?
?? ??? ??? ??? ?函数指针的调用:do_pre_smp_initcalls?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?----/kernel/msm-5.4/init/main.c
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?static void __init do_pre_smp_initcalls(void)
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?{
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?initcall_entry_t *fn;
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?trace_initcall_level("early");
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?for (fn = __initcall_start; fn < __initcall0_start; fn++)
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?do_one_initcall(initcall_from_entry(fn));
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?}

?? ??? ??? ??? ?initcall_t :函数指针类型
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?typedef int (*initcall_t)(void);
?? ??? ??? ??? ?
?? ??? ??? ??? ?__attribute__((__section__("section-name"))): 使用?atttribute? 来声明一个 section 属性,是在程序编译时,将一个函数或变量放到指定的段,即 section 中
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?
音频log tag

? ? audio HAL层:?? ??? ??? ??? ?audio_hw_primary?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?/vendor/qcom/opensource/audio-hal/primary-hal/hal/audio_hw.c
?? ??? ?SoundTrigger HAL: ?? ??? ??? ?soundtrigger?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?/vendor/qcom/opensource/audio-hal/primary-hal/hal/audio_extn/soundtrigger.c
?? ??? ?audio_route?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?audio_route?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?/system/media/audio_route/audio_route.c
?? ??? ?ACDB loader?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?ACDB-LOADER?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?/vendor/qcom/proprietary/mm-audio-cal/audio-acdb-util/acdb-loader/src/acdb-loader.c
?? ?
?? ?
?? ?
?? ?是用于指定 HAL 和其用户之间的接口的一种接口描述语言 (IDL)。HIDL 允许指定类型和方法调用(会汇集到接口和软件包中),目的是为了解耦硬件与上层软件,摆脱传统的HAL需要依赖上层与底层硬件
?? ?
?? ?应用场景主要有 语音助手(VIA) 或者 唤醒词(HOTWORD),识别后会触发相应的events给到上层。它不负责处理后续音频数据,应用层应该通过AudioRecord的方式来读取后续的音频数据



?? ?/kernel/msm-5.4/techpack/audio/
?? ??? ?--->asoc
?? ??? ?--->dsp
?? ??? ?--->ipc
?? ??? ?--->soc
?? ??? ?--->include
?? ??? ??? ?-->asoc
?? ??? ??? ?-->dsp
?? ??? ??? ?-->ipc
?? ??? ??? ?-->soc
?? ??? ?--->config
?? ??? ?
?? ??? ?
?? ??? ?

在线抓取AP log:
?? ?adb root
?? ?adb logcat -c
?? ?adb logcat -v time > xxx/logcat.log
?? ?
?? ?

dts/dtsi 文件解析:

设备树(dt:device tree)是linux内核采用的 参数表示和传递技术,在 系统引导启动阶段 进行设备初始化的时候,将设备树中描述的 硬件信息传递给操作系统

?? ??? ?dts/dtsi源文件 ?----> ? dtc编译器 ? ----> ? dtb二进制文件

dts文件在内核源码中的存放位置: arch/arm/boot/dts
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?vendor/qcom/proprietary/devicetree/qcom/holi.dtsi
[label:] <node-name> [@<unit-address>]{
  [child nodes]
  [child nodes]

[@unit-address]:unit-address是设备地址,如cpu node就是0、1这种,reg node就是0x12010000这种;

static inline int of_property_read_u32(const struct device_node *np,
?? ??? ??? ??? ? ? ? ? const char *propname,
?? ??? ??? ??? ? ? ? ? u32 *out_value)
?? ?return of_property_read_u32_array(np, propname, out_value, 1);
?? ?}

根据 设备节点 device_node 查找字符串

dai_link 的配置

SND_SOC_DAILINK_DEFS 用于定义 compoment,而 SND_SOC_DAILINK_REG 则是引用 compoment

?? ?DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(COMP_CPU("msm-dai-q6-mi2s.0")),
?? ?DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(COMP_CODEC("aw882xx_smartpa_0", "aw882xx-aif-0"),
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?COMP_CODEC("aw882xx_smartpa_1", "aw882xx-aif-1")),
?? ?DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(COMP_PLATFORM("msm-pcm-routing")));

