
2023-12-23 19:14:19

1. 源由





2. 编译过程

2.1 代码同步

$ ./Tools/gittools/


2.2 编译bootloader

$ ./Tools/scripts/ Aocoda-RC-H743Dual


  1. Add Aocoda-RC-H743Dual target board configuration #25396
  2. Add Aocoda-RC H743Dual board #5592
  3. AP_Bootloader: Fix AIRVOLUTE format issue #25401
  4. AP_Bootloader: Reserve Aocoda-RC board IDs and apply for H743DUAL/F405V3 #25402

2.3 配置单板

$ ./waf configure --board Aocoda-RC-H743Dual

2.4 固件编译、链接

$ ./waf plane

3. 编译bootloader

3.1 命令帮助

./Tools/scripts/ -h
usage: [-h] [--signing-key SIGNING_KEY] [--debug]


positional arguments:
  pattern               board wildcard pattern

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --signing-key SIGNING_KEY
                        signing key for secure bootloader
  --debug               build with debug symbols
  --periph-only         only build AP_Periph boards

3.2 python脚本


  • read_hwdef
  • is_ap_periph
  • get_board_list
  • run_program
  • build_board
 └──> ./Tools/scripts/signing/

3.3 脚本分析


  • ./waf configure --board Aocoda-RC-H743Dual --bootloader --no-submodule-update --Werror
  • ./waf clean
  • ./waf bootloader
 ├──> <secure bootloader check>
 │   └──> [prevent the easy mistake of using private key] return
 ├──> <for board in get_board_list()>
 │   └──> <board match>
 │       ├──> build_board
 │       │   ├──> run_program(["./waf", "configure"] + configure_args): fail return false;
 │       │   ├──> run_program(["./waf", "clean"]): fail return false;
 │       │   └──> run_program(["./waf", "bootloader"]): fail return false;
 │       ├──> <failed build>
 │       │   ├──> add to fail log
 │       │   └──> continue
 │       ├──> [Create bootloader bin file]
 │       ├──> [Create bootloader elf file]
 │       ├──> [Create bootloader hex file]
 │       └──> <secure bootloader>
 │           ├──> [Create bootloader secure bin file]
 │           └──> [Create bootloader secure elf file]
 └──> [Failed boards summary]

4. waf脚本

4.1 命令帮助

  • [Ardupilot] waf-light帮助
$ ./waf-light --help
waf [commands] [options]

Main commands (example: ./waf build -j4)
  AP_Periph     : builds AP_Periph programs
  all           : builds all programs of all group
  antennatracker: builds antennatracker programs
  benchmarks    : builds all programs of benchmarks group
  bin           : builds all programs of bin group
  blimp         : builds blimp programs
  bootloader    : builds bootloader programs
  build         : executes the build
  check         : builds all programs and run tests
  check-all     : shortcut for `waf check --alltests`
  clean         : cleans the project
  conf          :
        Decorator: attach new configuration functions to :py:class:`waflib.Build.BuildContext` and
        :py:class:`waflib.Configure.ConfigurationContext`. The methods bound will accept a parameter
        named 'mandatory' to disable the configuration errors::

                def configure(conf):
                        conf.find_program('abc', mandatory=False)

        :param f: method to bind
        :type f: function

  configure     : configures the project
  copter        : builds copter programs
  dist          : makes a tarball for redistributing the sources
  distcheck     : checks if the project compiles (tarball from 'dist')
  distclean     : removes build folders and data
  examples      : builds all programs of examples group
  heli          : builds heli programs
  install       : installs the targets on the system
  iofirmware    : builds iofirmware programs
  list          : lists the targets to execute
  localinstall  : runs install using BLD/install as destdir, where BLD is the build variant directory
  plane         : builds plane programs
  replay        : builds replay programs
  rover         : builds rover programs
  rsync         : runs localinstall and then rsyncs BLD/install with the target system
  step          : executes tasks in a step-by-step fashion, for debugging
  sub           : builds sub programs
  tests         : builds all programs of tests group
  tool          : builds all programs of tool group
  uninstall     : removes the targets installed

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -c COLORS, --color=COLORS
                        whether to use colors (yes/no/auto) [default: auto]
  -j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS  amount of parallel jobs (2)
  -k, --keep            continue despite errors (-kk to try harder)
  -v, --verbose         verbosity level -v -vv or -vvv [default: 0]
  --zones=ZONES         debugging zones (task_gen, deps, tasks, etc)
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --notests             Exec no unit tests
  --alltests            Exec all unit tests
  --clear-failed        Force failed unit tests to run again next time
  --testcmd=TESTCMD     Run the unit tests using the test-cmd string example "--testcmd="valgrind --error-exitcode=1 %s" to run under valgrind
  --dump-test-scripts   Create python scripts to help debug tests

  Configuration options:
    -o OUT, --out=OUT   build dir for the project
    -t TOP, --top=TOP   src dir for the project
                        list of C++ compilers to try [g++ clang++ icpc]
                        list of C compilers to try [gcc clang icc]

  Build and installation options:
    -p, --progress      -p: progress bar; -pp: ide output
    --targets=TARGETS   task generators, e.g. "target1,target2"

  Step options:
    --files=FILES       files to process, by regexp, e.g. "*/main.c,*/test/main.o"

  Installation and uninstallation options:
    -f, --force         force file installation
                        arguments to pass to distcheck

  Python Options:
    --nopyc             Do not install bytecode compiled .pyc files (configuration) [Default:install]
    --nopyo             Do not install optimised compiled .pyo files (configuration) [Default:install]
    --nopycache         Do not use __pycache__ directory to install objects [Default:auto]
    --python=PYTHON     python binary to be used [Default: /usr/bin/python3]
                        Installation path for python modules (py, platform-independent .py and .pyc files)
                        Installation path for python extension (pyext, platform-dependent .so or .dylib files)

