
2024-01-03 12:36:02
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications16.4计算机科学1区Top通信顶刊
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing5.4工程技术2区Top信号处理顶刊
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory2.5计算机科学3区信息论顶刊
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics12.3计算机科学1区Top工业工程顶刊
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security6.8计算机科学1区Top信息安全顶刊
IEEE Internet of Things Journal10.6计算机科学1区Top
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications10.4计算机科学1区Top
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems10.4计算机科学1区Top
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques4.3工程技术1区Top
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking8.6计算机科学1区2015年创刊
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing7.5工程技术1区
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics5.7工程技术1区
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting4.5计算机科学1区
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing7.9计算机科学2区TopCCF A
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing7.3计算机科学2区CCF A
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems5.3计算机科学2区TopCCF A
IEEE Transactions on Communications8.3计算机科学2区Top
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology6.8计算机科学2区Top
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems4.4计算机科学2区Top
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement5.6工程技术2区Top
Digital Communications and Networks7.9计算机科学2区
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering6.6计算机科学2区
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing6.5计算机科学2区
IEEE Transactions on Reliability5.9计算机科学2区
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management5.3计算机科学2区
IEEE Sensors Journal4.3综合性期刊2区
China Communications4.1计算机科学3区
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking3.7计算机科学3区
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks3.2计算机科学3区