#define DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(param...)?? ?param

#define COMP_CPU(_dai)?? ??? ??? ?{ .dai_name = _dai, }
#define COMP_CODEC(_name, _dai)?? ??? ?{ .name = _name, .dai_name = _dai, }
#define COMP_PLATFORM(_name)?? ??? ?{ .name = _name }

#define SND_SOC_DAILINK_DEFS(name, cpu, codec, platform...)?? ?\
?? ?SND_SOC_DAILINK_DEF(name##_cpus, cpu);?? ??? ??? ?\
?? ?SND_SOC_DAILINK_DEF(name##_codecs, codec);?? ??? ?\
?? ?SND_SOC_DAILINK_DEF(name##_platforms, platform)
?? ?
#define SND_SOC_DAILINK_DEF(name, def...)?? ??? ?\
?? ?static struct snd_soc_dai_link_component name[]?? ?= { def }

struct snd_soc_dai_link_component {
?? ?const char *name;
?? ?struct device_node *of_node;
?? ?const char *dai_name;

?? ?DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(COMP_CPU("msm-dai-q6-mi2s.0")),
?? ?DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(COMP_CODEC("aw882xx_smartpa_0", "aw882xx-aif-0"),
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?COMP_CODEC("aw882xx_smartpa_1", "aw882xx-aif-1")),
?? ?DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(COMP_PLATFORM("msm-pcm-routing")));

?? ?COMP_CPU("msm-dai-q6-mi2s.0"),
?? ?COMP_CODEC("aw882xx_smartpa_0", "aw882xx-aif-0"),
?? ?COMP_CODEC("aw882xx_smartpa_1", "aw882xx-aif-1"),
?? ?COMP_PLATFORM("msm-pcm-routing"));?? ?

?? ?{ .dai_name = "msm-dai-q6-mi2s.0", },
?? ?{ .name = "aw882xx_smartpa_0", .dai_name = "aw882xx-aif-0", },
?? ?{ .name = "aw882xx_smartpa_1", .dai_name = "aw882xx-aif-1", },
?? ?{ .name = "msm-pcm-routing" });

SND_SOC_DAILINK_DEFS(name, cpu, codec, platform...)

?? ?static struct snd_soc_dai_link_component name##_cpus[]?? ?= { cpu };
?? ?static struct snd_soc_dai_link_component name##_codecs[]?? ?= { codec };
?? ?static struct snd_soc_dai_link_component name##_platforms[]?? ?= { platform }

?? ?static struct snd_soc_dai_link_component pri_mi2s_rx_cpus[]?? ?= { .dai_name = "msm-dai-q6-mi2s.0", };
?? ?static struct snd_soc_dai_link_component pri_mi2s_rx_codecs[] = { .name = "aw882xx_smartpa_0", .dai_name = "aw882xx-aif-0", };
?? ?static struct snd_soc_dai_link_component pri_mi2s_rx_codecs[] = { .name = "aw882xx_smartpa_1", .dai_name = "aw882xx-aif-1", };
?? ?static struct snd_soc_dai_link_component pri_mi2s_rx_platforms[] = { .name = "msm-pcm-routing" };


#define SND_SOC_DAILINK_REG1(name)?? ??? ?SND_SOC_DAILINK_REG3(name##_cpus, name##_codecs, name##_platforms)
#define SND_SOC_DAILINK_REG2(cpu, codec)?? ?SND_SOC_DAILINK_REG3(cpu, codec, null_dailink_component)
#define SND_SOC_DAILINK_REG3(cpu, codec, platform)?? ?\
?? ?.cpus?? ??? ?= cpu,?? ??? ??? ??? ?\
?? ?.num_cpus?? ?= ARRAY_SIZE(cpu),?? ??? ?\
?? ?.codecs?? ??? ?= codec,?? ??? ??? ?\
?? ?.num_codecs?? ?= ARRAY_SIZE(codec),?? ??? ?\
?? ?.platforms?? ?= platform,?? ??? ??? ?\
?? ?.num_platforms?? ?= ARRAY_SIZE(platform)