  Ardupilot configure options:
    --board=BOARD       Target board to build, choices are ACNS-CM4Pilot, ACNS-F405AIO, aero, AeroFox-Airspeed, AeroFox-Airspeed-DLVR, AeroFox-GNSS_F9P, AeroFox-PMU,
                        airbotf4, AIRLink, Airvolute-DCS2, Aocoda-RC-H743Dual, AR-F407SmartBat, ARK_CANNODE, ARK_GPS, ARK_RTK_GPS, ARKV6X, AtomRCF405NAVI, bbbmini,
                        BeastF7, BeastF7v2, BeastH7, BeastH7v2, bebop, BETAFPV-F405, bhat, BirdCANdy, BlitzF745AIO, blue, C-RTK2-HP, canzero, CarbonixF405,
                        CarbonixL496, crazyflie2, CUAV-Nora, CUAV-Nora-bdshot, CUAV-X7, CUAV-X7-bdshot, CUAV_GPS, CUAVv5, CUAVv5-bdshot, CUAVv5Nano, CUAVv5Nano-bdshot,
                        CubeBlack, CubeBlack+, CubeBlack-periph, CubeGreen-solo, CubeOrange, CubeOrange-bdshot, CubeOrange-joey, CubeOrange-ODID, CubeOrange-periph,
                        CubeOrange-periph-heavy, CubeOrange-SimOnHardWare, CubeOrangePlus, CubeOrangePlus-bdshot, CubeOrangePlus-SimOnHardWare, CubePilot-CANMod,
                        CubePurple, CubeRedPrimary, CubeRedSecondary, CubeSolo, CubeYellow, CubeYellow-bdshot, dark, DevEBoxH7v2, disco, DrotekP3Pro, Durandal,
                        Durandal-bdshot, edge, erleboard, erlebrain2, esp32buzz, esp32diy, esp32empty, esp32icarus, esp32nick, esp32s3devkit, esp32tomte76, f103-ADSB,
                        f103-Airspeed, f103-GPS, f103-HWESC, f103-QiotekPeriph, f103-RangeFinder, f103-Trigger, f303-GPS, f303-HWESC, f303-M10025, f303-M10070,
                        f303-MatekGPS, f303-PWM, f303-TempSensor, f303-Universal, F35Lightning, f405-MatekAirspeed, f405-MatekGPS, F4BY, FlyingMoonF407, FlyingMoonF427,
                        FlyingMoonH743, FlywooF405Pro, FlywooF405S-AIO, FlywooF745, FlywooF745Nano, fmuv2, fmuv3, fmuv3-bdshot, fmuv5, FoxeerH743v1, FreeflyRTK, G4-ESC,
                        H743_BMI270x2_v30, H757I_EVAL, H757I_EVAL_intf, HEEWING-F405, HEEWING-F405v2, Here4AP, HerePro, Hitec-Airspeed, HitecMosaic, HolybroG4_Compass,
                        HolybroG4_GPS, HolybroGPS, iomcu, iomcu-dshot, iomcu-f103, iomcu-f103-dshot, iomcu_f103_8MHz, JFB100, JFB110, JHEMCU-GSF405A, JHEMCU-
                        GSF405A-RX2, KakuteF4, KakuteF4Mini, KakuteF7, KakuteF7-bdshot, KakuteF7Mini, KakuteH7, KakuteH7-bdshot, KakuteH7-Wing, KakuteH7Mini,
                        KakuteH7Mini-Nand, KakuteH7v2, kha_eth, linux, luminousbee4, luminousbee5, MambaF405-2022, MambaF405US-I2C, MambaF405v2, MambaH743v4, MatekF405,
                        MatekF405-bdshot, MatekF405-CAN, MatekF405-STD, MatekF405-TE, MatekF405-TE-bdshot, MatekF405-Wing, MatekF405-Wing-bdshot, MatekF765-SE,
                        MatekF765-Wing, MatekF765-Wing-bdshot, MatekH743, MatekH743-bdshot, MatekH743-periph, MatekL431-ADSB, MatekL431-Airspeed, MatekL431-BattMon,
                        MatekL431-bdshot, MatekL431-DShot, MatekL431-EFI, MatekL431-GPS, MatekL431-HWTelem, MatekL431-Periph, MatekL431-Proximity,
                        MatekL431-Rangefinder, MatekL431-RC, MazzyStarDrone, mindpx-v2, mini-pix, modalai_fc-v1, mRo-M10095, mRoCANPWM-M10126, mRoControlZeroClassic,
                        mRoControlZeroF7, mRoControlZeroH7, mRoControlZeroH7-bdshot, mRoControlZeroOEMH7, mRoCZeroOEMH7-bdshot, mRoNexus, mRoPixracerPro,
                        mRoPixracerPro-bdshot, mRoX21, mRoX21-777, navigator, navio, navio2, Nucleo-G491, Nucleo-L476, Nucleo-L496, NucleoH743, NucleoH755, obal,
                        ocpoc_zynq, omnibusf4, omnibusf4pro, omnibusf4pro-bdshot, omnibusf4pro-one, omnibusf4v6, OMNIBUSF7V2, OmnibusNanoV6, OmnibusNanoV6-bdshot,
                        PH4-mini, PH4-mini-bdshot, Pix32v5, PixC4-Jetson, PixFlamingo, Pixhawk1, Pixhawk1-1M, Pixhawk1-1M-bdshot, Pixhawk1-bdshot, Pixhawk4,
                        Pixhawk4-bdshot, Pixhawk5X, Pixhawk6C, Pixhawk6C-bdshot, Pixhawk6X, Pixhawk6X-bdshot, Pixhawk6X-ODID, PixPilot-C3, PixPilot-V3, PixPilot-V6,
                        Pixracer, Pixracer-bdshot, Pixracer-periph, PixSurveyA1, PixSurveyA1-IND, PixSurveyA2, pocket, pxf, pxfmini, QioTekAdeptF407, QioTekZealotF427,
                        QioTekZealotH743, QioTekZealotH743-bdshot, R9Pilot, RADIX2HD, ReaperF745, revo-mini, revo-mini-bdshot, revo-mini-i2c, revo-mini-i2c-bdshot,
                        revo-mini-sd, rFCU, rGNSS, rst_zynq, SDMODELH7V1, Sierra-F405, Sierra-F412, Sierra-F9P, Sierra-L431, Sierra-PrecisionPoint, Sierra-TrueNavPro,
                        Sierra-TrueNorth, Sierra-TrueSpeed, sitl, SITL_arm_linux_gnueabihf, sitl_periph_gps, SITL_static, SITL_x86_64_linux_gnu, SIYI_N7, SkystarsH7HD,
                        SkystarsH7HD-bdshot, skyviper-f412-rev1, skyviper-journey, skyviper-v2450, sparky2, speedybeef4, SpeedyBeeF405Mini, SpeedyBeeF405WING,
                        speedybeef4v3, speedybeef4v4, SPRacingH7, SPRacingH7RF, SuccexF4, sw-nav-f405, sw-spar-f407, Swan-K1, TBS-Colibri-F7, thepeach-k1, thepeach-r1,
                        TMotorH743, vnav, VRBrain-v51, VRBrain-v52, VRBrain-v54, VRCore-v10, VRUBrain-v51, YJUAV_A6, YJUAV_A6SE, YJUAV_A6SE_H743, ZubaxGNSS, zynq.
    --debug             Configure as debug variant.
    -g, --debug-symbols
                        Add debug symbolds to build.
    --disable-watchdog  Build with watchdog disabled.
    --coverage          Configure coverage flags.
    --Werror            build with -Werror.
    --disable-Werror    Disable -Werror.
                        Override default toolchain used for the board. Use "native" for using the host toolchain.
    --disable-gccdeps   Disable the use of GCC dependencies output method and use waf default method.
    --enable-asserts    enable OS level asserts.
    --save-temps        save compiler temporary files.
                        enable malloc guard regions.
    --enable-stats      enable OS level thread statistics.
    --bootloader        Configure for building a bootloader.
    --signed-fw         Configure for signed firmware support.
                        path to private key for signing firmware.
    --no-autoconfig     Disable autoconfiguration feature. By default, the build system triggers a reconfiguration whenever it thinks it's necessary - this option
                        disables that.
                        Don't update git submodules. Useful for building with submodules at specific revisions.
                        Enable checking of headers
                        set default parameters to embed in the firmware
                        Enable checking of math indexes
                        Disable onboard scripting engine
    --enable-scripting  Enable onboard scripting engine
    --no-gcs            Disable GCS code
    --scripting-checks  Enable runtime scripting sanity checks
    --enable-onvif      Enables and sets up ONVIF camera control
    --scripting-docs    enable generation of scripting documentation
                        Enables OpenDroneID
                        Enables firmware ID checking on boot
                        Enables custom controller
                        Enables GPS logging
    --enable-dds        Enable the dds client to connect with ROS2/DDS.
                        Disable the networking API code
                        Enable the networking test code. Automatically enables networking.
                        Enables DroneCAN tests in sitl

