NVMe over Fabrics with SPDK with iRDMA总结 - 3

2023-12-13 03:37:20

6.0       Configure and Test NVMe over Fabrics Host(s) to Connect to SPDK Target配置和测试 NVMe over Fabrics 主机以连接 SPDK 目标机

The SPDK NVMe-oF target system is spec compliant, which allows for the use of either an SPDK host or Linux Kernel host to connect to an NVMe-oF subsystem exported by the SPDK NVMe-oF target. SPDK NVMe-oF 目标机系统符合规范,允许使用 SPDK 主机或 Linux 内核主机连接 SPDK NVMe-oF 目标机导出的 NVMe-oF 子系统。

This section outlines both methods: 本节概述了这两种方法

  • Section 6.1, “Option 1: SPDK Host” 选项 1SPDK 主机
  • Section 6.2, “Option 2: Linux Kernel Host”

6.1 Option 1: SPDK Host选项 1:SPDK 主机

6.1.1 Install fio for SPDK Host System为 SPDK 主机系统安装 fio

  1. Download fio from Releases · axboe/fio · GitHub 从 https://github.com/axboe/fio/releases 下载 fio
  2. Install fio on the host: 在主机上安装 fio:

cd /<path_to_fio>/;./configure; make; make install

Note提示: For the latest instructions, refer to the fio documentation included in the version being used. 有关最新说明,请参阅所使用版本中的 fio 文档。

6.1.2 Install SPDK on the Host在主机上安装 SPDK

Install SPDK on the host using the steps outlined in Section 5.2. 使用第 5.2 节中概述的步骤在主机上安装 SPDK。

When installing SPDK on the host as described in Section 5.2, use the following ./configure parameters to configure it with fio plugin: 按照第 5.2 节所述在主机上安装 SPDK 时,使用以下 ./configure 参数将其与 fio 插件进行配置:

./configure --with-fio=/opt/<path-to-fio>/ --with-rdma --enable-lto

6.1.3 Discover NVMe Drives Available on Target发现目标主机上提供的 NVMe 硬盘

Discover the NVMe drives available for connection over a transport (-t), with a target IP Address (-a) on a port (-s): 通过传输类型 (-t)、端口 (-s) 上的目标 IP 地址 (-a) 发现可用于连接的 NVMe 硬盘:

nvme discover -t rdma -a <targetIP> -s 4420

6.1.4 Connect NVMe-oF Drives连接 NVMe-oF 驱动器

There are two different ways to connect NVMe over Fabrics drives to the SPDK host for testing. 将 NVMe over Fabrics 硬盘连接到 SPDK