#define SND_SOC_DAILINK_REGx(_1, _2, _3, func, ...) func
#define SND_SOC_DAILINK_REG(...) \
?? ?SND_SOC_DAILINK_REGx(__VA_ARGS__,?? ??? ?\
?? ??? ??? ?SND_SOC_DAILINK_REG3,?? ?\
?? ??? ??? ?SND_SOC_DAILINK_REG2,?? ?\
?? ??? ??? ?SND_SOC_DAILINK_REG1)(__VA_ARGS__)
?? ??? ??? ?
?? ??? ??? ?

?__VA_ARGS__ 的用法:


#include <stdio.h>

#define LOG1(...) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? printf(__VA_ARGS__)?? ??? ??? ?//...表示可变参数,__VA_ARGS__就是将...的值复制到这里
int main(int argc, char** argv)
? ? char *str = "test __VA_ARGS__";
? ? int num = 10086;
? ? LOG1("this is test __VA_ARGS__\r\n");
? ? LOG1("this is test __VA_ARGS__:%s, %d\r\n", str, num);

? ? return 0;


this is test __VA_ARGS__
this is test __VA_ARGS__:test __VA_ARGS__, 10086


SND_SOC_DAILINK_DEFS(pri_mi2s_rx,?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ?DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(COMP_CPU("msm-dai-q6-mi2s.0")),?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ?DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(COMP_CODEC("aw882xx_smartpa_0", "aw882xx-aif-0"),?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?COMP_CODEC("aw882xx_smartpa_1", "aw882xx-aif-1")),?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ?DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(COMP_PLATFORM("msm-pcm-routing")));?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
展开为:?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
static struct snd_soc_dai_link_component pri_mi2s_rx_cpus[]?? ?= { .dai_name = "msm-dai-q6-mi2s.0", };?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
static struct snd_soc_dai_link_component pri_mi2s_rx_codecs[] = { .name = "aw882xx_smartpa_0", .dai_name = "aw882xx-aif-0", };?? ??? ??? ?|
static struct snd_soc_dai_link_component pri_mi2s_rx_codecs[] = { .name = "aw882xx_smartpa_1", .dai_name = "aw882xx-aif-1", };?? ??? ??? ?|
static struct snd_soc_dai_link_component pri_mi2s_rx_platforms[] = { .name = "msm-pcm-routing" };?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
SND_SOC_DAILINK_REG(pri_mi2s_rx);?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?//在 kernel/msm-5.4/techpack/audio/asoc/holi.c 中有引用?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?struct snd_soc_dai_link msm_mi2s_be_dai_links[]?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
传入一个参数时,展开为:?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ?.cpus?? ??? ?= pri_mi2s_rx_cpus,?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ?.num_cpus?? ?= ARRAY_SIZE(pri_mi2s_rx_cpus),?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ?.codecs?? ??? ?= pri_mi2s_rx_codecs,?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ?.num_codecs?? ?= ARRAY_SIZE(pri_mi2s_rx_codecs),?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ?.platforms?? ?= pri_mi2s_rx_platforms,?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|
?? ?.num_platforms?? ?= ARRAY_SIZE(pri_mi2s_rx_platforms)?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?|

