APPnium 自动化实践 :第一步adb 连接手机
1. 下载安装 adb ,添加到环境变量。
ADB Download - Get the latest version of ADB and fastboot
2.? ?手机开启开发者模式?
3.? adb? 连接设备??
adb devices: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?获取设备和设备的状态列表
adb devices -l?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?查看已连接的设备
adb get-serialno?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? 设备号
adb get-state: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?获取设备的状态(设备的状态有三种:device,设备连接正常;offline,连接出现异常,设备无响应;unknown,设备未连接;)
adb connect [ip:port]: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 远程连接设备(用于在同一网络下adb无线连接设备)
adb disconnect [ip:port]: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 断开设备连接(用于在同一网络下adb无线连接设备)
adb reboot: 重启设备
请确认 Android 设备与电脑是连接到了同一个 WiFi,然后再次执行 adb connect 那一步
通过adb kill-server重新启动 adb 然后从头再来一次试试
?adb? shell 登录设备
adb -d:如果同时连了usb,又开了模拟器,连接当前唯一通过usb连接的安卓设备
adb -e shell:指定当前连接此电脑的唯一的一个模拟器
adb -s <设备号> shell:当电脑插多台手机或模拟器时,指定一个设备号进行连接
adb shell pm list packages ?? ??? ? 列出所有应用
adb shell pm list package -s ? ? 列出系统应用
adb shell pm list package -3 ? ? 列出第三方的应用
adb shell pm list package -i ? ? 列出来源
db shell pm list package -f ? ? 列出包名和路径
adb shell dumpsys基本指令
adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo ? ? ? cpu信息
adb shell dumpsys meminfo ? ? ? 内存信息
adb shell dumpsys power ? ? ? ? 电源信息
adb shell dumpsys battery ? ? ? 电池信息
adb shell dumpsys wifi ? ? ? ? ?wifi信息
adb shell dumpsys notification ?通知信息
adb shell dumpsys activity ? ? ?获取页面信息
adb shell dumpsys activity services [package-name] 查看正在运行的服务
dumpsys meminfo
127|HWJKM-HM:/ $ dumpsys meminfo
Applications Memory Usage (in Kilobytes):
Uptime: 599577 Realtime: 599577
Total PSS by process:
182,930K: system (pid 1730)
176,147K: (pid 2079)
106,123K: com.huawei.vassistant (pid 6311)
84,180K: com.huawei.phoneservice (pid 8800)
77,986K: (pid 2409 / activities)
70,068K: com.huawei.hwid.core (pid 3058)
66,836K: (pid 8115)
66,679K: (pid 600)
58,698K: vendor.huawei.hardware.biometrics.hwfacerecognize@1.1-service (pid 852)
50,879K: com.huawei.wallet (pid 7799)
42,587K: CameraDaemon (pid 889)
41,872K: com.huawei.hilink.framework (pid 3338)
35,905K: (pid 9244)
30,546K: (pid 5024)
30,377K: com.huawei.systemmanager:service (pid 2430)
26,029K: (pid 9416)
23,838K: com.huawei.HwOPServer (pid 2301)
23,824K: /init (pid 1)
22,586K: (pid 595)
21,757K: com.huawei.hwid.persistent (pid 3183)
21,170K: com.huawei.powergenie (pid 2356)
21,142K: com.huawei.hiai (pid 5299)
21,133K: (pid 2060)
20,840K: com.huawei.recsys (pid 9707)
20,454K: (pid 8362)
20,412K: (pid 2388)
19,856K: surfaceflinger (pid 629)
19,604K: com.huawei.hiview (pid 2263)
18,822K: (pid 8473)
18,266K: com.huawei.hiaction (pid 4816)
18,265K: (pid 2241)
17,824K: com.huawei.hidisk (pid 7188)
17,562K: android.process.acore (pid 5336)
16,240K: (pid 4836)
16,227K: com.huawei.systemserver (pid 2196)
16,027K: com.huawei.profile (pid 9730)
15,908K: com.huawei.hwid (pid 9025)
14,326K: com.huawei.hwid.container3 (pid 5757)
14,003K: com.huawei.lbs (pid 2177)
13,941K: com.huawei.hiai.engineservice (pid 5097)
13,772K: (pid 9618)
13,305K: (pid 3743)
13,163K: (pid 8670)
12,241K: gpuassistant (pid 626)
12,233K: (pid 9549)
11,140K: hiview (pid 927)
