OV5640:寄存器 自用

2023-12-23 19:21:05


//****************************************Copyright (c)***********************************//
//关注微信公众平台微信号:"正点原子",免费获取ZYNQ & FPGA & STM32 & LINUX资料。
//Copyright(C) 正点原子 2018-2028
//All rights reserved
// File name:           i2c_ov5640_rgb565_cfg
// Last modified Date:  2020/05/04 9:19:08
// Last Version:        V1.0
// Descriptions:        iic配置
// Created by:          正点原子
// Created date:        2019/05/04 9:19:08
// Version:             V1.0
// Descriptions:        The original version

module i2c_ov5640_rgb565_cfg
    input                clk      ,     //时钟信号
    input                rst_n    ,     //复位信号,低电平有效
    input        [7:0]   i2c_data_r,    //I2C读出的数据
    input                i2c_done ,     //I2C寄存器配置完成信号
    input        [12:0]  cmos_h_pixel ,
    input        [12:0]  cmos_v_pixel ,
    input        [12:0]  total_h_pixel, //水平总像素大小
    input        [12:0]  total_v_pixel, //垂直总像素大小
    output  reg          i2c_exec ,     //I2C触发执行信号   
    output  reg  [23:0]  i2c_data ,     //I2C要配置的地址与数据(高16位地址,低8位数据)
    output  reg          i2c_rh_wl,     //I2C读写控制信号
    output  reg          init_done      //初始化完成信号

//parameter define
localparam  REG_NUM = 8'd250  ;       //总共需要配置的寄存器个数

//reg define
reg   [12:0]   start_init_cnt;        //等待延时计数器
reg    [7:0]   init_reg_cnt  ;        //寄存器配置个数计数器

//**                    main code

//clk时钟配置成250khz,周期为4us 5000*4us = 20ms
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
        start_init_cnt <= 13'b0;
    else if(start_init_cnt < 13'd5000) begin
        start_init_cnt <= start_init_cnt + 1'b1;                    

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
        init_reg_cnt <= 8'd0;
    else if(i2c_exec)   
        init_reg_cnt <= init_reg_cnt + 8'b1;

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
        i2c_exec <= 1'b0;
    else if(start_init_cnt == 13'd4999)
        i2c_exec <= 1'b1;
    else if(i2c_done && (init_reg_cnt < REG_NUM))
        i2c_exec <= 1'b1;
        i2c_exec <= 1'b0;

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
        i2c_rh_wl <= 1'b1;
    else if(init_reg_cnt == 8'd2)  
        i2c_rh_wl <= 1'b0;  

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
        init_done <= 1'b0;
    else if((init_reg_cnt == REG_NUM) && i2c_done)  
        init_done <= 1'b1;  