struct snd_soc_dai_link {
? ?? ?/* config - must be set by machine driver */
? ?? ?const char *name;?? ??? ??? ?/* Codec name */
? ?? ?const char *stream_name;?? ??? ?/* Stream name */
? ?? ?/*
? ?? ? * You MAY specify the link's CPU-side device, either by device name,
? ?? ? * or by DT/OF node, but not both. If this information is omitted,
? ?? ? * the CPU-side DAI is matched using .cpu_dai_name only, which hence
? ?? ? * must be globally unique. These fields are currently typically used
? ?? ? * only for codec to codec links, or systems using device tree.
? ?? ? */
? ?? ?/*
? ?? ? * You MAY specify the DAI name of the CPU DAI. If this information is
? ?? ? * omitted, the CPU-side DAI is matched using .cpu_name/.cpu_of_node
? ?? ? * only, which only works well when that device exposes a single DAI.
? ?? ? */
? ?? ?struct snd_soc_dai_link_component *cpus;
? ?? ?unsigned int num_cpus;
? ?? ?/*
? ?? ? * You MUST specify the link's codec, either by device name, or by
? ?? ? * DT/OF node, but not both.
? ?? ? */
? ?? ?/* You MUST specify the DAI name within the codec */
? ?? ?struct snd_soc_dai_link_component *codecs;
? ?? ?unsigned int num_codecs;
? ?? ?/*
? ?? ? * You MAY specify the link's platform/PCM/DMA driver, either by
? ?? ? * device name, or by DT/OF node, but not both. Some forms of link
? ?? ? * do not need a platform. In such case, platforms are not mandatory.
? ?? ? */
? ?? ?struct snd_soc_dai_link_component *platforms;
? ?? ?unsigned int num_platforms;
? ?? ?int id;?? ?/* optional ID for machine driver link identification */
? ?? ?const struct snd_soc_pcm_stream *params;
? ?? ?unsigned int num_params;
? ?? ?unsigned int dai_fmt; ? ? ? ? ? /* format to set on init */
? ?? ?enum snd_soc_dpcm_trigger trigger[2]; /* trigger type for DPCM */
? ?? ?/* codec/machine specific init - e.g. add machine controls */
? ?? ?int (*init)(struct snd_soc_pcm_runtime *rtd);
? ?? ?/* optional hw_params re-writing for BE and FE sync */
? ?? ?int (*be_hw_params_fixup)(struct snd_soc_pcm_runtime *rtd,
? ?? ??? ??? ?struct snd_pcm_hw_params *params);
? ?? ?/* machine stream operations */
? ?? ?const struct snd_soc_ops *ops;
? ?? ?const struct snd_soc_compr_ops *compr_ops;
? ?? ?/* Mark this pcm with non atomic ops */
? ?? ?bool nonatomic;
? ?? ?/* For unidirectional dai links */
? ?? ?unsigned int playback_only:1;
? ?? ?unsigned int capture_only:1;
? ?? ?/* Keep DAI active over suspend */
? ?? ?unsigned int ignore_suspend:1;
? ?? ?/* Symmetry requirements */
? ?? ?unsigned int symmetric_rates:1;
? ?? ?unsigned int symmetric_channels:1;
? ?? ?unsigned int symmetric_samplebits:1;
? ?? ?/* Do not create a PCM for this DAI link (Backend link) */
? ?? ?unsigned int no_pcm:1;
? ?? ?/* This DAI link can route to other DAI links at runtime (Frontend)*/
? ?? ?unsigned int dynamic:1;
? ?? ?/* This DAI link can be reconfigured at runtime (Backend) */
? ?? ?unsigned int dynamic_be:1;
? #endif
? ?? ?/*
? ?? ? * This DAI can support no host IO (no pcm data is
? ?? ? * copied to from host)
? ?? ? */
? ?? ?unsigned int no_host_mode:2;
? ?? ?/* DPCM capture and Playback support */
? ?? ?unsigned int dpcm_capture:1;
? ?? ?unsigned int dpcm_playback:1;
? ?? ?/* DPCM used FE & BE merged format */
? ?? ?unsigned int dpcm_merged_format:1;
? ?? ?/* DPCM used FE & BE merged channel */
? ?? ?unsigned int dpcm_merged_chan:1;
? ?? ?/* DPCM used FE & BE merged rate */
? ?? ?unsigned int dpcm_merged_rate:1;
? ?? ?/* pmdown_time is ignored at stop */
? ?? ?unsigned int ignore_pmdown_time:1;
? ?? ?/* Do not create a PCM for this DAI link (Backend link) */
? ?? ?unsigned int ignore:1;
? ?? ?struct list_head list; /* DAI link list of the soc card */
? ?? ?struct snd_soc_dobj dobj; /* For topology */
? ?? ?/* this value determines what all ops can be started asynchronously */
? ?? ?enum snd_soc_async_ops async_ops;
? #endif
? };