10,373K: com.huawei.nearby (pid 2283)
9,857K: (pid 4410)
9,611K: com.huawei.webview:sandboxed_process0 (pid 8947)
9,549K: com.huawei.securityserver (pid 2328)
9,497K: com.huawei.hwdetectrepair (pid 8882)
8,682K: com.huawei.vassistant:interactor (pid 4759)
7,877K: (pid 9795)
7,482K: zygote (pid 578)
7,424K: com.unionpay.tsmservice (pid 8635)
6,860K: (pid 8604)
6,801K: zygote64 (pid 577)
6,460K: webview_zygote (pid 2094)
6,419K: audioserver (pid 627)
6,404K: com.huawei.controlcenter:collaboration (pid 9829)
6,369K: media.extractor (pid 877)
6,077K: dubaid (pid 868)
5,778K: (pid 4799)
5,710K: media.codec (pid 890)
5,293K: (pid 3000)
4,860K: distributeddata (pid 682)
4,752K: com.huawei.deviceauth (pid 9060)
4,587K: (pid 7030)
4,547K: (pid 608)
4,458K: mediaserver (pid 879)
4,420K: (pid 7871)
4,344K: (pid 7007)
4,089K: cameraserver (pid 863)
4,048K: samgr (pid 564)
3,534K: logd (pid 482)
3,368K: rild (pid 903)
3,195K: displayengineserver (pid 866)
2,812K: gnss_supl20clientd_hisi (pid 1595)
2,578K: netd (pid 576)
2,403K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwdisplay.displayengine@1.2-service (pid 613)
2,386K: hsensors (pid 676)
2,265K: locationhub (pid 683)
2,235K: vold (pid 498)
2,072K: accountmgr (pid 561)
2,066K: wpa_supplicant_hisi (pid 2244)
2,018K: keystore (pid 875)
2,001K: wifiservice (pid 688)
1,971K: aptouch_daemon (pid 750)
1,896K: bluetoothservic (pid 679)
1,889K: audio_sa (pid 678)
1,864K: hiaiserver (pid 917)
1,862K: nfcservice (pid 684)
1,861K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hivrar@1.3-service (pid 612)
1,813K: tee_auth_daemon (pid 648)
1,779K: installd (pid 874)
1,770K: gnss_control_hisi (pid 1592)
1,754K: storaged (pid 881)
1,739K: hwpged (pid 892)
1,651K: hwservicemanager (pid 484)
1,630K: emcomd (pid 847)
1,623K: deviceidsrv (pid 681)
1,617K: fusion_daemon (pid 957)
1,609K: netmanager (pid 677)
1,602K: telephony (pid 687)
1,595K: vendor.huawei.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service (pid 972)
1,575K: vendor.huawei.hardware.perfgenius@2.0-service (pid 622)
1,540K: vendor.huawei.hardware.wifi@1.1-service (pid 625)
1,501K: statsd (pid 880)
1,496K: android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-service (pid 495)
1,472K: resschedd (pid 686)
1,447K: bastetd (pid 902)
1,421K: vendor.huawei.hardware.iawareperf@1.0-service (pid 619)
1,412K: gnss_engine_hisi (pid 1591)
1,376K: chargemonitor (pid 967)
1,375K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwsecurity-service (pid 617)
1,356K: activity_recognition_service (pid 587)
1,355K: media.metrics (pid 878)
1,340K: ITouchservice (pid 860)
1,338K: thermal-daemon (pid 883)
1,304K: vendor.huawei.hardware.sensors@1.2-service (pid 911)
1,244K: ueventd (pid 435)
1,244K: vendor.huawei.hardware.libteec@2.0-service (pid 497)
1,243K: vendor.huawei.hardware.gnss@1.2-service (pid 910)
1,223K: /init (pid 432)
1,221K: gatekeeperd (pid 923)
1,208K: wificond (pid 884)
1,193K: vendor.huawei.hardware.motion@1.0-service (pid 974)
1,192K: (pid 609)
1,157K: hivrarserver (pid 848)
1,126K: (pid 624)
1,106K: android.hardware.secure_element@1.0-service (pid 604)
1,104K: adbd (pid 4756)
1,083K: incidentd (pid 870)
1,057K: vendor.huawei.hardware.power@1.0-service (pid 623)
