Redhat LINUX 9.3 + PG 16.1 搭建主备流复制

2023-12-18 05:42:10

一直想搭建一个PG流复制,最近正好有一个新环境,操作系统是最新的,rhel 9.3,数据库是最新的 pg 16.1,借鉴了网上的步骤,尤其是小工到专家的内容,在此谢过。


主: server1
备: server2

[postgres@server2 data]$ cat /etc/redhat-release?
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 9.3 (Plow)


postgres@[local]:5432/postgres-11653#=select version();
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? version ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
?PostgreSQL 16.1 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 11.4.1 20230605 (Red Hat 11.4.1-, 64-bit
(1 row)


2.1 修改 /etc/hosts 文件(主备)

vim /etc/hosts server1 server2

2.2 主库设置


postgres=# create role rep1 login replication encrypted password 'rep1';

2) 配置复制认证配置

vim $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf

host ? ?replication ? ? rep1 ? ? ? ? ? ?server2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? md5

3) 修改$PGDATA/postgres.conf

listen_addresses = '*'
wal_level = replica
archive_mode = on

archive_command = 'cp %p /home/postgres/arch/%f'
restore_command = 'cp /home/postgres/arch/%f %p'
recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'
full_page_writes = on
wal_log_hints = on

logging_collector = on
log_directory = 'pg_log'
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d.log'

min_wal_size = 800MB
wal_keep_size = 1024


pg_ctl restart

2.3 备库设置


pg_basebackup -h server1 -p 5432 -U repl -X stream -R -Fp -P -D /pgdata/data

-X stream:指定备份的流式传输方法。

2) 修改参数,加上下面参数

hot_standby = on #在备份的同时允许查询,默认值
max_standby_streaming_delay = 30s #可选,流复制最大延迟
wal_receiver_status_interval = 10s #可选,从向主报告状态的最大间隔时间
hot_standby_feedback = on #可选,查询冲突时向主反馈

host ? ?replication ? ? rep1 ? ? ? ? ? ?server1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? md5 #这里修改主机名为主机的

4) 重启让配置生效
pg_ctl start


3.1 查看主备进程


[postgres@server1 data]$ ps -ef|grep wal
postgres ? ?3003 ? ?2998 ?0 21:57 ? ? ? ? ?00:00:00 postgres: walwriter?
postgres ? ?3063 ? ?2998 ?0 22:08 ? ? ? ? ?00:00:00 postgres: walsender rep1 streaming 0/260021C8
postgres ? ?3080 ? ?1518 ?0 22:13 pts/0 ? ?00:00:00 grep --color=auto wal
[postgres@server1 data]$?


[postgres@server2 data]$ ps -ef|grep wal
postgres ? 11355 ? 11345 ?0 22:08 ? ? ? ? ?00:00:00 postgres: walreceiver streaming 0/260021C8
postgres ? 11373 ? ?9351 ?0 22:14 pts/0 ? ?00:00:00 grep --color=auto wal
[postgres@server2 data]$?

3.2 主库切换日志

postgres@[local]:5432/postgres-3100#=select pg_switch_wal();
(1 row)

postgres@[local]:5432/postgres-3100#=\! ls -ltr /pgdata/data/pg_wal
总用量 458768
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres ? ? ? 41 12月 15 23:16 00000002.history
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 20:09 00000002000000000000000D
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 20:22 00000002000000000000000E
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 20:22 00000002000000000000000F
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 20:25 000000020000000000000010
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 20:28 000000020000000000000011
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 20:28 000000020000000000000012.partial
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres ? ? ? 84 12月 17 20:29 00000003.history
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 20:34 000000030000000000000012
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:04 000000030000000000000013
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:26 000000030000000000000014
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:29 000000030000000000000015
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:29 000000030000000000000016
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:30 000000030000000000000017
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:30 000000030000000000000018
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:31 000000030000000000000019
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:31 00000003000000000000001A
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:33 00000003000000000000001B
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:33 00000003000000000000001C
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:47 00000003000000000000001D
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:47 00000003000000000000001E
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:50 00000003000000000000001F
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:50 000000030000000000000020
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:53 000000030000000000000021
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:53 000000030000000000000022
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:57 000000030000000000000023
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:58 000000030000000000000024
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:58 000000030000000000000025
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres ? ? ?341 12月 17 21:58 000000030000000000000025.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 22:17 000000030000000000000026
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres ? ? 4096 12月 17 22:17 archive_status
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 22:17 000000030000000000000027


[postgres@server2 data]$ ls -ltr /pgdata/data/pg_wal
总用量 49156
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres ? ? ? 84 12月 17 21:58 00000003.history
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 21:58 000000030000000000000025
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres ? ? ? 72 12月 17 22:17 archive_status
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 22:17 000000030000000000000026
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 12月 17 22:17 000000030000000000000027