1. 查找节点函数 of_find_node_by_path
?? ??? ?inline struct device_node *of_find_node_by_path(const char *path)
?? ??? ?path:带有全路径(/sys/firmware/devicetree/base)路径下的节点名,可以使用节点的别名
?? ??? ?返回值: 找到的节点,如果为 NULL 表示查找失败
?? ?如:struct device_node *of_aliases = of_find_node_by_path("/aliases");

2. 提取属性值函数 of_find_property
?? ??? ?property *of_find_property(const struct device_node *np,const char *name,int *lenp)查找指定属性
?? ??? ?np:设备节点;name: 属性名字;lenp:属性值的字节数
?? ??? ?返回值: 找到的属性
?? ?如:if (of_find_property(dev->of_node, "qcom,cdc-micbias4-mv", NULL))?
?? ??? ??? ?qcom,cdc-micbias4-mv = <1800>;

?? ??? ?
3. 读取字符串属性函数 of_property_read_string
?? ??? ?int of_property_read_string(struct device_node ?*np,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?const char ?*propname,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? const char ?**out_string)
?? ??? ?np:设备节点; proname:要读取的属性名字;out_string:读取到的字符串值
?? ??? ?返回值: 0,读取成功,负值,读取失败
?? ?如:ret = of_property_read_string(np, "aw-cali-mode", &cali_mode_str);
?? ??? ?aw-cali-mode = "aw_attr";
?? ??? ?
4. of_property_read_u32/u16/u8/u64 :用于读取只有一个整形值的属性

5. of_property_count_elems_of_size : 用于获取属性中元素的数量
?? ??? ?rc = of_property_count_elems_of_size(node, "qcom,soc", sizeof(int));

6. of_property_read_u32/u16/u8/u64_array :读取属性中 u32/u16/u8/u64 类型的数组数据

Linux 内核使用 device_node 结构体来描述一个节点:
?? ??? ? struct device_node {
?? ??? ??? ?const char *name;
?? ??? ??? ?phandle phandle;
?? ??? ??? ?const char *full_name;
?? ??? ??? ?struct fwnode_handle fwnode;
?? ??? ?
?? ??? ??? ?struct?? ?property *properties;
?? ??? ??? ?struct?? ?property *deadprops;?? ?/* removed properties */
?? ??? ??? ?struct?? ?device_node *parent;
?? ??? ??? ?struct?? ?device_node *child;
?? ??? ??? ?struct?? ?device_node *sibling;
?? ??? ?#if defined(CONFIG_OF_KOBJ)
?? ??? ??? ?struct?? ?kobject kobj;
?? ??? ?#endif
?? ??? ??? ?unsigned long _flags;
?? ??? ??? ?void?? ?*data;
?? ??? ?#if defined(CONFIG_SPARC)
?? ??? ??? ?unsigned int unique_id;
?? ??? ??? ?struct of_irq_controller *irq_trans;
?? ??? ?#endif
?? ??? ?};
?? ??? ?
?? ??? ?
内核中使用结构体 property 表示属性:
?? ??? ?struct property {
?? ??? ??? ?char?? ?*name;
?? ??? ??? ?int?? ?length;
?? ??? ??? ?void?? ?*value;
?? ??? ??? ?struct property *next;
?? ??? ?#if defined(CONFIG_OF_DYNAMIC) || defined(CONFIG_SPARC)
?? ??? ??? ?unsigned long _flags;
?? ??? ?#endif
?? ??? ?#if defined(CONFIG_OF_PROMTREE)
?? ??? ??? ?unsigned int unique_id;
?? ??? ?#endif
?? ??? ?#if defined(CONFIG_OF_KOBJ)
?? ??? ??? ?struct bin_attribute attr;
?? ??? ?#endif
?? ??? ?};
?? ??? ?
?? ??? ?#if defined(CONFIG_SPARC)
?? ??? ?struct of_irq_controller;
?? ??? ?#endif?? ??? ?