1,055K: teecd (pid 496)
1,037K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwdisplay@1.0-service (pid 614)
1,008K: hisecd (pid 768)
1,004K: /init (pid 433)
987K: android.hardware.configstore@1.1-service (pid 590)
971K: modemchr (pid 4208)
967K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwfactoryinterface@1.1-service (pid 486)
954K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hisupl@1.0-service (pid 611)
952K: mediadrmserver (pid 876)
948K: android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service (pid 588)
927K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwvibrator@1.1-service (pid 618)
923K: servicemanager (pid 483)
910K: thermalserviced (pid 630)
908K: android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0-service (pid 594)
907K: android.hardware.cas@1.0-service (pid 589)
902K: hinetmanager (pid 938)
901K: drmserver (pid 867)
876K: (pid 610)
873K: vndservicemanager (pid 485)
872K: (pid 602)
871K: pmom_cat (pid 487)
868K: oam_hisi (pid 1590)
864K: vendor.huawei.hardware.light@2.0-service (pid 620)
858K: android.hardware.usb@1.0-service (pid 607)
858K: dumpsys (pid 9894)
851K: iGraphicsservice (pid 869)
814K: sh (pid 6478)
812K: android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service (pid 603)
811K: android.hardware.thermal@1.0-service (pid 605)
807K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwfs@1.0-service (pid 615)
790K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwhiview@1.0-service (pid 616)
758K: healthd (pid 586)
728K: hdbd (pid 4757)
720K: storage_info (pid 968)
716K: chargelogcat-c (pid 5215)
689K: android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service (pid 585)
639K: irqbalance (pid 831)
619K: tombstoned (pid 929)
619K: octty (pid 1588)
618K: gnss_watchlssd_thirdparty (pid 1598)
599K: unrmd (pid 916)
572K: lmkd (pid 628)
545K: lss (pid 1611)
468K: powerlogd (pid 646)
467K: hw_ueventd (pid 854)
392K: oeminfo_nvm_server (pid 452)
Total PSS by OOM adjustment:
464,333K: Native
66,679K: (pid 600)
58,698K: vendor.huawei.hardware.biometrics.hwfacerecognize@1.1-service (pid 852)
42,587K: CameraDaemon (pid 889)
23,824K: /init (pid 1)
22,586K: (pid 595)
19,856K: surfaceflinger (pid 629)
12,241K: gpuassistant (pid 626)
11,140K: hiview (pid 927)
7,482K: zygote (pid 578)
6,801K: zygote64 (pid 577)
6,460K: webview_zygote (pid 2094)
6,419K: audioserver (pid 627)
6,369K: media.extractor (pid 877)
6,077K: dubaid (pid 868)
5,710K: media.codec (pid 890)
4,860K: distributeddata (pid 682)
4,547K: (pid 608)
4,458K: mediaserver (pid 879)
4,089K: cameraserver (pid 863)
4,048K: samgr (pid 564)
3,534K: logd (pid 482)
3,368K: rild (pid 903)
3,195K: displayengineserver (pid 866)
2,812K: gnss_supl20clientd_hisi (pid 1595)
2,578K: netd (pid 576)
2,403K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwdisplay.displayengine@1.2-service (pid 613)
2,386K: hsensors (pid 676)
2,265K: locationhub (pid 683)
2,235K: vold (pid 498)
2,072K: accountmgr (pid 561)
2,066K: wpa_supplicant_hisi (pid 2244)
2,018K: keystore (pid 875)
2,001K: wifiservice (pid 688)
1,971K: aptouch_daemon (pid 750)
1,896K: bluetoothservic (pid 679)
1,889K: audio_sa (pid 678)