3.3 查看当前备库状态

[postgres@server2 data]$ psql
psql (16.1)
Type "help" for help.

postgres@server2:5432/postgres-11485#=select pg_is_in_recovery();
(1 row)

postgres@server1:5432/postgres-3210#=select pg_is_in_recovery();
(1 row)

t :true,意味着处于 recovery 状态
f :false,意味着处于正常服务状态

3.4 主库查询

postgres@server1:5432/postgres-3210#=select pid, usename,client_addr,state,sync_state,reply_time from pg_stat_replication;
?pid ?| usename | ? client_addr ? | ? state ? | sync_state | ? ? ? ? ?reply_time ? ? ? ? ??
?3188 | rep1 ? ?| | streaming | async ? ? ?| 2023-12-17 22:31:28.775596+08
(1 row)

postgres@server1:5432/postgres-3210#=select pid, usename,client_addr,state,sync_state,reply_time from pg_stat_replication;
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------
pid ? ? ? ? | 3188
usename ? ? | rep1
client_addr |
state ? ? ? | streaming
sync_state ?| async
reply_time ?| 2023-12-17 22:31:38.761116+08


postgres@server1:5432/postgres-3210#=select * from pg_stat_replication;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------
pid ? ? ? ? ? ? ?| 3188
usesysid ? ? ? ? | 16409
usename ? ? ? ? ?| rep1
application_name | walreceiver
client_addr ? ? ?|
client_hostname ?| server2
client_port ? ? ?| 59278
backend_start ? ?| 2023-12-17 22:25:07.174465+08
backend_xmin ? ? |?
state ? ? ? ? ? ?| streaming
sent_lsn ? ? ? ? | 0/28000C88
write_lsn ? ? ? ?| 0/28000C88
flush_lsn ? ? ? ?| 0/28000C88
replay_lsn ? ? ? | 0/28000C88
write_lag ? ? ? ?|?
flush_lag ? ? ? ?|?
replay_lag ? ? ? |?
sync_priority ? ?| 0
sync_state ? ? ? | async
reply_time ? ? ? | 2023-12-17 22:33:18.809739+08

3.5 备库查询

postgres@server2:5432/postgres-11485#=select * from pg_stat_wal_receiver;-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pid ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | 11386
status ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?| streaming
receive_start_lsn ? ? | 0/28000000
receive_start_tli ? ? | 3
written_lsn ? ? ? ? ? | 0/28000C88
flushed_lsn ? ? ? ? ? | 0/28000C88
received_tli ? ? ? ? ?| 3
last_msg_send_time ? ?| 2023-12-17 22:35:08.850593+08
last_msg_receipt_time | 2023-12-17 22:35:08.85238+08
latest_end_lsn ? ? ? ?| 0/28000C88
latest_end_time ? ? ? | 2023-12-17 22:30:08.735565+08
slot_name ? ? ? ? ? ? |?
sender_host ? ? ? ? ? | server1
sender_port ? ? ? ? ? | 5432
conninfo ? ? ? ? ? ? ?| user=rep1 password=******** channel_binding=disable dbname=replication host=server1 port=5432 client_encoding=GBK fallback_application_name=walreceiver sslmode=disable sslcompression=0 sslcertmode=disable sslsni=1 ssl_min_protocol_version=TLSv1.2 gssencmode=disable krbsrvname=postgres gssdelegation=0 target_session_attrs=any load_balance_hosts=disable


023-12-17 22:25:07.215 CST [11386] LOG: ?started streaming WAL from primary at 0/28000000 on timeline 3
2023-12-17 22:25:08.324 CST [11347] LOG: ?restartpoint starting: time
2023-12-17 22:25:08.331 CST [11347] LOG: ?restartpoint complete: wrote 0 buffers (0.0%); 0 WAL file(s) added, 0 removed, 0 recycled; write=0.001 s, sync=0.001 s, total=0.007 s; sync files=0, longest=0.000 s, average=0.000 s; distance=16383 kB, estimate=16389 kB; lsn=0/28000028, redo lsn=0/28000028
2023-12-17 22:25:08.331 CST [11347] LOG: ?recovery restart point at 0/28000028
2023-12-17 22:30:08.225 CST [11347] LOG: ?restartpoint starting: time
2023-12-17 22:30:08.332 CST [11347] LOG: ?restartpoint complete: wrote 2 buffers (0.0%); 0 WAL file(s) added, 0 removed, 0 recycled; write=0.103 s, sync=0.001 s, total=0.107 s; sync files=2, longest=0.001 s, average=0.001 s; distance=2 kB, estimate=14751 kB; lsn=0/28000BD8, redo lsn=0/28000BA0
2023-12-17 22:30:08.332 CST [11347] LOG: ?recovery restart point at 0/28000BA0
2023-12-17 22:30:08.332 CST [11347] DETAIL: ?Last completed transaction was at log time 2023-12-17 22:27:29.986132+08.