  Linux boards configure options:
    --prefix=PREFIX     installation prefix [default: '/usr/']
    --destdir=DESTDIR   installation root [default: '']
    --bindir=BINDIR     bindir
    --libdir=LIBDIR     libdir
                        Where to save data like parameters, log and terrain. This is the --localstatedir + ArduPilots subdirectory [default: board-dependent, usually
                        Destination for the rsync Waf command. It can be passed during configuration in order to save typing.
                        Enable benchmarks.
    --enable-lttng      Enable lttng integration
    --disable-libiio    Don't use libiio even if supported by board and dependencies available
    --disable-tests     Disable compilation and test execution
    --enable-sfml       Enable SFML graphics library
                        Enable SFML joystick input library
                        Enable SFML audio library
    --osd               Enable OSD support
    --osd-fonts         Enable OSD support with fonts
    --sitl-osd          Enable SITL OSD
    --sitl-rgbled       Enable SITL RGBLed
    --force-32bit       Force 32bit build
    --build-dates       Include build date in binaries.  Appears in AUTOPILOT_VERSION.os_sw_version
                        Use flash storage emulation.
    --enable-ekf2       Configure with EKF2.
    --disable-ekf3      Configure without EKF3.
    --ekf-double        Configure EKF as double precision.
    --ekf-single        Configure EKF as single precision.
    --static            Force a static build
    --postype-single    force single precision postype_t
                        force consistent build outputs for things like __LINE__
                        Extra hwdef.dat file for custom build.
                        fail configure if not using the specified gcc version
                        number of auxiliary IMUs
                        zero time on boot in microseconds

  Ardupilot build options:
                        Select all programs that go in <PROGRAM_GROUP>/ for the build. Example: `waf --program-group examples` builds all examples. The special group
                        "all" selects all programs.
    --upload            Upload applicable targets to a connected device. Not all platforms may support this. Example: `waf copter --upload` means "build arducopter and
                        upload it to my board".
                        Specify the port to be used with the --upload option. For example a port of /dev/ttyS10 indicates that serial port 10 shuld be used.
    --upload-force      Override board type check and continue loading. Same as using --force.
    --summary-all       Print build summary for all targets. By default, only information about the first 20 targets will be printed.

  Ardupilot check options:
    --check-verbose     Output all test programs.
    --define=DEFINE     Add C++ define to build.