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
        i2c_data <= 24'b0;
    else begin
            8'd0  : i2c_data <= {16'h300a,8'h0}; //
            8'd1  : i2c_data <= {16'h300b,8'h0}; //
            8'd2  : i2c_data <= {16'h3008,8'h82}; //Bit[7]:复位 Bit[6]:电源休眠
            8'd3  : i2c_data <= {16'h3008,8'h02}; //正常工作模式
            8'd4  : i2c_data <= {16'h3103,8'h02}; //Bit[1]:1 PLL Clock
            //引脚输入/输出控制 FREX/VSYNC/HREF/PCLK/D[9:6]
            8'd5  : i2c_data <= {8'h30,8'h17,8'hff};
            //引脚输入/输出控制 D[5:0]/GPIO1/GPIO0 
            8'd6  : i2c_data <= {16'h3018,8'hff};
            8'd7  : i2c_data <= {16'h3037,8'h13}; //PLL分频控制
            8'd8  : i2c_data <= {16'h3108,8'h01}; //系统根分频器
            8'd9  : i2c_data <= {16'h3630,8'h36};
            8'd10 : i2c_data <= {16'h3631,8'h0e};
            8'd11 : i2c_data <= {16'h3632,8'he2};
            8'd12 : i2c_data <= {16'h3633,8'h12};
            8'd13 : i2c_data <= {16'h3621,8'he0};
            8'd14 : i2c_data <= {16'h3704,8'ha0};
            8'd15 : i2c_data <= {16'h3703,8'h5a};
            8'd16 : i2c_data <= {16'h3715,8'h78};
            8'd17 : i2c_data <= {16'h3717,8'h01};
            8'd18 : i2c_data <= {16'h370b,8'h60};
            8'd19 : i2c_data <= {16'h3705,8'h1a};
            8'd20 : i2c_data <= {16'h3905,8'h02};
            8'd21 : i2c_data <= {16'h3906,8'h10};
            8'd22 : i2c_data <= {16'h3901,8'h0a};
            8'd23 : i2c_data <= {16'h3731,8'h12};
            8'd24 : i2c_data <= {16'h3600,8'h08}; //VCM控制,用于自动聚焦
            8'd25 : i2c_data <= {16'h3601,8'h33}; //VCM控制,用于自动聚焦
            8'd26 : i2c_data <= {16'h302d,8'h60}; //系统控制
            8'd27 : i2c_data <= {16'h3620,8'h52};
            8'd28 : i2c_data <= {16'h371b,8'h20};
            8'd29 : i2c_data <= {16'h471c,8'h50};
            8'd30 : i2c_data <= {16'h3a13,8'h43}; //AEC(自动曝光控制)
            8'd31 : i2c_data <= {16'h3a18,8'h00}; //AEC 增益上限
            8'd32 : i2c_data <= {16'h3a19,8'hf8}; //AEC 增益上限
            8'd33 : i2c_data <= {16'h3635,8'h13};
            8'd34 : i2c_data <= {16'h3636,8'h03};
            8'd35 : i2c_data <= {16'h3634,8'h40};
            8'd36 : i2c_data <= {16'h3622,8'h01};
            8'd37 : i2c_data <= {16'h3c01,8'h34};
            8'd38 : i2c_data <= {16'h3c04,8'h28};
            8'd39 : i2c_data <= {16'h3c05,8'h98};
            8'd40 : i2c_data <= {16'h3c06,8'h00}; //light meter 1 阈值[15:8]
            8'd41 : i2c_data <= {16'h3c07,8'h08}; //light meter 1 阈值[7:0]
            8'd42 : i2c_data <= {16'h3c08,8'h00}; //light meter 2 阈值[15:8]
            8'd43 : i2c_data <= {16'h3c09,8'h1c}; //light meter 2 阈值[7:0]
            8'd44 : i2c_data <= {16'h3c0a,8'h9c}; //sample number[15:8]
            8'd45 : i2c_data <= {16'h3c0b,8'h40}; //sample number[7:0]
            8'd46 : i2c_data <= {16'h3810,8'h00}; //Timing Hoffset[11:8] ISP horizontal offset[11:8] high byte
            8'd47 : i2c_data <= {16'h3811,8'h10}; //Timing Hoffset[7:0]  ISP horizontal offset[7:0] low byte
            8'd48 : i2c_data <= {16'h3812,8'h00}; //Timing Voffset[10:8] 
            8'd49 : i2c_data <= {16'h3708,8'h64};
            8'd50 : i2c_data <= {16'h4001,8'h02}; //BLC(黑电平校准)补偿起始行号
            8'd51 : i2c_data <= {16'h4005,8'h1a}; //BLC(黑电平校准)补偿始终更新
            8'd52 : i2c_data <= {16'h3000,8'h00}; //系统块复位控制
            8'd53 : i2c_data <= {16'h3004,8'hff}; //时钟使能控制
            8'd54 : i2c_data <= {16'h4300,8'h61}; //格式控制 RGB565
            8'd55 : i2c_data <= {16'h501f,8'h01}; //ISP RGB
            8'd56 : i2c_data <= {16'h440e,8'h00};
            8'd57 : i2c_data <= {16'h5000,8'ha7}; //ISP控制
