
2023-12-13 09:53:12




●?题目:Data-Driven Allocation of Preventive Care with Application to Diabetes Mellitus Type II


●?期刊:Manufacturing & Service Operations Management


●?作者:Mathias Kraus, Stefan Feuerriegel, Maytal Saar-Tsechansky


  • preventive care? ?预防保健

  • disease prevention? ?疾病预防

  • healthcare analytics? ?医疗分析

  • machine learning? ?机器学习


Problem definition:?Increasing costs of healthcare highlight the importance of effective disease prevention. However, decision models for allocating preventive care are lacking.

Methodology/results:?In this paper, we develop a data-driven decision model for determining a cost-effective allocation of preventive treatments to patients at risk. Specifically, we combine counterfactual inference, machine learning, and optimization techniques to build a scalable decision model that can exploit high-dimensional medical data, such as the data found in modern electronic health records. Our decision model is evaluated based on electronic health records from 89,191 prediabetic patients. We compare the allocation of preventive treatments (metformin) prescribed by our data-driven decision model with that of current practice. We find that if our approach is applied to the U.S. population, it can yield annual savings of $1.1 billion. Finally, we analyze the cost-effectiveness under varying budget levels.

Managerial implications:?Our work supports decision making in health management, with the goal of achieving effective disease prevention at lower costs. Importantly, our decision model is generic and can thus be used for effective allocation of preventive care for other preventable diseases.








●?题目:A Branch-and-Price Algorithm Enhanced by Decision Diagrams for the Kidney Exchange Problem


●?期刊:Manufacturing & Service Operations Management


●?作者:Lizeth C. Riascos-álvarez, Merve Bodur, Dionne M. Aleman


  • Kidney exchange? ?肾交换

  • integer programming? ?整数规划

  • branch and price? ?分支定价

  • multi-valued decision diagrams? ?多值决策图


Problem definition:?Kidney paired donation programs allow patients registered with an incompatible donor to receive a suitable kidney from another donor, as long as the latter’s co-registered patient, if any, also receives a kidney from a different donor. The kidney exchange problem (KEP) aims to find an optimal collection of kidney exchanges taking the form of cycles and chains.

Methodology/results:?We develop the first decomposition method that is able to consider long cycles and long chains for projected large realistic instances. Particularly, we propose a branch-and-price framework in which the pricing problems are solved (for the first time in packing problems in a digraph) through multi-valued decision diagrams. We present a new upper bound on the optimal value of the KEP, obtained via our master problem. Computational experiments show superior performance of our method over the state of the art by optimally solving almost all instances in the PrefLib library for multiple cycle and chain lengths.

Managerial implications:?Our algorithm also allows the prioritization of the solution composition, e.g., chains over cycles or vice versa, and we conclude, similar to previous findings, that chains benefit the overall matching efficiency and highly sensitized patients.




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●?题目:Shared Service Delivery Can Increase Client Engagement: A Study of Shared Medical Appointments


●?期刊:Manufacturing & Service Operations Management


●?作者:Ryan W. Buell, Kamalini Ramdas, Nazl? S?nmez, Kavitha Srinivasan, Rengaraj Venkatesh


  • client engagement? ?客户关系

  • shared service delivery? ?共享服务交付

  • shared medical appointments? ?共享医疗预约

  • healthcare operations? ?医疗运营

  • behavioral operations 行为运作


Problem Definition:?Clients and service providers alike often consider one-on-one service delivery to be ideal, assuming – perhaps unquestioningly – that devoting individualized attention best improves the client outcomes. In contrast, in shared service delivery, clients are served in batches and the dynamics of group interaction could lead to increased client engagement – which could improve outcomes. However, the loss of privacy and personal connection might undermine engagement.

Practical Relevance:?The engagement dynamics in one-on-one and shared delivery models have not been rigorously studied. To the extent that shared delivery may result in comparable or better engagement than one-on-one delivery, service providers in a broad array of contexts may be able to create more value for clients by delivering service in batches.

Methodology:?We conducted a randomized controlled trial with 1,000 patients who were undergoing glaucoma treatment over a three-year period at a large eye hospital. Using verbatim and behavioral transcripts from over 20,000 minutes of video recorded during our trial, we examine how shared medical appointments (SMAs) – in which patients are served in batches – impact engagement.

Results:?Patients who experienced SMAs asked 33.33% more questions per minute, made 8.63% more non-question comments per minute, and exhibited higher levels of non-verbal engagement across a wide array of measures (attentiveness, positivity, head wobbling or `talai tal...` in Tamil – a South Indian gesture to signal agreement or understanding-eye contact and end-of-appointment happiness), relative to patients who attended one-on-one appointments.

Managerial Implications:?These results shed light on the potential for shared service delivery models to

increase client engagement and thus enhance service performance.






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