  Ardupilot clean options:
    --clean-all-sigs    Clean signatures for all tasks. By default, tasks that scan for implicit dependencies (like the compilation tasks) keep the dependency
                        information across clean commands, so that that information is changed only when really necessary. Also, some tasks that don't really produce
                        files persist their signature. This option avoids that behavior when cleaning the build.
    --asan              Build using the macOS clang Address Sanitizer. In order to run with Address Sanitizer support llvm-symbolizer is required to be on the PATH.
                        This option is only supported on macOS versions of clang.
    --ubsan             Build using the gcc undefined behaviour sanitizer
    --ubsan-abort       Build using the gcc undefined behaviour sanitizer and abort on error

4.2 [waf] waf-light帮助

$ ./waf-light --help
------> Executing code from the top-level wscript <-----
waf [commands] [options]

Main commands (example: ./waf build -j4)
  build    : executes the build
  clean    : cleans the project
  configure: configures the project
  dist     : makes a tarball for redistributing the sources
  distcheck: checks if the project compiles (tarball from 'dist')
  distclean: removes build folders and data
  install  : installs the targets on the system
  list     : lists the targets to execute
  step     : executes tasks in a step-by-step fashion, for debugging
  uninstall: removes the targets installed

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -c COLORS, --color=COLORS
                        whether to use colors (yes/no/auto) [default: auto]
  -j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS  amount of parallel jobs (2)
  -k, --keep            continue despite errors (-kk to try harder)
  -v, --verbose         verbosity level -v -vv or -vvv [default: 0]
  --zones=ZONES         debugging zones (task_gen, deps, tasks, etc)
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --make-waf            creates the waf script
                        specify the #! line on top of the waf file
  --sign                make a signed file
  --zip-type=ZIP        specify the zip type [Allowed values: bz2 gz xz]
  --make-batch          creates a convenience waf.bat file (done automatically on win32 systems)
  --set-version=SETVER  sets the version number for waf releases (for the maintainer)
  --strip               shrinks waf (strip docstrings, saves 33kb)
  --nostrip             no shrinking
  --tools=ADD3RDPARTY   Comma-separated 3rd party tools to add, eg: "compat,ocaml" [Default: "compat15"]
                        Comma-separated core tools to add, eg: "vala,tex" [Default: all of them]
  --prelude=PRELUDE     Code to execute before calling waf
                        Obtain the file names from a model archive

  Configuration options:
    -o OUT, --out=OUT   build dir for the project
    -t TOP, --top=TOP   src dir for the project
    --prefix=PREFIX     installation prefix [default: '/usr/local/']
    --bindir=BINDIR     bindir
    --libdir=LIBDIR     libdir

  Build and installation options:
    -p, --progress      -p: progress bar; -pp: ide output
    --targets=TARGETS   task generators, e.g. "target1,target2"

  Step options:
    --files=FILES       files to process, by regexp, e.g. "*/main.c,*/test/main.o"

  Installation and uninstallation options:
    --destdir=DESTDIR   installation root [default: '']
    -f, --force         force file installation
                        arguments to pass to distcheck

  Python Options:
    --nopyc             Do not install bytecode compiled .pyc files (configuration) [Default:install]
    --nopyo             Do not install optimised compiled .pyo files (configuration) [Default:install]
    --nopycache         Do not use __pycache__ directory to install objects [Default:auto]
    --python=PYTHON     python binary to be used [Default: /usr/bin/python]
                        Installation path for python modules (py, platform-independent .py and .pyc files)
                        Installation path for python extension (pyext, platform-dependent .so or .dylib files)

4.3 Ardupilot v.s. waf 主要差异

4.3.1 命令差异

  1. AP_Periph
  2. all
  3. antennatracker
  4. benchmarks
  5. bin
  6. blimp
  7. bootloader
  8. check
  9. check-all
  10. conf
  11. copter
  12. examples
  13. heli
  14. iofirmware
  15. localinstall
  16. plane
  17. replay
  18. rover
  19. rsync
  20. sub
  21. tests
  22. tool