            8'd58 : i2c_data <= {16'h3a0f,8'h30}; //AEC控制;stable range in high
            8'd59 : i2c_data <= {16'h3a10,8'h28}; //AEC控制;stable range in low
            8'd60 : i2c_data <= {16'h3a1b,8'h30}; //AEC控制;stable range out high
            8'd61 : i2c_data <= {16'h3a1e,8'h26}; //AEC控制;stable range out low
            8'd62 : i2c_data <= {16'h3a11,8'h60}; //AEC控制; fast zone high
            8'd63 : i2c_data <= {16'h3a1f,8'h14}; //AEC控制; fast zone low
            //LENC(镜头校正)控制 16'h5800~16'h583d
            8'd64 : i2c_data <= {16'h5800,8'h23}; 
            8'd65 : i2c_data <= {16'h5801,8'h14};
            8'd66 : i2c_data <= {16'h5802,8'h0f};
            8'd67 : i2c_data <= {16'h5803,8'h0f};
            8'd68 : i2c_data <= {16'h5804,8'h12};
            8'd69 : i2c_data <= {16'h5805,8'h26};
            8'd70 : i2c_data <= {16'h5806,8'h0c};
            8'd71 : i2c_data <= {16'h5807,8'h08};
            8'd72 : i2c_data <= {16'h5808,8'h05};
            8'd73 : i2c_data <= {16'h5809,8'h05};
            8'd74 : i2c_data <= {16'h580a,8'h08};
            8'd75 : i2c_data <= {16'h580b,8'h0d};
            8'd76 : i2c_data <= {16'h580c,8'h08};
            8'd77 : i2c_data <= {16'h580d,8'h03};
            8'd78 : i2c_data <= {16'h580e,8'h00};
            8'd79 : i2c_data <= {16'h580f,8'h00};
            8'd80 : i2c_data <= {16'h5810,8'h03};
            8'd81 : i2c_data <= {16'h5811,8'h09};
            8'd82 : i2c_data <= {16'h5812,8'h07};
            8'd83 : i2c_data <= {16'h5813,8'h03};
            8'd84 : i2c_data <= {16'h5814,8'h00};
            8'd85 : i2c_data <= {16'h5815,8'h01};
            8'd86 : i2c_data <= {16'h5816,8'h03};
            8'd87 : i2c_data <= {16'h5817,8'h08};
            8'd88 : i2c_data <= {16'h5818,8'h0d};
            8'd89 : i2c_data <= {16'h5819,8'h08};
            8'd90 : i2c_data <= {16'h581a,8'h05};
            8'd91 : i2c_data <= {16'h581b,8'h06};
            8'd92 : i2c_data <= {16'h581c,8'h08};
            8'd93 : i2c_data <= {16'h581d,8'h0e};
            8'd94 : i2c_data <= {16'h581e,8'h29};
            8'd95 : i2c_data <= {16'h581f,8'h17};
            8'd96 : i2c_data <= {16'h5820,8'h11};
            8'd97 : i2c_data <= {16'h5821,8'h11};
            8'd98 : i2c_data <= {16'h5822,8'h15};
            8'd99 : i2c_data <= {16'h5823,8'h28};
            8'd100: i2c_data <= {16'h5824,8'h46};
            8'd101: i2c_data <= {16'h5825,8'h26};
            8'd102: i2c_data <= {16'h5826,8'h08};
            8'd103: i2c_data <= {16'h5827,8'h26};
            8'd104: i2c_data <= {16'h5828,8'h64};
            8'd105: i2c_data <= {16'h5829,8'h26};
            8'd106: i2c_data <= {16'h582a,8'h24};
            8'd107: i2c_data <= {16'h582b,8'h22};
            8'd108: i2c_data <= {16'h582c,8'h24};
            8'd109: i2c_data <= {16'h582d,8'h24};
            8'd110: i2c_data <= {16'h582e,8'h06};
            8'd111: i2c_data <= {16'h582f,8'h22};
            8'd112: i2c_data <= {16'h5830,8'h40};
            8'd113: i2c_data <= {16'h5831,8'h42};
            8'd114: i2c_data <= {16'h5832,8'h24};
            8'd115: i2c_data <= {16'h5833,8'h26};
            8'd116: i2c_data <= {16'h5834,8'h24};
            8'd117: i2c_data <= {16'h5835,8'h22};
            8'd118: i2c_data <= {16'h5836,8'h22};
            8'd119: i2c_data <= {16'h5837,8'h26};
            8'd120: i2c_data <= {16'h5838,8'h44};
            8'd121: i2c_data <= {16'h5839,8'h24};
            8'd122: i2c_data <= {16'h583a,8'h26};
            8'd123: i2c_data <= {16'h583b,8'h28};
            8'd124: i2c_data <= {16'h583c,8'h42};
            8'd125: i2c_data <= {16'h583d,8'hce};
            //AWB(自动白平衡控制) 16'h5180~16'h519e
