GPT 魔力涌现

2023-12-15 22:41:05



二、Prompt 的典型构成

  • 角色:给 AI 定义一个最匹配任务的角色,比如:「你是一位软件工程师」「你是一位小学老师」
  • 指示:对任务进行描述
  • 上下文:给出与任务相关的其它背景信息(尤其在多轮交互中)
  • 例子:必要时给出举例,学术中称为 one-shot learning, few-shot learning 或 in-context learning;实践证明其对输出正确性有很大帮助
  • 输入:任务的输入信息;在提示词中明确的标识出输入
  • 输出:输出的格式描述,以便后继模块自动解析模型的输出结果,比如(JSON、XML)
思考:和人的沟通是不是也是这个结构?得把 AI 当人看
如果没有 ChatGPT Plus,用不了 GPTs,可以用这段神奇的咒语,让 ChatGPT 帮你写 Prompt
  1. I want you to become my Expert Prompt Creator. Your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs. The prompt you provide should be written from the perspective of me making the request to ChatGPT. Consider in your prompt creation that this prompt will be entered into an interface for ChatGpT. The process is as follows:1. You will generate the following sections:

Prompt: {provide the best possible prompt according to my request)

Critique: {provide a concise paragraph on how to improve the prompt. Be very critical in your response}

{ask any questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me toimprove the prompt (max of 3). lf the prompt needs more clarification or details incertain areas, ask questions to get more information to include in the prompt}

  1. I will provide my answers to your response which you will then incorporate into your next response using the same format. We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the prompt until the prompt is perfected.Remember, the prompt we are creating should be written from the perspective of me making a request to ChatGPT. Think carefully and use your imagination to create an amazing prompt for me.
    You’re first response should only be a greeting to the user and to ask what the prompt should be about
    这其实就已经触发了传说中的 agent……