4.3.2 Ardupilot configure options

--board=BOARD       Target board to build, choices are ACNS-CM4Pilot, ACNS-F405AIO, aero, AeroFox-Airspeed, AeroFox-Airspeed-DLVR, AeroFox-GNSS_F9P, AeroFox-PMU,
                    airbotf4, AIRLink, Airvolute-DCS2, Aocoda-RC-H743Dual, AR-F407SmartBat, ARK_CANNODE, ARK_GPS, ARK_RTK_GPS, ARKV6X, AtomRCF405NAVI, bbbmini,
                    BeastF7, BeastF7v2, BeastH7, BeastH7v2, bebop, BETAFPV-F405, bhat, BirdCANdy, BlitzF745AIO, blue, C-RTK2-HP, canzero, CarbonixF405,
                    CarbonixL496, crazyflie2, CUAV-Nora, CUAV-Nora-bdshot, CUAV-X7, CUAV-X7-bdshot, CUAV_GPS, CUAVv5, CUAVv5-bdshot, CUAVv5Nano, CUAVv5Nano-bdshot,
                    CubeBlack, CubeBlack+, CubeBlack-periph, CubeGreen-solo, CubeOrange, CubeOrange-bdshot, CubeOrange-joey, CubeOrange-ODID, CubeOrange-periph,
                    CubeOrange-periph-heavy, CubeOrange-SimOnHardWare, CubeOrangePlus, CubeOrangePlus-bdshot, CubeOrangePlus-SimOnHardWare, CubePilot-CANMod,
                    CubePurple, CubeRedPrimary, CubeRedSecondary, CubeSolo, CubeYellow, CubeYellow-bdshot, dark, DevEBoxH7v2, disco, DrotekP3Pro, Durandal,
                    Durandal-bdshot, edge, erleboard, erlebrain2, esp32buzz, esp32diy, esp32empty, esp32icarus, esp32nick, esp32s3devkit, esp32tomte76, f103-ADSB,
                    f103-Airspeed, f103-GPS, f103-HWESC, f103-QiotekPeriph, f103-RangeFinder, f103-Trigger, f303-GPS, f303-HWESC, f303-M10025, f303-M10070,
                    f303-MatekGPS, f303-PWM, f303-TempSensor, f303-Universal, F35Lightning, f405-MatekAirspeed, f405-MatekGPS, F4BY, FlyingMoonF407, FlyingMoonF427,
                    FlyingMoonH743, FlywooF405Pro, FlywooF405S-AIO, FlywooF745, FlywooF745Nano, fmuv2, fmuv3, fmuv3-bdshot, fmuv5, FoxeerH743v1, FreeflyRTK, G4-ESC,
                    H743_BMI270x2_v30, H757I_EVAL, H757I_EVAL_intf, HEEWING-F405, HEEWING-F405v2, Here4AP, HerePro, Hitec-Airspeed, HitecMosaic, HolybroG4_Compass,
                    HolybroG4_GPS, HolybroGPS, iomcu, iomcu-dshot, iomcu-f103, iomcu-f103-dshot, iomcu_f103_8MHz, JFB100, JFB110, JHEMCU-GSF405A, JHEMCU-
                    GSF405A-RX2, KakuteF4, KakuteF4Mini, KakuteF7, KakuteF7-bdshot, KakuteF7Mini, KakuteH7, KakuteH7-bdshot, KakuteH7-Wing, KakuteH7Mini,
                    KakuteH7Mini-Nand, KakuteH7v2, kha_eth, linux, luminousbee4, luminousbee5, MambaF405-2022, MambaF405US-I2C, MambaF405v2, MambaH743v4, MatekF405,
                    MatekF405-bdshot, MatekF405-CAN, MatekF405-STD, MatekF405-TE, MatekF405-TE-bdshot, MatekF405-Wing, MatekF405-Wing-bdshot, MatekF765-SE,
                    MatekF765-Wing, MatekF765-Wing-bdshot, MatekH743, MatekH743-bdshot, MatekH743-periph, MatekL431-ADSB, MatekL431-Airspeed, MatekL431-BattMon,
                    MatekL431-bdshot, MatekL431-DShot, MatekL431-EFI, MatekL431-GPS, MatekL431-HWTelem, MatekL431-Periph, MatekL431-Proximity,
                    MatekL431-Rangefinder, MatekL431-RC, MazzyStarDrone, mindpx-v2, mini-pix, modalai_fc-v1, mRo-M10095, mRoCANPWM-M10126, mRoControlZeroClassic,
                    mRoControlZeroF7, mRoControlZeroH7, mRoControlZeroH7-bdshot, mRoControlZeroOEMH7, mRoCZeroOEMH7-bdshot, mRoNexus, mRoPixracerPro,
                    mRoPixracerPro-bdshot, mRoX21, mRoX21-777, navigator, navio, navio2, Nucleo-G491, Nucleo-L476, Nucleo-L496, NucleoH743, NucleoH755, obal,
                    ocpoc_zynq, omnibusf4, omnibusf4pro, omnibusf4pro-bdshot, omnibusf4pro-one, omnibusf4v6, OMNIBUSF7V2, OmnibusNanoV6, OmnibusNanoV6-bdshot,
                    PH4-mini, PH4-mini-bdshot, Pix32v5, PixC4-Jetson, PixFlamingo, Pixhawk1, Pixhawk1-1M, Pixhawk1-1M-bdshot, Pixhawk1-bdshot, Pixhawk4,
                    Pixhawk4-bdshot, Pixhawk5X, Pixhawk6C, Pixhawk6C-bdshot, Pixhawk6X, Pixhawk6X-bdshot, Pixhawk6X-ODID, PixPilot-C3, PixPilot-V3, PixPilot-V6,
                    Pixracer, Pixracer-bdshot, Pixracer-periph, PixSurveyA1, PixSurveyA1-IND, PixSurveyA2, pocket, pxf, pxfmini, QioTekAdeptF407, QioTekZealotF427,
                    QioTekZealotH743, QioTekZealotH743-bdshot, R9Pilot, RADIX2HD, ReaperF745, revo-mini, revo-mini-bdshot, revo-mini-i2c, revo-mini-i2c-bdshot,
                    revo-mini-sd, rFCU, rGNSS, rst_zynq, SDMODELH7V1, Sierra-F405, Sierra-F412, Sierra-F9P, Sierra-L431, Sierra-PrecisionPoint, Sierra-TrueNavPro,
                    Sierra-TrueNorth, Sierra-TrueSpeed, sitl, SITL_arm_linux_gnueabihf, sitl_periph_gps, SITL_static, SITL_x86_64_linux_gnu, SIYI_N7, SkystarsH7HD,
                    SkystarsH7HD-bdshot, skyviper-f412-rev1, skyviper-journey, skyviper-v2450, sparky2, speedybeef4, SpeedyBeeF405Mini, SpeedyBeeF405WING,
                    speedybeef4v3, speedybeef4v4, SPRacingH7, SPRacingH7RF, SuccexF4, sw-nav-f405, sw-spar-f407, Swan-K1, TBS-Colibri-F7, thepeach-k1, thepeach-r1,
                    TMotorH743, vnav, VRBrain-v51, VRBrain-v52, VRBrain-v54, VRCore-v10, VRUBrain-v51, YJUAV_A6, YJUAV_A6SE, YJUAV_A6SE_H743, ZubaxGNSS, zynq.
--debug             Configure as debug variant.
-g, --debug-symbols
                    Add debug symbolds to build.
--disable-watchdog  Build with watchdog disabled.
--coverage          Configure coverage flags.
--Werror            build with -Werror.
--disable-Werror    Disable -Werror.
                    Override default toolchain used for the board. Use "native" for using the host toolchain.
--disable-gccdeps   Disable the use of GCC dependencies output method and use waf default method.
--enable-asserts    enable OS level asserts.
--save-temps        save compiler temporary files.
                    enable malloc guard regions.
--enable-stats      enable OS level thread statistics.
--bootloader        Configure for building a bootloader.
--signed-fw         Configure for signed firmware support.
                    path to private key for signing firmware.
--no-autoconfig     Disable autoconfiguration feature. By default, the build system triggers a reconfiguration whenever it thinks it's necessary - this option
                    disables that.
                    Don't update git submodules. Useful for building with submodules at specific revisions.
                    Enable checking of headers
                    set default parameters to embed in the firmware
                    Enable checking of math indexes
                    Disable onboard scripting engine
--enable-scripting  Enable onboard scripting engine
--no-gcs            Disable GCS code
--scripting-checks  Enable runtime scripting sanity checks
--enable-onvif      Enables and sets up ONVIF camera control
--scripting-docs    enable generation of scripting documentation
                    Enables OpenDroneID
                    Enables firmware ID checking on boot
                    Enables custom controller
                    Enables GPS logging
--enable-dds        Enable the dds client to connect with ROS2/DDS.
                    Disable the networking API code
                    Enable the networking test code. Automatically enables networking.
                    Enables DroneCAN tests in sitl