            8'd126: i2c_data <= {16'h5180,8'hff};
            8'd127: i2c_data <= {16'h5181,8'hf2};
            8'd128: i2c_data <= {16'h5182,8'h00};
            8'd129: i2c_data <= {16'h5183,8'h14};
            8'd130: i2c_data <= {16'h5184,8'h25};
            8'd131: i2c_data <= {16'h5185,8'h24};
            8'd132: i2c_data <= {16'h5186,8'h09};
            8'd133: i2c_data <= {16'h5187,8'h09};
            8'd134: i2c_data <= {16'h5188,8'h09};
            8'd135: i2c_data <= {16'h5189,8'h75};
            8'd136: i2c_data <= {16'h518a,8'h54};
            8'd137: i2c_data <= {16'h518b,8'he0};
            8'd138: i2c_data <= {16'h518c,8'hb2};
            8'd139: i2c_data <= {16'h518d,8'h42};
            8'd140: i2c_data <= {16'h518e,8'h3d};
            8'd141: i2c_data <= {16'h518f,8'h56};
            8'd142: i2c_data <= {16'h5190,8'h46};
            8'd143: i2c_data <= {16'h5191,8'hf8};
            8'd144: i2c_data <= {16'h5192,8'h04};
            8'd145: i2c_data <= {16'h5193,8'h70};
            8'd146: i2c_data <= {16'h5194,8'hf0};
            8'd147: i2c_data <= {16'h5195,8'hf0};
            8'd148: i2c_data <= {16'h5196,8'h03};
            8'd149: i2c_data <= {16'h5197,8'h01};
            8'd150: i2c_data <= {16'h5198,8'h04};
            8'd151: i2c_data <= {16'h5199,8'h12};
            8'd152: i2c_data <= {16'h519a,8'h04};
            8'd153: i2c_data <= {16'h519b,8'h00};
            8'd154: i2c_data <= {16'h519c,8'h06};
            8'd155: i2c_data <= {16'h519d,8'h82};
            8'd156: i2c_data <= {16'h519e,8'h38};
            //Gamma(伽马)控制 16'h5480~16'h5490
            8'd157: i2c_data <= {16'h5480,8'h01}; 
            8'd158: i2c_data <= {16'h5481,8'h08};
            8'd159: i2c_data <= {16'h5482,8'h14};
            8'd160: i2c_data <= {16'h5483,8'h28};
            8'd161: i2c_data <= {16'h5484,8'h51};
            8'd162: i2c_data <= {16'h5485,8'h65};
            8'd163: i2c_data <= {16'h5486,8'h71};
            8'd164: i2c_data <= {16'h5487,8'h7d};
            8'd165: i2c_data <= {16'h5488,8'h87};
            8'd166: i2c_data <= {16'h5489,8'h91};
            8'd167: i2c_data <= {16'h548a,8'h9a};
            8'd168: i2c_data <= {16'h548b,8'haa};
            8'd169: i2c_data <= {16'h548c,8'hb8};
            8'd170: i2c_data <= {16'h548d,8'hcd};
            8'd171: i2c_data <= {16'h548e,8'hdd};
            8'd172: i2c_data <= {16'h548f,8'hea};
            8'd173: i2c_data <= {16'h5490,8'h1d};
            //CMX(彩色矩阵控制) 16'h5381~16'h538b
            8'd174: i2c_data <= {16'h5381,8'h1e};
            8'd175: i2c_data <= {16'h5382,8'h5b};
            8'd176: i2c_data <= {16'h5383,8'h08};
            8'd177: i2c_data <= {16'h5384,8'h0a};
            8'd178: i2c_data <= {16'h5385,8'h7e};
            8'd179: i2c_data <= {16'h5386,8'h88};
            8'd180: i2c_data <= {16'h5387,8'h7c};
            8'd181: i2c_data <= {16'h5388,8'h6c};
            8'd182: i2c_data <= {16'h5389,8'h10};
            8'd183: i2c_data <= {16'h538a,8'h01};
            8'd184: i2c_data <= {16'h538b,8'h98};
            //SDE(特殊数码效果)控制 16'h5580~16'h558b
            8'd185: i2c_data <= {16'h5580,8'h06};
            8'd186: i2c_data <= {16'h5583,8'h40};
            8'd187: i2c_data <= {16'h5584,8'h10};
            8'd188: i2c_data <= {16'h5589,8'h10};
            8'd189: i2c_data <= {16'h558a,8'h00};
            8'd190: i2c_data <= {16'h558b,8'hf8};
            8'd191: i2c_data <= {16'h501d,8'h40}; //ISP MISC
            //CIP(颜色插值)控制 (16'h5300~16'h530c)
            8'd192: i2c_data <= {16'h5300,8'h08};
            8'd193: i2c_data <= {16'h5301,8'h30};
            8'd194: i2c_data <= {16'h5302,8'h10};
            8'd195: i2c_data <= {16'h5303,8'h00};