3.6 测试数据同步


postgres@server1:5432/postgres-3210#=create table emp(emp int);
postgres@server1:5432/postgres-3210#=insert into emp values(100);
postgres@server1:5432/postgres-3210#=select * from emp;
(1 row)

2) 备库验证

[postgres@server2 pg_log]$ psql -h server2
Password for user postgres:?
psql (16.1)
Type "help" for help.

? ? ? ? ? ? ?List of relations
?Schema | ? ? ?Name ? ? ?| Type ?| ?Owner ??
?public | emp ? ? ? ? ? ?| table | postgres
?public | pg_buffercache | view ?| postgres
(2 rows)

postgres@server2:5432/postgres-11497#=select * from emp;
(1 row)




4.1 停止主库

[postgres@server1 data]$ pg_ctl stop
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
[postgres@server1 data]$?
[postgres@server1 data]$?
[postgres@server1 data]$ pg_ctl status
pg_ctl: no server running

4.2 提升备库为主

pg_ctl promote

postgres@server2 pg_log]$ pg_ctl promote
waiting for server to promote.... done
server promoted
[postgres@server2 pg_log]$ pg_ctl status
pg_ctl: server is running (PID: 11345)
[postgres@server2 pg_log]$ pg_controldata |grep stat
Database cluster state: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? in production
[postgres@server2 pg_log]$?

[postgres@server2 data]$ ls -ltr standby*
ls: 无法访问 'stand*': 没有那个文件或目录
[postgres@server2 data]$?

[postgres@server2 data]$ ps -ef|grep wal
postgres ? 11569 ? 11345 ?0 22:44 ? ? ? ? ?00:00:00 postgres: walwriter?
postgres ? 11592 ? ?9351 ?0 22:46 pts/0 ? ?00:00:00 grep --color=auto wal
[postgres@server2 data]$?

4.3 创建standby.signal文件

在新备库上(原主库) 完成


[postgres@server1 data]$ touch standby.signal
[postgres@server1 data]$?
[postgres@server1 data]$ ls -ltr standby.signal
-rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 0 12月 17 22:49 standby.signal

4.4 调整新备库内容

在新备库的 文件中添加如下内容

primary_conninfo = 'user=rep1 password=rep1 passfile=''/home/postgres/.pgpass'' channel_binding=disable host=server2 port=5432 client_encoding=GBK sslmode=disable sslcompression=0 sslcertmode=disable sslsni=1 ssl_min_protocol_version=TLSv1.2 gssencmode=disable krbsrvname=postgres gssdelegation=0 target_session_attrs=any load_balance_hosts=disable'

4.5 启动新备库

[postgres@server1 data]$ pg_ctl restart
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
waiting for server to start....2023-12-17 22:53:08.352 CST [3340] LOG: ?redirecting log output to logging collector process
2023-12-17 22:53:08.352 CST [3340] HINT: ?Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log".
server started

4.6 验证

[postgres@server1 data]$ pg_controldata |grep state
Database cluster state: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? in archive recovery

[postgres@server2 data]$ pg_controldata |grep stat
Database cluster state: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? in production

[postgres@server2 data]$ psql
psql (16.1)
Type "help" for help.

Expanded display is on.
postgres@[local]:5432/postgres-11653#=select pid, usename,client_addr,state,sync_state,reply_time from pg_stat_replication;
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------
pid ? ? ? ? | 11644
usename ? ? | rep1
client_addr |
state ? ? ? | streaming
sync_state ?| async
reply_time ?| 2023-12-17 22:55:48.476883+08

postgres@[local]:5432/postgres-11653#=select * from pg_stat_replication;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------
pid ? ? ? ? ? ? ?| 11644
usesysid ? ? ? ? | 16409
usename ? ? ? ? ?| rep1
application_name | walreceiver
client_addr ? ? ?|
client_hostname ?| server1
client_port ? ? ?| 47196
backend_start ? ?| 2023-12-17 22:53:08.395347+08
backend_xmin ? ? |?
state ? ? ? ? ? ?| streaming
sent_lsn ? ? ? ? | 0/290001B8
write_lsn ? ? ? ?| 0/290001B8
flush_lsn ? ? ? ?| 0/290001B8
replay_lsn ? ? ? | 0/290001B8
write_lag ? ? ? ?|?
flush_lag ? ? ? ?|?
replay_lag ? ? ? |?
sync_priority ? ?| 0
sync_state ? ? ? | async
reply_time ? ? ? | 2023-12-17 22:56:18.489045+08

