
2023-12-13 03:29:24


1 绪论... 2

1.1 引言... 2

1.2 智能手环的国内外研究现状... 2

1.3 课题的研究意义... 3

1.4 本文的研究内容和章节安排... 4

2 智能手环系统设计方案... 5

2.1 系统总体设计方案... 5

2.2 主芯片选择... 5

2.3 显示方案的选择... 6

2.4 倾角传感器的选择... 6

2.5 心率血氧监测模块选择... 6

2.6 温度传感器模块选择... 6

2.7 无线传输模块选择... 7

2.8 时钟模块选择... 7

3 系统硬件部分设计... 8

3.1 主芯片设计... 8

3.2 电源电路设计... 12

3.3 ADXL345电路设计... 12

3.4 心率血氧传感器设计... 14

3.5 OLED显示屏电路设计... 17

3.6 DS18B20温度设计... 19

3.7 HC05蓝牙无线通信设计... 23

3.8 DS1302时钟电路设计... 24

3.9 按键设置电路... 25

3.10 硬件系统总体设计... 26

4 系统软件部分设计... 27

4.1 编程语言选择... 27

4.2 软件整体设计... 27

4.3 心率血氧采集程序设计... 29

4.4 液晶显示模块程序设计... 30

4.5 按键时钟程序流程图... 31

4.6 DS18B20温度采集程序流程图... 31

4.7 DS1302时钟程序流程图... 32

4.8 蓝牙程序流程图... 33

4.9 ADXL345程序流程图... 34

5 硬件调试部分设计... 36

5.1 电路焊接... 36

5.2 系统调试... 37

5.3 硬件调试... 38

6 结论与展望... 40

参考文献... 41

附? 录 程序... 42

致? 谢... 61


摘? 要





With the improvement of living standards, people pay more and more attention to health for both the elderly and the young. Only a good body can experience life, but how can the public better understand their physical and mental health? Electronic information technology and medicine are developing at the same time. The combination of the two can just solve people's health problems. Therefore, people have a greater demand for high-precision portable medical monitoring instruments. For this reason, according to the needs of the development of the times, a motion monitoring module based on MCU is designed.

This design is mainly composed of STM32 MCU circuit, adxl345 acceleration sensor, heart rate detection module circuit, OLED liquid crystal display circuit, power supply circuit, clock DS1302 and DS18B20 temperature sensor. Through adxl345 measurement of gravity acceleration, is used to judge the state of the human body, according to the numerical changes of the state of step counting function. Through the heart rate sensor test, through the finger pulse amplification, after the comparator processing, sent to the MCU for heart rate acquisition. The steps, heart rate, temperature and time are displayed on LCD1602. This design system has low price and cost, comprehensive functions and good market prospects.

KEY WORDS: STM32; Single chip microcomputer; DS18B20 temperature sensor; A pedometer; Liquid crystal display