4.3.3 Linux boards configure options

--prefix=PREFIX     installation prefix [default: '/usr/']
--destdir=DESTDIR   installation root [default: '']
--bindir=BINDIR     bindir
--libdir=LIBDIR     libdir
                    Where to save data like parameters, log and terrain. This is the --localstatedir + ArduPilots subdirectory [default: board-dependent, usually
                    Destination for the rsync Waf command. It can be passed during configuration in order to save typing.
                    Enable benchmarks.
--enable-lttng      Enable lttng integration
--disable-libiio    Don't use libiio even if supported by board and dependencies available
--disable-tests     Disable compilation and test execution
--enable-sfml       Enable SFML graphics library
                    Enable SFML joystick input library
                    Enable SFML audio library
--osd               Enable OSD support
--osd-fonts         Enable OSD support with fonts
--sitl-osd          Enable SITL OSD
--sitl-rgbled       Enable SITL RGBLed
--force-32bit       Force 32bit build
--build-dates       Include build date in binaries.  Appears in AUTOPILOT_VERSION.os_sw_version
                    Use flash storage emulation.
--enable-ekf2       Configure with EKF2.
--disable-ekf3      Configure without EKF3.
--ekf-double        Configure EKF as double precision.
--ekf-single        Configure EKF as single precision.
--static            Force a static build
--postype-single    force single precision postype_t
                    force consistent build outputs for things like __LINE__
                    Extra hwdef.dat file for custom build.
                    fail configure if not using the specified gcc version
                    number of auxiliary IMUs
                    zero time on boot in microseconds

4.3.4 Ardupilot build options

                    Select all programs that go in <PROGRAM_GROUP>/ for the build. Example: `waf --program-group examples` builds all examples. The special group
                    "all" selects all programs.
--upload            Upload applicable targets to a connected device. Not all platforms may support this. Example: `waf copter --upload` means "build arducopter and
                    upload it to my board".
                    Specify the port to be used with the --upload option. For example a port of /dev/ttyS10 indicates that serial port 10 shuld be used.
--upload-force      Override board type check and continue loading. Same as using --force.
--summary-all       Print build summary for all targets. By default, only information about the first 20 targets will be printed.

4.3.5 Ardupilot check options

--check-verbose     Output all test programs.
--define=DEFINE     Add C++ define to build.

4.3.6 Ardupilot clean options

--clean-all-sigs    Clean signatures for all tasks. By default, tasks that scan for implicit dependencies (like the compilation tasks) keep the dependency
                    information across clean commands, so that that information is changed only when really necessary. Also, some tasks that don't really produce
                    files persist their signature. This option avoids that behavior when cleaning the build.
--asan              Build using the macOS clang Address Sanitizer. In order to run with Address Sanitizer support llvm-symbolizer is required to be on the PATH.
                    This option is only supported on macOS versions of clang.
--ubsan             Build using the gcc undefined behaviour sanitizer
--ubsan-abort       Build using the gcc undefined behaviour sanitizer and abort on error

4.4 脚本分析



  • ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
  • ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/


  • [] build_command
  • [] class chibios
 └──> ./ardupilot/modules/waf-light
     ├──> <python hex version check> 
     │   ├──> [Python >= 2.6 is required to create the waf file]
     │   └──> return
     ├──> [find/add waflib dir]
     └──> ./wscript
         ├──> [add ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/]
         ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
		 │   ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
		 │   ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
		 │   ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
		 │   ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
		 │   ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
		 │   ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
		 │   ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
		 │   ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
         │   └──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
         ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
		 │   ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
		 │   ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
		 │   ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
         │   │   └──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
		 │   ├──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
         │   └──> ./Tools/ardupilotwaf/
         ├──> [Fix Python 2 compatibility issue with Python 3]
         ├──> [Override Build execute and Configure post_recurse methods for autoconfigure purposes]
         ├──> ardupilotwaf.build_command('check',
         ├──> ardupilotwaf.build_command('check-all',
         ├──> ardupilotwaf.build_command('antennatracker', 'copter', 'heli', 'plane', 'rover', 'sub', 'blimp', 'bootloader','iofirmware','AP_Periph','replay',
         └──> ardupilotwaf.build_command('all', 'bin', 'tool', 'examples', 'tests', 'benchmarks',