            8'd196: i2c_data <= {16'h5304,8'h08};
            8'd197: i2c_data <= {16'h5305,8'h30};
            8'd198: i2c_data <= {16'h5306,8'h08};
            8'd199: i2c_data <= {16'h5307,8'h16};
            8'd200: i2c_data <= {16'h5309,8'h08};
            8'd201: i2c_data <= {16'h530a,8'h30};
            8'd202: i2c_data <= {16'h530b,8'h04};
            8'd203: i2c_data <= {16'h530c,8'h06};
            8'd204: i2c_data <= {16'h5025,8'h00};
            //系统时钟分频 Bit[7:4]:系统时钟分频 input clock =24Mhz, PCLK = 48Mhz
            8'd205: i2c_data <= {16'h3035,8'h11}; 
            8'd206: i2c_data <= {16'h3036,8'h3c}; //PLL倍频
            8'd207: i2c_data <= {16'h3c07,8'h08};
            //时序控制 16'h3800~16'h3821
            8'd208: i2c_data <= {16'h3820,8'h46};
            8'd209: i2c_data <= {16'h3821,8'h01};
            8'd210: i2c_data <= {16'h3814,8'h31};
            8'd211: i2c_data <= {16'h3815,8'h31};
            8'd212: i2c_data <= {16'h3800,8'h00};// 开窗:x 开始位置 0*0~2591*1943
            8'd213: i2c_data <= {16'h3801,8'h00};// 开窗:x 开始位置
            8'd214: i2c_data <= {16'h3802,8'h00};// 开窗:y 开始位置
            8'd215: i2c_data <= {16'h3803,8'h04};// 开窗:y 开始位置
            8'd216: i2c_data <= {16'h3804,8'h0a};// 开窗:x 结束位置
            8'd217: i2c_data <= {16'h3805,8'h3f};// 开窗:x 结束位置
            8'd218: i2c_data <= {16'h3806,8'h07};// 开窗:y 结束位置
            8'd219: i2c_data <= {16'h3807,8'h9b};// 开窗:y 结束位置 size:2623*1943
            //DVP 输出水平像素点数高4位
            8'd220: i2c_data <= {16'h3808,{4'd0,cmos_h_pixel[11:8]}};
            //DVP 输出水平像素点数低8位
            8'd221: i2c_data <= {16'h3809,cmos_h_pixel[7:0]};
            //DVP 输出垂直像素点数高3位
            8'd222: i2c_data <= {16'h380a,{5'd0,cmos_v_pixel[10:8]}};
            //DVP 输出垂直像素点数低8位
            8'd223: i2c_data <= {16'h380b,cmos_v_pixel[7:0]};
            8'd224: i2c_data <= {16'h380c,{3'd0,total_h_pixel[12:8]}};//Total horizontal size[11:8] high byte
            8'd225: i2c_data <= {16'h380d,total_h_pixel[7:0]};//Total horizontal size[7:0] low byte
            8'd226: i2c_data <= {16'h380e,{3'd0,total_v_pixel[12:8]}};// Total vertical size[15:8] high byte
            8'd227: i2c_data <= {16'h380f,total_v_pixel[7:0]};// Total vertical size[7:0] low byte
            8'd228: i2c_data <= {16'h3813,8'h06};
            8'd229: i2c_data <= {16'h3618,8'h00};
            8'd230: i2c_data <= {16'h3612,8'h29};
            8'd231: i2c_data <= {16'h3709,8'h52};
            8'd232: i2c_data <= {16'h370c,8'h03};
            8'd233: i2c_data <= {16'h3a02,8'h17}; //60Hz max exposure
            8'd234: i2c_data <= {16'h3a03,8'h10}; //60Hz max exposure
            8'd235: i2c_data <= {16'h3a14,8'h17}; //50Hz max exposure
            8'd236: i2c_data <= {16'h3a15,8'h10}; //50Hz max exposure
            8'd237: i2c_data <= {16'h4004,8'h02}; //BLC(背光) 2 lines
            8'd238: i2c_data <= {16'h4713,8'h03}; //JPEG mode 3
            8'd239: i2c_data <= {16'h4407,8'h04}; //量化标度
            8'd240: i2c_data <= {16'h460c,8'h22};     
            8'd241: i2c_data <= {16'h4837,8'h22}; //DVP CLK divider
            8'd242: i2c_data <= {16'h3824,8'h02}; //DVP CLK divider
            8'd243: i2c_data <= {16'h5001,8'ha3}; //ISP 控制
            8'd244: i2c_data <= {16'h3b07,8'h0a}; //帧曝光模式  
            8'd245: i2c_data <= {16'h503d,8'h00}; //8'h00:正常模式 8'h80:彩条显示
            8'd246: i2c_data <= {16'h3016,8'h02};
            8'd247: i2c_data <= {16'h301c,8'h02};
            8'd248: i2c_data <= {16'h3019,8'h02}; //打开闪光灯
            8'd249: i2c_data <= {16'h3019,8'h00}; //关闭闪光灯
            default : i2c_data <= {16'h300a,8'h00}; //器件ID高8位