1,864K: hiaiserver (pid 917)
1,862K: nfcservice (pid 684)
1,861K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hivrar@1.3-service (pid 612)
1,813K: tee_auth_daemon (pid 648)
1,779K: installd (pid 874)
1,770K: gnss_control_hisi (pid 1592)
1,754K: storaged (pid 881)
1,739K: hwpged (pid 892)
1,651K: hwservicemanager (pid 484)
1,630K: emcomd (pid 847)
1,623K: deviceidsrv (pid 681)
1,617K: fusion_daemon (pid 957)
1,609K: netmanager (pid 677)
1,602K: telephony (pid 687)
1,595K: vendor.huawei.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service (pid 972)
1,575K: vendor.huawei.hardware.perfgenius@2.0-service (pid 622)
1,540K: vendor.huawei.hardware.wifi@1.1-service (pid 625)
1,501K: statsd (pid 880)
1,496K: android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-service (pid 495)
1,472K: resschedd (pid 686)
1,447K: bastetd (pid 902)
1,421K: vendor.huawei.hardware.iawareperf@1.0-service (pid 619)
1,412K: gnss_engine_hisi (pid 1591)
1,376K: chargemonitor (pid 967)
1,375K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwsecurity-service (pid 617)
1,356K: activity_recognition_service (pid 587)
1,355K: media.metrics (pid 878)
1,340K: ITouchservice (pid 860)
1,338K: thermal-daemon (pid 883)
1,304K: vendor.huawei.hardware.sensors@1.2-service (pid 911)
1,244K: ueventd (pid 435)
1,244K: vendor.huawei.hardware.libteec@2.0-service (pid 497)
1,243K: vendor.huawei.hardware.gnss@1.2-service (pid 910)
1,223K: /init (pid 432)
1,221K: gatekeeperd (pid 923)
1,208K: wificond (pid 884)
1,193K: vendor.huawei.hardware.motion@1.0-service (pid 974)
1,192K: (pid 609)
1,157K: hivrarserver (pid 848)
1,126K: (pid 624)
1,106K: android.hardware.secure_element@1.0-service (pid 604)
1,104K: adbd (pid 4756)
1,083K: incidentd (pid 870)
1,057K: vendor.huawei.hardware.power@1.0-service (pid 623)
1,055K: teecd (pid 496)
1,037K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwdisplay@1.0-service (pid 614)
1,008K: hisecd (pid 768)
1,004K: /init (pid 433)
987K: android.hardware.configstore@1.1-service (pid 590)
971K: modemchr (pid 4208)
967K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwfactoryinterface@1.1-service (pid 486)
954K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hisupl@1.0-service (pid 611)
952K: mediadrmserver (pid 876)
948K: android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service (pid 588)
927K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwvibrator@1.1-service (pid 618)
923K: servicemanager (pid 483)
910K: thermalserviced (pid 630)
908K: android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0-service (pid 594)
907K: android.hardware.cas@1.0-service (pid 589)
902K: hinetmanager (pid 938)
901K: drmserver (pid 867)
876K: (pid 610)
873K: vndservicemanager (pid 485)
872K: (pid 602)
871K: pmom_cat (pid 487)
868K: oam_hisi (pid 1590)
864K: vendor.huawei.hardware.light@2.0-service (pid 620)
858K: android.hardware.usb@1.0-service (pid 607)
858K: dumpsys (pid 9894)
851K: iGraphicsservice (pid 869)
814K: sh (pid 6478)
812K: android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service (pid 603)
811K: android.hardware.thermal@1.0-service (pid 605)
807K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwfs@1.0-service (pid 615)
