Solidity 练习001
// SPDX-License-Identifier: DataSummer
pragma solidity >= 0.7.0 < 0.9.0;
//Variables:Variables are used to store information to be referenced and mutipule in a conputer program.
//pseudo code example code example of staring information into variables.
//store-owner = 300 - integer
//chocolate-bar = 30 -integer
//totalValue = store-owner + chocolate-bar = 310
//totalValue = 310 -integer
//learning variables and types
//three main types of variables: Booleans, Integers, Strings.
//lieDetector = boolearn to check wheterher what they say is true or false.
//walletAmount = integer that would hold the amount.
//erroMessageText = string that would say 'Error! There has been a mistake :C"
contract learnVariables{
? ? //all our solidity code goes here
? ? unit chocolateBar = 10;
? ? unit storeOwner = 300;
? ? bool lieDetecotr = true;
? ? string errorMessageText = "Error! There has been a mistake :C";
? ??
? ? unit wallet = 500;
? ? bool spend = false;
? ? string notifySpend = "you have to spend money";
//exercise: 1 create a new variable called wallet as an integer.
// ? ? ? ? ?2 create a boolearn called spend
// ? ? ? ? ?3 create a string give it the name notifyspend.
// ? ? ? ? ?4 initialize the wallet to 500.
// ? ? ? ? ?5 set the value of spend to false.
// ? ? ? ? ?6 add the string listral (the sring value)'you have spent money' to notifyspend.
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