*Company : MiLianKe Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
*taobao-shop1: https://milianke.taobao.com
*Create Date: 2021/10/15
*File Name: ui5640reg.v
*The reference demo provided by Milianke is only used for learning. 
*We cannot ensure that the demo itself is free of bugs, so users 
*should be responsible for the technical problems and consequences
*caused by the use of their own products.
*Copyright: Copyright (c) MiLianKe
*All rights reserved.
*Revision: 1.0
*Signal description
*1) _i input
*2) _o output
*3) _n activ low
*4) _dg debug signal 
*5) _r delay or register
*6) _s state mechine


module ui5640reg
input      [8 :0]  REG_INDEX,
input      [15 :0] CAM_HSIZE,
input      [15 :0] CAM_VSIZE,
output reg [31:0]  REG_DATA,
output     [8 :0]  REG_SIZE  

assign	REG_SIZE = 9'd251;

/	Config Data REG	  //	
	0:       REG_DATA<=24'h310311;   // system clock from pad, bit[1]
	1:       REG_DATA<=24'h300882;   // software reset, bit[7]
	// delay 5ms
	2:       REG_DATA<=24'h300842;   // software power down, bit[6]
	3:       REG_DATA<=24'h310303;   // system clock from PLL, bit[1]
	4:       REG_DATA<=24'h3017ff;   // FREX, Vsync, HREF, PCLK, D[9:6] output enable
	5:       REG_DATA<=24'h3018ff;   // D[5:0], GPIO[1:0] output enable
	6:       REG_DATA<=24'h30341a;   // MIPI 10-bit
	7:       REG_DATA<=24'h303713;   // PLL root divider, bit[4], PLL pre-divider, bit[3:0]
	8:       REG_DATA<=24'h310801;   // PCLK root divider, bit[5:4], SCLK2x root divider, bit[3:2]
	// SCLK root divider, bit[1:0]
	9:       REG_DATA<=24'h363036;  
	10:      REG_DATA<=24'h36310e;  
	11:      REG_DATA<=24'h3632e2;  
	12:      REG_DATA<=24'h363312;  
	13:      REG_DATA<=24'h3621e0;  
	14:      REG_DATA<=24'h3704a0;  
	15:      REG_DATA<=24'h37035a;  
	16:      REG_DATA<=24'h371578;  
	17:      REG_DATA<=24'h371701;  
	18:      REG_DATA<=24'h370b60;  
	19:      REG_DATA<=24'h37051a;  
	20:      REG_DATA<=24'h390502;  
	21:      REG_DATA<=24'h390610;  
	22:      REG_DATA<=24'h39010a;  
	23:      REG_DATA<=24'h373112;  
	24:      REG_DATA<=24'h360008;   // VCM control
	25:      REG_DATA<=24'h360133;   // VCM control
	26:      REG_DATA<=24'h302d60;   // system control
	27:      REG_DATA<=24'h362052;  
	28:      REG_DATA<=24'h371b20;  
	29:      REG_DATA<=24'h471c50;  
	30:      REG_DATA<=24'h3a1343;   // pre-gain = 1.047x
	31:      REG_DATA<=24'h3a1800;   // gain ceiling
	32:      REG_DATA<=24'h3a19f8;   // gain ceiling = 15.5x
	33:      REG_DATA<=24'h363513;  
	34:      REG_DATA<=24'h363603;  
	35:      REG_DATA<=24'h363440;  
	36:      REG_DATA<=24'h362201;  
	// 50/60Hz detection 50/60Hz 灯光条纹过滤
	37:      REG_DATA<=24'h3c0134;   // Band auto, bit[7]
	38:      REG_DATA<=24'h3c0428;   // threshold low sum
	39:      REG_DATA<=24'h3c0598;   // threshold high sum
	40:      REG_DATA<=24'h3c0600;   // light meter 1 threshold[15:8]
	41:      REG_DATA<=24'h3c0708;   // light meter 1 threshold[7:0]
	42:      REG_DATA<=24'h3c0800;   // light meter 2 threshold[15:8]
	43:      REG_DATA<=24'h3c091c;   // light meter 2 threshold[7:0]
	44:      REG_DATA<=24'h3c0a9c;   // sample number[15:8]
	45:      REG_DATA<=24'h3c0b40;   // sample number[7:0]
	46:      REG_DATA<=24'h381000;   // Timing Hoffset[11:8]
	47:      REG_DATA<=24'h381110;   // Timing Hoffset[7:0]
	48:      REG_DATA<=24'h381200;   // Timing Voffset[10:8]
	49:      REG_DATA<=24'h370864;  
	50:      REG_DATA<=24'h400102;   // BLC start from line 2
	51:      REG_DATA<=24'h40051a;   // BLC always update
	52:      REG_DATA<=24'h300000;   // enable blocks
	53:      REG_DATA<=24'h3004ff;   // enable clocks
	54:      REG_DATA<=24'h300e58;   // MIPI power down, DVP enable
	55:      REG_DATA<=24'h302e00;  
	56:      REG_DATA<=24'h430061;   // YUV 422, YUYV
	57:      REG_DATA<=24'h501f01;   // YUV 422
	58:      REG_DATA<=24'h440e00;  
	59:      REG_DATA<=24'h5000a7;   // Lenc on, raw gamma on, BPC on, WPC on, CIP on
	// AEC target 自动曝光控制
	60:      REG_DATA<=24'h3a0f30;   // stable range in high
	61:      REG_DATA<=24'h3a1028;   // stable range in low
	62:      REG_DATA<=24'h3a1b30;   // stable range out high
	63:      REG_DATA<=24'h3a1e26;   // stable range out low
	64:      REG_DATA<=24'h3a1160;   // fast zone high
	65:      REG_DATA<=24'h3a1f14;   // fast zone low