audio_policy.conf 或者 (7.0版本以上)/vendor/etc/audio_policy_configuration.xml
adb shell dumpsys media.audio_policy


打印在 AudioTrack 或者 AudioFlinger

/* the audio output flags serve two purposes:
?* - when an AudioTrack is created they indicate a "wish" to be connected to an
?* output stream with attributes corresponding to the specified flags
?* - when present in an output profile descriptor listed for a particular audio
?* hardware module, they indicate that an output stream can be opened that
?* supports the attributes indicated by the flags.
?* the audio policy manager will try to match the flags in the request
?* (when getOuput() is called) to an available output stream.
typedef enum {
? ? AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE = 0x0, ? ? ? ?? ??? ?// no attributes
? ? AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT = 0x1, ? ? ?? ??? ?// this output directly connects a track to one output stream: no software mixer
? ? AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_PRIMARY = 0x2, ? ??? ??? ?// this output is the primary output of the device. It is unique and must be present.?
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?// It is opened by default and receives routing, audio mode and volume controls related to voice calls.
? ? AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST = 0x4, ? ? ? ?? ??? ?// output supports "fast tracks", defined elsewhere
? ? AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DEEP_BUFFER = 0x8,?? ??? ?// use deep audio buffers
? ? AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_COMPRESS_OFFLOAD = 0x10, ?// offload playback of compressed streams to hardware codec
? ? AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NON_BLOCKING = 0x20, ?? ??? ?// use non-blocking write
? ? AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_HW_AV_SYNC = 0x40 ?? ??? ?// output uses a hardware A/V synchronization source
} audio_output_flags_t;

?? ?·····

#define AUDIO_DEFINE_ENUM_SYMBOL_V(symbol, value) symbol = value,

typedef enum {
?? ?} audio_output_flags_t;
typedef enum {
?? ?AUDIO_DEFINE_ENUM_SYMBOL_V(AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT, 0x1) \ ? ? ?// 效果同上,也不知道为啥要写这么复杂
?? ?·····
?? ?} audio_output_flags_t;
?? ?

音频焦点(audio focus)

为了避免多个应用在同时请求音频播放的时候发生冲突,Android 平台使用了 音频焦点 这一概念来 协调音频播放?
?? ??? ?——-- 即只有获得音频焦点的应用才可以播放音频
?? ??? ?

?? ?OnAudioFocusChangeListener 音频焦点监听器
?? ?focusChange 主要参数
?? ??? ?1、AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN:你已经获得音频焦点;
?? ??? ?2、AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT:用于指示短暂请求音频焦点,例如系统通知
?? ??? ?3、AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT_MAY_DUCK:用于指示短暂请求音频焦点,同时允许其他声音降低音量播放
?? ??? ?4、AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT_EXCLUSIVE:独家,排他性,暂停所有媒体申请,不应答抢占要求?
?? ??? ?5、AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS:将失去音频焦点,持续时间未知,必须终止所有的音频播放。
?? ??? ?6、AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT:临时失去了音频焦点,但是在不久就会再返回来。须暂停所有的音频播放,但保留播放资源。
?? ??? ?7、AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCK:临时失去了音频焦点,但允许安静的播放音频(低音量),而不是完全的终止音频播放。
?? ??? ?
?? ??? ?