5. wscript脚本


$ ./waf configure --board Aocoda-RC-H743Dual
$ ./waf plane

5.1 configure命令


def configure(cfg):
	# we need to enable debug mode when building for gconv, and force it to sitl
    if cfg.options.board is None:
        cfg.options.board = 'sitl'

    boards_names = boards.get_boards_names()
    if not cfg.options.board in boards_names:
        for b in boards_names:
            if b.upper() == cfg.options.board.upper():
                cfg.options.board = b
    cfg.env.BOARD = cfg.options.board
    cfg.env.DEBUG = cfg.options.debug
    cfg.env.DEBUG_SYMBOLS = cfg.options.debug_symbols
    cfg.env.COVERAGE = cfg.options.coverage
    cfg.env.AUTOCONFIG = cfg.options.autoconfig


    if cfg.options.signed_fw:
        cfg.env.AP_SIGNED_FIRMWARE = True
        cfg.options.enable_check_firmware = True

    cfg.env.BOARD = cfg.options.board
    cfg.env.DEBUG = cfg.options.debug
    cfg.env.DEBUG_SYMBOLS = cfg.options.debug_symbols
    cfg.env.COVERAGE = cfg.options.coverage
    cfg.env.FORCE32BIT = cfg.options.force_32bit
    cfg.env.ENABLE_ASSERTS = cfg.options.enable_asserts
    cfg.env.BOOTLOADER = cfg.options.bootloader
    cfg.env.ENABLE_MALLOC_GUARD = cfg.options.enable_malloc_guard
    cfg.env.ENABLE_STATS = cfg.options.enable_stats
    cfg.env.SAVE_TEMPS = cfg.options.save_temps

    cfg.env.HWDEF_EXTRA = cfg.options.extra_hwdef
    if cfg.env.HWDEF_EXTRA:
        cfg.env.HWDEF_EXTRA = os.path.abspath(cfg.env.HWDEF_EXTRA)

    cfg.env.OPTIONS = cfg.options.__dict__

    # Allow to differentiate our build from the make build
    cfg.define('WAF_BUILD', 1)

    cfg.msg('Autoconfiguration', 'enabled' if cfg.options.autoconfig else 'disabled')

    if cfg.options.static:
        cfg.msg('Using static linking', 'yes', color='YELLOW')
        cfg.env.STATIC_LINKING = True

    if cfg.options.num_aux_imus > 0:
        cfg.define('INS_AUX_INSTANCES', cfg.options.num_aux_imus)

    if cfg.options.board_start_time != 0:
        cfg.define('AP_BOARD_START_TIME', cfg.options.board_start_time)
        # also in env for hrt.c
        cfg.env.AP_BOARD_START_TIME = cfg.options.board_start_time

    # require python 3.8.x or later


    cfg.msg('Setting board to', cfg.options.board)


    cfg.env.SUBMODULE_UPDATE = cfg.options.submodule_update

    cfg.start_msg('Source is git repository')
    if cfg.srcnode.find_node('.git'):
        cfg.env.SUBMODULE_UPDATE = False

    cfg.msg('Update submodules', 'yes' if cfg.env.SUBMODULE_UPDATE else 'no')

    if cfg.options.enable_benchmarks:

    if cfg.env.HAS_GBENCHMARK:
        cfg.end_msg('disabled', color='YELLOW')

    cfg.start_msg('Unit tests')
    if cfg.env.HAS_GTEST:
        cfg.end_msg('disabled', color='YELLOW')

    if cfg.options.disable_scripting:
        cfg.end_msg('disabled', color='YELLOW')
    elif cfg.options.enable_scripting:


    cfg.start_msg('Scripting runtime checks')
    if cfg.options.scripting_checks:
        cfg.end_msg('disabled', color='YELLOW')

    cfg.start_msg('Debug build')
    if cfg.env.DEBUG:
        cfg.end_msg('disabled', color='YELLOW')

    cfg.start_msg('Coverage build')
    if cfg.env.COVERAGE:
        cfg.end_msg('disabled', color='YELLOW')

    cfg.start_msg('Force 32-bit build')
    if cfg.env.FORCE32BIT:
        cfg.end_msg('disabled', color='YELLOW')

    cfg.env.append_value('GIT_SUBMODULES', 'mavlink')

    cfg.env.prepend_value('INCLUDES', [
        cfg.srcnode.abspath() + '/libraries/',

    cfg.find_program('rsync', mandatory=False)
    if cfg.options.rsync_dest:
        cfg.msg('Setting rsync destination to', cfg.options.rsync_dest)
        cfg.env.RSYNC_DEST = cfg.options.rsync_dest

    if cfg.options.enable_header_checks:
        cfg.msg('Enabling header checks', cfg.options.enable_header_checks)
        cfg.env.ENABLE_HEADER_CHECKS = True
        cfg.env.ENABLE_HEADER_CHECKS = False

    # Always use system extensions
    cfg.define('_GNU_SOURCE', 1)

    if cfg.options.Werror:
        # print(cfg.options.Werror)
        if cfg.options.disable_Werror:
            cfg.options.Werror = False

    cfg.write_config_header(os.path.join(cfg.variant, 'ap_config.h'), guard='_AP_CONFIG_H_')

    # add in generated flags
    cfg.env.CXXFLAGS += ['-include', 'ap_config.h']


def configure(cfg):
    cfg.find_program('make', var='MAKE')
    #cfg.objcopy = cfg.find_program('%s-%s'%(cfg.env.TOOLCHAIN,'objcopy'), var='OBJCOPY', mandatory=True)
    cfg.find_program('arm-none-eabi-objcopy', var='OBJCOPY')
    env = cfg.env
    bldnode = cfg.bldnode.make_node(cfg.variant)
    def srcpath(path):
        return cfg.srcnode.make_node(path).abspath()

    def bldpath(path):
        return bldnode.make_node(path).abspath()
    env.AP_PROGRAM_FEATURES += ['ch_ap_program']

    kw['features'] = Utils.to_list(kw.get('features', [])) + ['ch_ap_library']

    env.CH_ROOT = srcpath('modules/ChibiOS')
    env.CC_ROOT = srcpath('modules/CrashDebug/CrashCatcher')
    env.AP_HAL_ROOT = srcpath('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS')
    env.BUILDDIR = bldpath('modules/ChibiOS')
    env.BUILDROOT = bldpath('')
    env.SRCROOT = srcpath('')
    env.PT_DIR = srcpath('Tools/ardupilotwaf/chibios/image')
    env.MKFW_TOOLS = srcpath('Tools/ardupilotwaf')
    env.UPLOAD_TOOLS = srcpath('Tools/scripts')
    env.CHIBIOS_SCRIPTS = srcpath('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/scripts')
    env.TOOLS_SCRIPTS = srcpath('Tools/scripts')
    env.APJ_TOOL = srcpath('Tools/scripts/')
    env.SERIAL_PORT = srcpath('/dev/serial/by-id/*_STLink*')