	// Lens correction for ? 镜头补偿
	66:      REG_DATA<=24'h580023;  
	67:      REG_DATA<=24'h580114;  
	68:      REG_DATA<=24'h58020f;  
	69:      REG_DATA<=24'h58030f;  
	70:      REG_DATA<=24'h580412;  
	71:      REG_DATA<=24'h580526;  
	72:      REG_DATA<=24'h58060c;  
	73:      REG_DATA<=24'h580708;  
	74:      REG_DATA<=24'h580805;  
	75:      REG_DATA<=24'h580905;  
	76:      REG_DATA<=24'h580a08;  
	77:      REG_DATA<=24'h580b0d;  
	78:      REG_DATA<=24'h580c08;  
	79:      REG_DATA<=24'h580d03;  
	80:      REG_DATA<=24'h580e00;  
	81:      REG_DATA<=24'h580f00;  
	82:      REG_DATA<=24'h581003;  
	83:      REG_DATA<=24'h581109;  
	84:      REG_DATA<=24'h581207;  
	85:      REG_DATA<=24'h581303;  
	86:      REG_DATA<=24'h581400;  
	87:      REG_DATA<=24'h581501;  
	88:      REG_DATA<=24'h581603;  
	89:      REG_DATA<=24'h581708;  
	90:      REG_DATA<=24'h58180d;  
	91:      REG_DATA<=24'h581908;  
	92:      REG_DATA<=24'h581a05;  
	93:      REG_DATA<=24'h581b06;  
	94:      REG_DATA<=24'h581c08;  
	95:      REG_DATA<=24'h581d0e;  
	96:      REG_DATA<=24'h581e29;  
	97:      REG_DATA<=24'h581f17;  
	98:      REG_DATA<=24'h582011;  
	99:      REG_DATA<=24'h582111;  
	100:     REG_DATA<=24'h582215;  
	101:     REG_DATA<=24'h582328;  
	102:     REG_DATA<=24'h582446;  
	103:     REG_DATA<=24'h582526;  
	104:     REG_DATA<=24'h582608;  
	105:     REG_DATA<=24'h582726;  
	106:     REG_DATA<=24'h582864;  
	107:     REG_DATA<=24'h582926;  
	108:     REG_DATA<=24'h582a24;  
	109:     REG_DATA<=24'h582b22;  
	110:     REG_DATA<=24'h582c24;  
	111:     REG_DATA<=24'h582d24;  
	112:     REG_DATA<=24'h582e06;  
	113:     REG_DATA<=24'h582f22;  
	114:     REG_DATA<=24'h583040;  
	115:     REG_DATA<=24'h583142;  
	116:     REG_DATA<=24'h583224;  
	117:     REG_DATA<=24'h583326;  
	118:     REG_DATA<=24'h583424;  
	119:     REG_DATA<=24'h583522;  
	120:     REG_DATA<=24'h583622;  
	121:     REG_DATA<=24'h583726;  
	122:     REG_DATA<=24'h583844;  
	123:     REG_DATA<=24'h583924;  
	124:     REG_DATA<=24'h583a26;  
	125:     REG_DATA<=24'h583b28;  
	126:     REG_DATA<=24'h583c42;  
	127:     REG_DATA<=24'h583dce;   // lenc BR offset
	128:     REG_DATA<=24'h5180ff;   // AWB B block
	129:     REG_DATA<=24'h518158;   // AWB control
	130:     REG_DATA<=24'h518211;   // [7:4] max local counter, [3:0] max fast counter
	131:     REG_DATA<=24'h518390;   // AWB advanced
	132:     REG_DATA<=24'h518425;  
	133:     REG_DATA<=24'h518524;  
	134:     REG_DATA<=24'h518609;  
	135:     REG_DATA<=24'h518709;  
	136:     REG_DATA<=24'h518809;  
	137:     REG_DATA<=24'h518975;  
	138:     REG_DATA<=24'h518a54;  
	139:     REG_DATA<=24'h518be0;  
	140:     REG_DATA<=24'h518cb2;  
	141:     REG_DATA<=24'h518d42;  
	142:     REG_DATA<=24'h518e3d;  
	143:     REG_DATA<=24'h518f56;  
	144:     REG_DATA<=24'h519046;  
	145:     REG_DATA<=24'h5191ff;   // AWB top limit
	146:     REG_DATA<=24'h519200;   // AWB bottom limit
	147:     REG_DATA<=24'h5193f0;   // red limit
	148:     REG_DATA<=24'h5194f0;   // green limit
	149:     REG_DATA<=24'h5195f0;   // blue limit
	150:     REG_DATA<=24'h519603;   // AWB control
	151:     REG_DATA<=24'h519702;   // local limit
	152:     REG_DATA<=24'h519804;  
	153:     REG_DATA<=24'h519912;  
	154:     REG_DATA<=24'h519a04;  
	155:     REG_DATA<=24'h519b00;  
	156:     REG_DATA<=24'h519c06;  
	157:     REG_DATA<=24'h519d82;  
	158:     REG_DATA<=24'h519e00;   // AWB control
	// Gamma 伽玛曲线
	159:     REG_DATA<=24'h548001;   // Gamma bias plus on, bit[0]
	160:     REG_DATA<=24'h548108;  
	161:     REG_DATA<=24'h548214;  
	162:     REG_DATA<=24'h548328;  
	163:     REG_DATA<=24'h548451;  
	164:     REG_DATA<=24'h548565;  
	165:     REG_DATA<=24'h548671;  
	166:     REG_DATA<=24'h54877d;  
	167:     REG_DATA<=24'h548887;  
	168:     REG_DATA<=24'h548991;  
	169:     REG_DATA<=24'h548a9a;  
	170:     REG_DATA<=24'h548baa;  
	171:     REG_DATA<=24'h548cb8;  
	172:     REG_DATA<=24'h548dcd;  
	173:     REG_DATA<=24'h548edd;  
	174:     REG_DATA<=24'h548fea;  
	175:     REG_DATA<=24'h54901d;  
	// color matrix 色彩矩阵
	176:     REG_DATA<=24'h53811e;   // CMX1 for Y
	177:     REG_DATA<=24'h53825b;   // CMX2 for Y
	178:     REG_DATA<=24'h538308;   // CMX3 for Y
	179:     REG_DATA<=24'h53840a;   // CMX4 for U
