注意事项:??? 1. 考前请将密封线内各项信息填写清楚;
?????? ???? 2. 所有答案写在答题纸上,答在其它地方无效;
???????? ? 4. 试卷可做草稿纸,试卷必须与答题纸同时提交;
5. 本试卷共五大题,满分100分,考试时间120分钟。
Question 1 (2 points for each, 20 points for total) Choose the correct answer
1) To initialize an array of characters which one is NOT correct? ( ??????)
????? A) char s1[3]={'a','b','c'};?? ?????? B) char s2[5]="abc";
?????? C) char s3[]={'m','n','s','r'};???? D) char s4[4]="ijkl";
2)??? If the array name as an argument, the function call passed ?( ???A ) to the parameter.
A) the starting address of the array???????????
B) the value of the first element
? ?? C) all the elements values of an array
D) the number of array elements
3)??? If we have : int x=3, y=2;? double a=2.9, b=3.5; ?the value of expression (x+y)/2+(int)a%(int)b?? would be(????? )。
A)? 1??????????????????? B)? 2????????????????? C)?? 3??????????????? D)?? 4
4)??? In the following statements about the overload function which one is correct? (????? )
A) overload functions must have different return types
B) overload functions must have different numbers of parameters
C) overload functions must have a different parameter list
D) overload functions’ name can be different
5)??? In the following data types which one does not belong to the basic data types in C ++. (????? )
A)???? int? ?????? B)?? double? ?????? C) char????? D) class?????
6)??? We have : ?double fun( double l ); typedef double ft ( double ) ;
?ft * pfun[2]; ?? pfun[0]=fun;,in the following function calls which one is NOT correct (???? )?
A)( *pfun[0] )(3.14) ?????? ?????? ?????? B)fun(3.14)
C)?? ( pfun[0] )(3.14)???????????????????? D)( &pfun[0] )(3.14)
7)??? in the following identifiers groups, which one is both legitimate user identifiers? (? ????)
A) ?? _0123? ssiped? ?????? ?????? B)?? del-word? signed
C)????? list? *jer????????????????????????? D) keep%? wind
8)??? The operand data type on both sides of logical operators is (? ????)
A) can only be 0 or 1
B) can only be a positive integer or 0
C) can only be an integer or character data
D) can be any type of legitimate data
9)??? In the following statements, which one is correct to initialize a two-dimensional array? (? ?B,D ??)
A)?? int a[2][]={{1,0,1},{5,2,3}};
B)??? int a[][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};
C)??? int a[2][4]={{1,2,3},{4,5},{6}};
D)?? int a[][3]={{1,0},{},{1,1}};
10)? For the members of class, the implies access is ( )
(A) public;?? (B)private;?? (C) protected;??? (D) static;
Question 2: ( 20 points )
What is the output of the following code fragment?
Part1 (3 points)
#include ?<iostream>
using namespace std;
{? int? x=1,y=0,a=0,b=0;
??????? switch(x)
??????? {? case? 1:
??????? ??????? switch(y)
{? ?case? 0:a++;? break;
??????? ??????? case? 1:b++;? break;
case 2:a++; b++; break;
case 3:a++; b++;
Output | a=2,b=1 |
Part2( 3 points)
#include <iostream>
int f1(int a,int b) {return a%b*5;}
int f2(int a,int b) {return a*b;}
int f3(int(*t)(int, int),int a,int b) { return (*t)(a, b);}
void main()
{????? int (*p)(int, int) ;
??? p=f1 ;? cout<<f3(p, 5, 6)<<endl ;
??? p=f2 ;? cout<<f3(p, 7, 8)<<endl ;
Output | 25 56 |
Part3 (3 points)
#include ?<iostream>
using namespace std;
int fun(int n)
{????? if(n==1)return 1;
? ??? else
??? return(n+fun(n-1));
{????? int x;
cin>>x; x=fun(x);
Output | 55 |
When the input for x is 10,the output is:
Part4 (3 points)
using namespace std;
void fun(int a,int b)
{????? int k;
??????? k=a;a=b;b=k;
void main()
{????? int a=4,b=7,*x,*y;
Part 5( 4 points)
using namespace std;
int fun(int n)
{ ??? static int a=3;
??????? int t=0;
??????? if(n%2)
{????? static int a=5; t+=a++; }
??? else
{????? static int a=5;? t+=a++; }
??? return t+=a++;
void main()
{ int i,s=0;
? for(i=0;i<3;i++) s+=fun(i);
? cout<<s<<endl;
Output | 28 |
Part 6( 4 points)
using namespace std;
void main()
{????? char ch[2][6]={"2100","0846"},*pch[2];
??????? int i,j,s=0;
??????? for(i=0;i<2;i++)
???????????????? pch[i]=ch[i];
??????? for(i=0;i<2;i++)
???????????????? for(j=0;pch[i][j]>='0' && pch[i][j]<='9';j+=2)
???????????????????????? s=10*s+pch[i][j]-'0';
??????? cout<<s<<endl;
Output | 2004 |
Question 3??? Short answers (20 points)
Part 1 (2 points)
In the function prototype int fun(int, int=0); ?what does the “int=0” mean?
