fuZion Overview
fuZion is the novel combination of resistive force sensing technology and capacitive proximity sensing in a single cohesive sensor and electronic architecture. By utilizing the same screen printed electrodes,
materials, and print layers it is possible to sample both projected capacitive detection and resistive force sensing simultaneously on multiple nodes with a single electronic circuit and IC.
fuZion utilizes the strengths of both technologies to achieve a seamless integration enhancing existing HMI use cases and enabling new and novel opportunities for HMI developers.
fuZion goes above on and beyond to help you solve your HMIchallenges.
General Specification
? Capacitive sensing from 30mm on a single sensor or 100mm on multiple sensors.
? Force sensing from 20g to 1Kg
? Driven by the Cypress PSoC 4 MCU utilizing Cypress capsense technology
? Sampling rates of 100KHz or better
?由Cypress PSoC 4 MCU驱动,采用Cypress capsense技术
Electronic requirements:
Each fuZion system requires one ADC and one Capsense pin per sensor plus one digital and one Shield/Drive line (see below for a typical circuit schematic)
fuZion Demo Kit Summary
fuZion makes use of Cypress Capsense technology in order to combine proximity capacitive sensing with FSR technology seamlessly in one sensor. The system uses the CY8CKIT-042 Development Kit with the
PSoC 4 44-TQFP MCU, sampling capacitive and FSR values at 188.235 kHz.
The Demo Unit is powered by the PSoc board, which in turn has a micro-USB output which powers the board at 3.3volts.
There are three independent sensors each of which can measure Capsense and FSR values consecutively. Orange LEDs light up to indicate the Capsense values, with the first one turning on at about 10mm from the given sensor and the last approximately at contact. The green force LEDs will start to light at approximately 60g and more LEDs will light at 85g and 135g, these switch points are adjustable in the software.
The system is constantly sampling Capsense values, then begins alternating with FSR sampling when the capsense passes a threshold value. This alternating sampling allows each sensor to operate
independently of each other and output either capsense or FSR values to the LEDs.
The system uses three dedicated capsense pins and three separate dedicated ADC pins. When the system is in FSR or capsense mode the opposing pins are undriven and not in use. This is necessary as
capsense requires dedicated pins for its operation. A transistor switches on in FSR mode to connect the ADC pin and comparator resistor to the sensor in order to obtain FSR readings.
fuZion采用cyprescapsense技术,将近距离电容传感技术与电容传感技术结合FSR技术无缝集成在一个传感器中。系统使用CY8CKIT-042开发工具包和PSoC 4 44-TQFP MCU,188.235 kHz时的电容和FSR值采样。
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