790K: vendor.huawei.hardware.hwhiview@1.0-service (pid 616)
758K: healthd (pid 586)
728K: hdbd (pid 4757)
720K: storage_info (pid 968)
716K: chargelogcat-c (pid 5215)
689K: android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service (pid 585)
639K: irqbalance (pid 831)
619K: tombstoned (pid 929)
619K: octty (pid 1588)
618K: gnss_watchlssd_thirdparty (pid 1598)
599K: unrmd (pid 916)
572K: lmkd (pid 628)
545K: lss (pid 1611)
468K: powerlogd (pid 646)
467K: hw_ueventd (pid 854)
392K: oeminfo_nvm_server (pid 452)
182,930K: System
182,930K: system (pid 1730)
349,486K: Persistent
176,147K: (pid 2079)
23,838K: com.huawei.HwOPServer (pid 2301)
21,170K: com.huawei.powergenie (pid 2356)
20,412K: (pid 2388)
19,604K: com.huawei.hiview (pid 2263)
18,266K: com.huawei.hiaction (pid 4816)
18,265K: (pid 2241)
16,227K: com.huawei.systemserver (pid 2196)
10,373K: com.huawei.nearby (pid 2283)
9,857K: (pid 4410)
9,549K: com.huawei.securityserver (pid 2328)
5,778K: (pid 4799)
144,268K: Foreground
77,986K: (pid 2409 / activities)
35,905K: (pid 9244)
30,377K: com.huawei.systemmanager:service (pid 2430)
147,049K: Visible
70,068K: com.huawei.hwid.core (pid 3058)
21,757K: com.huawei.hwid.persistent (pid 3183)
14,003K: com.huawei.lbs (pid 2177)
13,941K: com.huawei.hiai.engineservice (pid 5097)
13,305K: (pid 3743)
8,682K: com.huawei.vassistant:interactor (pid 4759)
5,293K: (pid 3000)
30,546K: Perceptible
30,546K: (pid 5024)
34,914K: A Services
21,142K: com.huawei.hiai (pid 5299)
13,772K: (pid 9618)
46,304K: B Services
21,133K: (pid 2060)
16,240K: (pid 4836)
4,587K: (pid 7030)
4,344K: (pid 7007)
599,923K: Cached
106,123K: com.huawei.vassistant (pid 6311)
84,180K: com.huawei.phoneservice (pid 8800)
66,836K: (pid 8115)
50,879K: com.huawei.wallet (pid 7799)
41,872K: com.huawei.hilink.framework (pid 3338)
26,029K: (pid 9416)
20,840K: com.huawei.recsys (pid 9707)
20,454K: (pid 8362)
18,822K: (pid 8473)
17,824K: com.huawei.hidisk (pid 7188)
17,562K: android.process.acore (pid 5336)
16,027K: com.huawei.profile (pid 9730)
15,908K: com.huawei.hwid (pid 9025)
14,326K: com.huawei.hwid.container3 (pid 5757)
13,163K: (pid 8670)
12,233K: (pid 9549)
9,611K: com.huawei.webview:sandboxed_process0 (pid 8947)
9,497K: com.huawei.hwdetectrepair (pid 8882)
7,877K: (pid 9795)
7,424K: com.unionpay.tsmservice (pid 8635)
6,860K: (pid 8604)
6,404K: com.huawei.controlcenter:collaboration (pid 9829)
4,752K: com.huawei.deviceauth (pid 9060)
4,420K: (pid 7871)
Total PSS by category:
263,826K: Native
207,202K: .dex mmap
158,024K: EGL mtrack
146,942K: Dalvik
116,177K: .so mmap
101,276K: .art mmap
80,892K: GL mtrack
70,589K: .apk mmap
45,375K: Dalvik Other
43,709K: Unknown
38,920K: .oat mmap
13,996K: Other mmap
3,972K: Stack
3,480K: Ashmem
2,896K: .jar mmap
2,715K: Other dev
726K: .ttf mmap
12K: Cursor
0K: Gfx dev
0K: Other mtrack
Total RAM: 3,801,164K (status normal)
Free RAM: 2,429,415K ( 599,923K cached pss + 1,776,292K cached kernel + 53,200K free)
Used RAM: 2,010,502K (1,399,830K used pss + 610,672K kernel)
Lost RAM: 144,855K
ZRAM: 215,668K physical used for 780,268K in swap (2,293,756K total swap)
Tuning: 384 (large 512), oom 322,560K, restore limit 107,520K (high-end-gfx)
dumpsys cpuinfo?