    # relative paths to pass to make, relative to directory that make is run from
    env.CH_ROOT_REL = os.path.relpath(env.CH_ROOT, env.BUILDROOT)
    env.CC_ROOT_REL = os.path.relpath(env.CC_ROOT, env.BUILDROOT)
    env.AP_HAL_REL = os.path.relpath(env.AP_HAL_ROOT, env.BUILDROOT)
    env.BUILDDIR_REL = os.path.relpath(env.BUILDDIR, env.BUILDROOT)

    mk_custom = srcpath('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/%s/' % env.BOARD)
    mk_common = srcpath('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/common/')
    # see if there is a board specific make file
    if os.path.exists(mk_custom):
        env.BOARD_MK = mk_custom
        env.BOARD_MK = mk_common

    if cfg.options.default_parameters:
        cfg.msg('Default parameters', cfg.options.default_parameters, color='YELLOW')
        env.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS = cfg.options.default_parameters

        ret = generate_hwdef_h(env)
    except Exception:
        cfg.fatal("Failed to process hwdef.dat")
    if ret != 0:
        cfg.fatal("Failed to process hwdef.dat ret=%d" % ret)
    if env.HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES and not env.AP_PERIPH:
    if env.HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES and env.AP_PERIPH and not env.BOOTLOADER:
    if env.HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES and env.AP_PERIPH and int(env.HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES)>1 and not env.BOOTLOADER:
        env.DEFINES += [ 'CANARD_MULTI_IFACE=1' ]

5.2 plane命令

wscript脚本中调用build_command生成动态target plane,最终通过chibios.py中的配置函数build对代码进行二进制构建。

def build_command(name,
                   doc='build shortcut'):
    _build_commands[name] = dict(

    class context_class(Build.BuildContext):
        cmd = name
    context_class.__doc__ = doc

def build(bld):

    hwdef_rule="%s '%s/hwdef/scripts/' -D '%s' --params '%s' '%s'" % (
    if bld.env.HWDEF_EXTRA:
        hwdef_rule += " " + bld.env.HWDEF_EXTRA
    if bld.env.BOOTLOADER_OPTION:
        hwdef_rule += " " + bld.env.BOOTLOADER_OPTION
        # build hwdef.h from hwdef.dat. This is needed after a waf clean
        # create the file modules/ChibiOS/include_dirs

        # create the file modules/ChibiOS/include_dirs
    common_src = [bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('hwdef.h'),
    common_src += bld.path.ant_glob('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/common/*.[ch]')
    common_src += bld.path.ant_glob('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/common/*.mk')
    common_src += bld.path.ant_glob('modules/ChibiOS/os/hal/**/*.[ch]')
    common_src += bld.path.ant_glob('modules/ChibiOS/os/hal/**/*.mk')
    common_src += bld.path.ant_glob('modules/ChibiOS/ext/lwip/src/**/*.[ch]')
    common_src += bld.path.ant_glob('modules/ChibiOS/ext/lwip/src/core/**/*.[ch]')
    if bld.env.ROMFS_FILES:
        common_src += [bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('ap_romfs_embedded.h')]

    if bld.env.ENABLE_CRASHDUMP:
        ch_task = bld(
            # build libch.a from ChibiOS sources and hwdef.h
            target=[bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('modules/ChibiOS/libch.a'), bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('modules/ChibiOS/libcc.a')]
        ch_task = bld(
            # build libch.a from ChibiOS sources and hwdef.h
        ) = "ChibiOS_lib"
    DSP_LIBS = {
        'cortex-m4' : 'libarm_cortexM4lf_math.a',
        'cortex-m7' : 'libarm_cortexM7lfdp_math.a',
    if bld.env.CORTEX in DSP_LIBS:
        libname = DSP_LIBS[bld.env.CORTEX]
        # we need to copy the library on cygwin as it doesn't handle linking outside build tree
        bld.env.LIB += ['DSP']
    bld.env.LIB += ['ch']
    bld.env.LIBPATH += ['modules/ChibiOS/']
    if bld.env.ENABLE_CRASHDUMP:
        bld.env.LINKFLAGS += ['-Wl,-whole-archive', 'modules/ChibiOS/libcc.a', '-Wl,-no-whole-archive']
    # list of functions that will be wrapped to move them out of libc into our
    # own code note that we also include functions that we deliberately don't
    # implement anywhere (the FILE* functions). This allows us to get link
    # errors if we accidentially try to use one of those functions either
    # directly or via another libc call
    wraplist = ['sscanf', 'fprintf', 'snprintf', 'vsnprintf','vasprintf','asprintf','vprintf','scanf',
                'fopen', 'fflush', 'fwrite', 'fread', 'fputs', 'fgets',
                'clearerr', 'fseek', 'ferror', 'fclose', 'tmpfile', 'getc', 'ungetc', 'feof',
                'ftell', 'freopen', 'remove', 'vfprintf', 'fscanf',
                '_gettimeofday', '_times', '_times_r', '_gettimeofday_r', 'time', 'clock',
                '_sbrk', '_sbrk_r', '_malloc_r', '_calloc_r', '_free_r']
    for w in wraplist:

6. 总结


  1. waf提供了一个命令行集成开发环境;
  2. 支持目标板选择;
  3. 支持微系统选择;
  4. 支持编译配置选择;
  5. 支持目标板固件烧;
  6. 支持CI功能:比如:单元测试,覆盖率测试等

7. 参考资料