Part 2 (2 points)
After executing the following statements, what is the values of x and y ?
int x, y; x=y=1;??? ++x||++y;
Part 3 (2 points)
When the following statements are running, how many times does the loop execute?
int i=0, x=1;? do { ?x++;?? i++; ?}? while ( !x&&i<=3 );
Part 4 ?(8 points,2 points for each)
Insert the braces in the following code to produce a specified output. Please NOTE that the program may not make any other changes except braces.
if (y==8)
if (x==5)
cout << “@@@@” << endl;
cout << “####” <<endl;
cout << “$$$$” <<endl;
cout << “&&&&” <<endl;
- When x=5 and y=8, The output is:
- When x=5 and y=8, The output is:
- When x=5 and y=8, The output is:
- When x=5 and y=7, The output is:
{ } 可有可无,{ }必须有
- if (y==8)
if (x==5)
{? cout << “@@@@” << endl;? }
{?? cout << “####” <<endl;? }
cout << “$$$$” <<endl;
cout << “&&&&” <<endl;
2) if (y==8)
if (x==5)
{?? cout << “@@@@” << endl;? }
{? cout << “####” <<endl;
cout << “$$$$” <<endl;
cout << “&&&&” <<endl;?? }
- if (y==8)
if (x==5)
{? cout << “@@@@” << endl;? }
{??? cout << “####” <<endl;
cout << “$$$$” <<endl;??? }
cout << “&&&&” <<endl;
4) if (y==8)
{? if (x==5)
cout << “@@@@” << endl;? }
{?? cout << “####” <<endl;
cout << “$$$$” <<endl;
cout << “&&&&” <<endl;?? }
Part 5 ?(6 points,1 point for each)
Find the errors and fix it in each of the following program segments. Assume the following declarations and statements:
void * sPtr = 0;
int number;
int z[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int * zPtr;
fix each statement.
- // use pointer point the starting address of the array z
- // use pointer to get first value of array
number = zPtr;
- // assign the third element of array z (the value 3) to number
number = *zPtr[ 2 ];
- // print entire array z
for( int i=0; i<=5; i++)
?????? cout<<zPtr[i] <<endl;
- //let the pointer point the second element of the array
- // assign the value pointed by zPtr to number
number = zPtr;
zPtr=z / zPtr=&z[0]
?? number=zPtr[0]? /? number=*zPtr
?? Number=zPtr[2]? /? number = *(zPtr+2)
- ?
?? zPtr=z+1?? /? zPtr=&a[1]
?? Number=*zPtr
Question 4: Fill in the blanks ( 20 Point,2 points for each blank)
- The following program calculates values of e according to the formula 1!+3!+5!+……+n! .
using namespace std;
void main()
{?? long int f,s;
??? ?int i,j,n;
??? ?cin>>n;
??? ?s=0,f=1;
??? ?for(i=1;i<=n; ??????(1)???? ??)
??? ?{
???????????? ?f=1;
???????????? ?for(j=1; j<=i; j++) ??????(2)????? ?;
???????????? ????? (3)????? ?;
??? ?}
??? ?cout<<"n="<<n<<" s="<<s<<endl;
1______i+=2 / i=i+2______________2_____f*=j / f=f*j__________
2.The main function get a string, then call other function to change the numbers 0~9 to lower case letter a~j;And change all the lower case letters to up case letters, then output the result in function main.
using namespace std;
void main()
{?? char str1[20], str2[20];
?? cin>>str1;
void change(char *s1, char *s2)
{?? while(_____(5)_____)
?{???? if(*s1>='0'&&*s1<='9')
??? ???????????? ?*s2=_____(6)_____;
? ??????? else *s2=toupper(*s1);
? ??????? _____(7)_____
using namespace std;
void change(char *s1, char *s2);
int main()
??? char str1[20], str2[20];
??? cin >> str1;
??? change(str1, str2);
??? cout << str2 << endl;
??? return 0;
void change(char *s1, char *s2)
??? while (*s1)
??? {
??????? if (*s1 >= '0' && *s1 <= '9')
??????????? *s2 = *s1 - '0' + 'a';
??????? else
??????????? *s2 = toupper(*s1);
??????? s1++;
??????? s2++;
??? }
??? *s2 = '\0';
3.??? Output matrix as the Figure right of the code:
{ int a[7][7];
?int i,j;
?for (i=0;i<7;i++)
?? for (j=0;j<7;j++)
???? { if (_____(8)___________) a[i][j]=1;
???? ??else if (i<j&&i+j<6) _____(9)___________;
???? ??else if (i>j&&i+j<6) a[i][j]=3;
???? ??else if (____(10)____ ___) a[i][j]=4;
????? ?else a[i][j]=5;
????? }
?? for (i=0;i<7;i++)
???? {???????? for (j=0;j<7;j++) ? cout<<setw(3)<<a[i][j];
??? ???????????? cout<<endl;
???? }
9____a[i][j]=2__________10 ____i<j &&i+j>6__________________
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