
2023-12-21 18:32:22


bitbake recipe-name


bitbake -C recipe-name


bitbake recipe-name  -c cleanx
bitbake recipe-name

do_clean Removes all output files for a target
do_cleanall Removes all output files, shared state cache, and downloaded source files for a target
do_cleansstate Removes all output files and shared state cache for a target


bitbake 常用命令

 bitbake  fsl-image-qt5-validation-imx -c listtasks
do_build                       Default task for a recipe - depends on all other normal tasks required to 'build' a recipe
do_checkuri                    Validates the SRC_URI value
do_clean                       Removes all output files for a target
do_cleanall                    Removes all output files, shared state cache, and downloaded source files for a target
do_cleansstate                 Removes all output files and shared state cache for a target
do_compile                     Compiles the source in the compilation directory
do_configure                   Configures the source by enabling and disabling any build-time and configuration options for the software being built
do_devpyshell                  Starts an interactive Python shell for development/debugging
do_devshell                    Starts a shell with the environment set up for development/debugging
do_fetch                       Fetches the source code
do_image_complete_setscene      (setscene version)
do_image_qa_setscene            (setscene version)
do_install                     Copies files from the compilation directory to a holding area
do_listtasks                   Lists all defined tasks for a target
do_package                     Analyzes the content of the holding area and splits it into subsets based on available packages and files
do_package_qa_setscene         Runs QA checks on packaged files (setscene version)
do_package_setscene            Analyzes the content of the holding area and splits it into subsets based on available packages and files (setscene version)
do_package_write_rpm_setscene  Creates the actual RPM packages and places them in the Package Feed area (setscene version)
do_packagedata                 Creates package metadata used by the build system to generate the final packages
do_packagedata_setscene        Creates package metadata used by the build system to generate the final packages (setscene version)
do_patch                       Locates patch files and applies them to the source code
do_populate_lic                Writes license information for the recipe that is collected later when the image is constructed
do_populate_lic_setscene       Writes license information for the recipe that is collected later when the image is constructed (setscene version)
do_populate_sdk                Creates the file and directory structure for an installable SDK
do_populate_sysroot_setscene   Copies a subset of files installed by do_install into the sysroot in order to make them available to other recipes (setscene version)
do_rootfs                      Creates the root filesystem (file and directory structure) for an image
do_unpack                      Unpacks the source code into a working directory