Linux内核中链表的完整构建包括 虚节点 和 宿主结构体 两个部分。虚节点里只存放用于和其他链表沟通串联的前趋后继指针 prev 和 next,宿主结构体里存放实际的数据;

struct audio_device_info {

?? ?//虚节点,作为宿主结构体的成员存在;
? ? struct listnode list;
?? ?
?? ?//用于实际数据存储的其他成员
? ? audio_devices_t type;

//Linux里链表结构体只定义了指针段的 前驱指针 prev 和 后继指针 next,没有数据段,只做为链表串联时的对接机构,不存储实际数据,称为 ?虚节点
struct listnode {
? ? struct listnode *next;
? ? struct listnode *prev;

根据 虚节点找到宿主结构体 从而访问其内的数据,方法:node_to_item
node_to_item(node, struct action, alist)替换为 (struct action *) (((char*) (node)) - offsetof(struct action, alist))
offsetof求得的是alist在action中的偏移量,(char*) (node)减去offsetof求得的是node对应的Action地址(node减去自己在Action中的偏移量,即为node所在的Action首地址)

#define node_to_item(node, struct audio_device_info, list) \
?? ?(struct audio_device_info *) (((char*) (node)) - offsetof(struct audio_device_info, list))
offsetof:能够求出 指定成员 相对于 结构体起始地址 的偏移量(单位:字节byte)

#define list_for_each(item, list) \
?? ?for (item = (list)->next; item != list; item = item->next)
for (node = (devices)->next; node != devices; node = node->next){
? ? item = node_to_item(node, struct audio_device_info, list);
? ? if (item != NULL)
? ? ? ? device_type |= item->type;


audio_devices_t get_device_types(struct listnode *devices)
? ? struct listnode *node;?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?//?? ?虚节点
? ? struct audio_device_info *item = NULL;?? ??? ??? ?//?? ?宿主结构体
? ? audio_devices_t device_type = AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE;

? ? if (devices == NULL)
? ? ? ? return AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE;

? ? list_for_each (node, devices) {
? ? ? ? item = node_to_item(node, struct audio_device_info, list);
? ? ? ? if (item != NULL)
? ? ? ? ? ? device_type |= item->type;
? ? }
? ? return device_type;

struct snd_kcontrol_new {
?? ?snd_ctl_elem_iface_t iface;?? ?/* interface identifier */
?? ?unsigned int device;?? ??? ?/* device/client number */
?? ?unsigned int subdevice;?? ??? ?/* subdevice (substream) number */
?? ?const unsigned char *name;?? ?/* ASCII name of item */
?? ?unsigned int index;?? ??? ?/* index of item */
?? ?unsigned int access;?? ??? ?/* access rights */
?? ?unsigned int count;?? ??? ?/* count of same elements */
?? ?snd_kcontrol_info_t *info;
?? ?snd_kcontrol_get_t *get;
?? ?snd_kcontrol_put_t *put;
?? ?union {
?? ??? ?snd_kcontrol_tlv_rw_t *c;
?? ??? ?const unsigned int *p;
?? ?} tlv;
?? ?unsigned long private_value;

/* enumerated kcontrol */
struct soc_enum {
?? ?int reg;
?? ?unsigned char shift_l;
?? ?unsigned char shift_r;
?? ?unsigned int items;
?? ?unsigned int mask;
?? ?const char * const *texts;
?? ?const unsigned int *values;
?? ?unsigned int autodisable:1;
?? ?struct snd_soc_dobj dobj;

#define SOC_ENUM_EXT(xname, xenum, xhandler_get, xhandler_put) \
{ ? .iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = xname, \
? ? .info = snd_soc_info_enum_ext, \
? ? .get = xhandler_get, .put = xhandler_put, \
? ? .private_value = (unsigned long)&xenum }
?? ?
#define SOC_ENUM_SINGLE_EXT(xitems, xtexts) \
{?? ?.items = xitems, .texts = xtexts }
