Aspose.Cells for .NET Crack
Aspose.Cells for .NET Crack
Added the option to show or hide formula warning messages in GridDesktop.
Added support for rendering a rotated picture in GridDesktop.
Added support for adjusting worksheet order in GridDesktop.
Added support for rendering rotated cell text.
Added support for PDF/A-2b (ISO 19005-2), PDF/A-2u (ISO 19005-2), PDF/A-2a (ISO 19005-2), PDF/A-3b (ISO 19005-3), PDF/A-3u (ISO 19005-3) and PDF/A-3a (ISO 19005-3) compliance while converting workbooks to PDF.
You can now keep missing data when refreshing and calculating pivot tables.
Added support for calculating discrete grouping in pivot table.
Added support for exporting generic lists.
Added an auto clear data validation setting in paste area in GridWeb.
You can now merge records when nested list is available.
You can now cross reference using linked tables with smart markers.
The sheet names in the output HTML are too small on mobile device.
File gets corrupted and charts are not rendered precisely when re-saving an XLS file.
Lambda functions not working properly.
Workbook.CalculateFormula hangs indefinitely on latest version.
Headers and footers are not brought into rendered Word document.
Baseline mismatch in Japanese and English mixed text.
Some differences and minor gridlines on the plot area not identical to the original chart in MS Excel.
Support automatic differentiation of column data types when exporting data to DataTable.
Shape with rotation does not render in correct position for GridDesktop.
FormulaBar shows error message on every key press when enter formula.
Formula bar value does not show the focused cell value after worksheet switched.
Cross-platform(Skia Sharp): EMF image renders with extra white background.
Page breaks are broken when converting an Excel file with several pages to XPS.
Incorrect result during rendering XLSM.
Display cell values as # symbols when converting file to HTML.
Incorrect Downward orientation display in merged cells when converting to HTML.
Formulas based on pivot data show #REF while rendering spreadsheet to PDF.
Values based on GETPIVOTDATA have been misplaced after refreshing the Pivot Table and rendered to PDF.
Blank columns are missing while rendering spreadsheet to PDF after refreshing Pivot Table.
Row data is misplaced while rendering spreadsheet to PDF after refreshing Pivot Table.
Indentation changed and some text is bold in Excel to PDF rendering.
Punctuation not prohibited at the beginning of a line.
Unable to open an XLS Excel file of 97-2003 version.
Borders and formatting issues in Excel spreadsheet to PPTX.
Saving Excel file as PowerPoint is not respecting hidden rows.
Some cells became empty when converting numbers to XLSX.
Converting numbers file to XLSX format returns no data in the output file.
Index out of bounds error when calling RefreshDynamicArrayFormulas method.
FormatException when trying to save ODS to HTML.
Regression: CopyColumns() raises IOException.
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