HWJKM-HM:/ $ dumpsys cpuinfo
Load: 44.18 / 39.47 / 22.48
CPU usage from 139050ms to 115532ms ago (2024-01-03 23:39:26.889 to 2024-01-03 23:39:50.408):
6.3% 1730/system_server: 4.1% user + 2.2% kernel / faults: 147 minor 4 major
2.3% 3058/com.huawei.hwid.core: 1.8% user + 0.5% kernel / faults: 1614 minor 20 major
1.4% 868/dubaid: 0.8% user + 0.5% kernel / faults: 269 minor 14 major
0.6% 9707/com.huawei.recsys: 0.3% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 57 minor
0.5% 241/kworker/u16:2: 0% user + 0.5% kernel
0.5% 482/logd: 0.3% user + 0.1% kernel
0.4% 294/mmc-cmdqd/0: 0% user + 0.4% kernel
0.4% 606/kworker/u16:5: 0% user + 0.4% kernel
0.4% 1272/hisi_frw/0: 0% user + 0.4% kernel
0.4% 2263/com.huawei.hiview: 0.2% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 840 minor 17 major
0.3% 154/kswapd0: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
0.3% 245/kworker/0:1H: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
0.3% 2301/com.huawei.HwOPServer: 0% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 226 minor 16 major
0.3% 7/rcu_preempt: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
0.3% 2356/com.huawei.powergenie: 0.2% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 66 minor 2 major
0.2% 623/vendor.huawei.hardware.power@1.0-service: 0% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 1326 minor
0.2% 495/android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-service: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.2% 242/kworker/u16:3: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.2% 459/f2fs_gc-179:70: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.2% 6311/com.huawei.vassistant: 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 677 minor 78 major
0.1% 576/netd: 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 10 minor
0.1% 577/zygote64: 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 74 minor
0% 578/zygote: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 523 minor 20 major
0.1% 603/android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service: 0% user + 0% kernel
0.1% 831/irqbalance: 0% user + 0% kernel
0.1% 883/thermal-daemon: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 1314/hisi_hcc: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 1315/hisi_rxdata: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 1591/gnss_engine_hisi: 0% user + 0% kernel
0.1% 2409/ 0% user + 0% kernel
0.1% 2430/com.huawei.systemmanager:service: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 23 minor
0.1% 3304/sugov:0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0% 1//init: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 2 minor
0% 72/mailbox-16: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 83/khungtaskd: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 368/kworker/u16:4: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 628/lmkd: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 672/kworker/u16:8: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 927/hiview: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 15 minor 1 major
0% 967/chargemonitor: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 1268/oal_gpio_rx_dat: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 4410/ 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 5 minor 1 major
0% 4756/adbd: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 3/ksoftirqd/0: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 8/rcu_sched: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 24/ksoftirqd/2: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 30/ksoftirqd/3: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 48/ksoftirqd/6: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 289/kworker/5:2: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 435/ueventd: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 483/servicemanager: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 586/healthd: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 627/audioserver: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 646/powerlogd: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 842/kworker/2:1H: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 866/displayengineserver: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 875/keystore: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 968/storage_info: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 55 minor 33 major
0% 991/file-storage: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 1592/gnss_control_hisi: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 1595/gnss_supl20clientd_hisi: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 2082/kworker/1:2: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 2196/com.huawei.systemserver: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 4208/modemchr: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 5215/chargelogcat-c: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 8362/ 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 8635/com.unionpay.tsmservice: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 8800/com.huawei.phoneservice: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 9508/kworker/3:0: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 9730/com.huawei.profile: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 9851/kworker/2:1: 0% user + 0% kernel
+0% 9898/com.huawei.hiviewtunnel: 0% user + 0% kernel
+0% 9931/com.huawei.hilink.framework: 0% user + 0% kernel
5.4% TOTAL: 3.2% user + 1.6% kernel + 0.2% iowait + 0.1% irq + 0.2% softirq
adb结合 monkey(压测)
Monkey 是Android SDK提供的一个命令行工具,可以简单方便的发送伪随机的用户事件流,对Android APP做压力(稳定性)测试。主要是为了测试app是否存在无响应和崩溃的情况。
adb shell monkey 100:对该设备下,随机应用,执行100次的随机操作。(伪随机)
?日志打印到文件中??adb ?shell ?monkey 100 > D:/log.txt
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