	180:     REG_DATA<=24'h53857e;   // CMX5 for U
	181:     REG_DATA<=24'h538688;   // CMX6 for U
	182:     REG_DATA<=24'h53877c;   // CMX7 for V
	183:     REG_DATA<=24'h53886c;   // CMX8 for V
	184:     REG_DATA<=24'h538910;   // CMX9 for V
	185:     REG_DATA<=24'h538a01;   // sign[9]
	186:     REG_DATA<=24'h538b98;   // sign[8:1]
	// UV adjust UV色彩饱和度调整
	187:     REG_DATA<=24'h558006;   // saturation on, bit[1]
	188:     REG_DATA<=24'h558340;  
	189:     REG_DATA<=24'h558410;  
	190:     REG_DATA<=24'h558910;  
	191:     REG_DATA<=24'h558a00;  
	192:     REG_DATA<=24'h558bf8;  
	193:     REG_DATA<=24'h501d40;   // enable manual offset of contrast
	// CIP 锐化和降噪
	194:     REG_DATA<=24'h530008;   // CIP sharpen MT threshold 1
	195:     REG_DATA<=24'h530130;   // CIP sharpen MT threshold 2
	196:     REG_DATA<=24'h530210;   // CIP sharpen MT offset 1
	197:     REG_DATA<=24'h530300;   // CIP sharpen MT offset 2
	198:     REG_DATA<=24'h530408;   // CIP DNS threshold 1
	199:     REG_DATA<=24'h530530;   // CIP DNS threshold 2
	200:     REG_DATA<=24'h530608;   // CIP DNS offset 1
	201:     REG_DATA<=24'h530716;   // CIP DNS offset 2
	202:     REG_DATA<=24'h530908;   // CIP sharpen TH threshold 1
	203:     REG_DATA<=24'h530a30;   // CIP sharpen TH threshold 2
	204:     REG_DATA<=24'h530b04;   // CIP sharpen TH offset 1
	205:     REG_DATA<=24'h530c06;   // CIP sharpen TH offset 2
	206:     REG_DATA<=24'h502500;  
	207:     REG_DATA<=24'h300802;   // wake up from standby, bit[6]
	// YUV VGA 30fps, night mode 5fps
	// Input Clock = 24Mhz, PCLK = 56MHz
	208:     REG_DATA<=24'h303541;   // PLL
	209:     REG_DATA<=24'h303669;   // PLL
	210:     REG_DATA<=24'h3c0707;   // light meter 1 threshold [7:0]
	211:     REG_DATA<=24'h382040;   // Sensor flip off, ISP flip on
	212:     REG_DATA<=24'h382101;   // Sensor mirror on, ISP mirror on, H binning on
	213:     REG_DATA<=24'h381431;   // X INC
	214:     REG_DATA<=24'h381531;   // Y INC
	215:     REG_DATA<=24'h380000;   // HS
	216:     REG_DATA<=24'h380100;   // HS
	217:     REG_DATA<=24'h380200;   // VS
	218:     REG_DATA<=24'h3803fa;   // VS
	219:     REG_DATA<=24'h38040a; // HW (HE)
	220:     REG_DATA<=24'h38053f; // HW (HE)
	221:     REG_DATA<=24'h380606; // VH (VE)
	222:     REG_DATA<=24'h3807a9; // VH (VE)
	223:     REG_DATA<={16'h3808,CAM_HSIZE[15:8]} ; // DVPHO     (1280)
	224:     REG_DATA<={16'h3809,CAM_HSIZE[ 7:0]}; // DVPHO     (1280)
	225:     REG_DATA<={16'h380a,CAM_VSIZE[15:8]} ; // DVPVO     (720)
	226:     REG_DATA<={16'h380b,CAM_VSIZE[ 7:0]}; // DVPVO     (720)
	227:     REG_DATA<=24'h380c07;   // HTS
	228:     REG_DATA<=24'h380d64;   // HTS
	229:     REG_DATA<=24'h380e02;   // VTS
	230:     REG_DATA<=24'h380fe4;   // VTS
	231:     REG_DATA<=24'h381304;   // Timing Voffset
	232:     REG_DATA<=24'h361800;  
	233:     REG_DATA<=24'h361229;  
	234:     REG_DATA<=24'h370952;  
	235:     REG_DATA<=24'h370c03;  
	236:     REG_DATA<=24'h3a0217;   // 60Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
	237:     REG_DATA<=24'h3a03e0;   // 60Hz max exposure
	// banding filters are calculated automatically in camera driver
	//:     REG_DATA<=24'h3a0801;   // B50 step
	//:     REG_DATA<=24'h3a0927;   // B50 step
	//:     REG_DATA<=24'h3a0a00;   // B60 step
	//:     REG_DATA<=24'h3a0bf6;   // B60 step
	//:     REG_DATA<=24'h3a0e03;   // 50Hz max band
	//:     REG_DATA<=24'h3a0d04;   // 60Hz max band
	238:     REG_DATA<=24'h3a1417;   // 50Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
	239:     REG_DATA<=24'h3a1510;   // 50Hz max exposure
	240:     REG_DATA<=24'h400402;   // BLC 2 lines
	241:     REG_DATA<=24'h30021c;   // reset JFIFO, SFIFO, JPEG
	242:     REG_DATA<=24'h3006c3;   // disable clock of JPEG2x, JPEG
	243:     REG_DATA<=24'h471303;   // JPEG mode 3
	244:     REG_DATA<=24'h440704;   // Quantization scale
	245:     REG_DATA<=24'h460b37;  
	246:     REG_DATA<=24'h460c20;  
	247:     REG_DATA<=24'h483716;   // DVP CLK divider
	248:     REG_DATA<=24'h382402;   // DVP CLK divider
	249:     REG_DATA<=24'h500183;   // SDE on, scale on, UV average off, color matrix on, AWB on
	250:     REG_DATA<=24'h350300;   // AEC/AGC on
	default:   REG_DATA<=24'h000000;



基于FPGA的摄像头控制电路设计之OV5640寄存器配置-RGB565-800×480预览 - mjybk - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
