
2023-12-28 16:53:36
  1. File formats
    Files with the edi file extension contain information for gmx mdrun to run Molecular Dynamics with Essential Dynamics constraints.


The edr file extension stands for portable energy file. The energies are stored using the xdr protocol.
See also gmx energy.

The ene file extension stands for binary energy file. It holds the energies as generated during your gmx mdrun.
The file can be transformed to a portable energy file (portable across hardware platforms), the edr file using the program gmx eneconv.
See also gmx energy.


Files with the gro file extension contain a molecular structure in Gromos87 format.
gro files can be used as trajectory by simply concatenating files.
An attempt will be made to read a time value from the title string in each frame, which should be preceded by ‘t=‘, as in the sample below.


Lines contain the following information (top to bottom):
title string (free format string, optional time in ps after ‘t=’)
number of atoms (free format integer)
one line for each atom (fixed format, see below)
box vectors (free format, space separated reals), values: v1(x) v2(y) v3(z) v1(y) v1(z) v2(x) v2(z) v3(x) v3(y), the last 6 values may be omitted (they will be set to zero). GROMACS only supports boxes with v1(y)=v1(z)=v2(z)=0.
This format is fixed, ie. all columns are in a fixed position.

Optionally (for now only yet with trjconv) you can write gro files with any number of decimal places, the format will then be n+5 positions with n decimal places (n+1 for velocities) in stead of 8 with 3 (with 4 for velocities). Upon reading, the precision will be inferred from the distance between the decimal points (which will be n+5). Columns contain the following information (from left to right):
residue number (5 positions, integer)
residue name (5 characters)
atom name (5 characters)
atom number (5 positions, integer)
position (in nm, x y z in 3 columns, each 8 positions with 3 decimal places)
velocity (in nm/ps (or km/s), x y z in 3 columns, each 8 positions with 4 decimal places)

Note that separate molecules or ions (e.g. water or Cl-) are regarded as residues. If you want to write such a file in your own program without using the GROMACS libraries you can use the following formats:
C format
Fortran format
Pascal format
This is left as an exercise for the user
Note that this is the format for writing, as in the above example fields may be written without spaces, and therefore can not be read with the same format statement in C.

The hdb file extension stands for hydrogen database Such a file is needed by gmx pdb2gmx when building hydrogen atoms that were either originally missing, or that were removed with -ignh.
The itp file extension stands for include topology. These files are included in topology files (with the top extension).

Logfiles are generated by some GROMACS programs and are usually in human-readable format. Use more logfile.


This file maps matrix data to RGB values which is used by the gmx do_dssp program.
此文件将矩阵数据映射到gmx do_dssp程序使用的RGB值
The format of this file is as follow: first line number of elements in the colormap. Then for each line: The first character is a code for the secondary structure type. Then comes a string for use in the legend of the plot and then the R (red) G (green) and B (blue) values.
In this case the colors are (in order of appearance): white, red, black, cyan, yellow, blue, magenta, orange.


See the user guide for a detailed description of the options.
Below is a sample mdp file. The ordering of the items is not important, but if you enter the same thing twice, the last is used (gmx grompp gives you a note when overriding values).
Dashes and underscores on the left hand side are ignored.
The values of the options are values for a 1 nanosecond MD run of a protein in a box of water.
Note: The parameters chosen (e.g., short-range cutoffs) depend on the force field being used.



The GROMACS index file (usually called index.ndx) contains some user definable sets of atoms. The file can be read by most analysis programs, by the graphics program (gmx view) and by the preprocessor (gmx grompp). Most of these programs create default index groups when no index file is supplied, so you only need to make an index file when you need special groups.
First the group name is written between square brackets. The following atom numbers may be spread out over as many lines as you like. The atom numbering starts at 1.


The rtp file extension stands for residue topology.
Such a file is needed by gmx pdb2gmx to make a GROMACS topology for a protein contained in a pdb file.
gmx pdb2gmx需要这样一个文件来为pdb文件中包含的蛋白质创建GROMACS拓扑
The file contains the default interaction type for the 4 bonded interactions and residue entries, which consist of atoms and optionally bonds, angles dihedrals and impropers.
Parameters can be added to bonds, angles, dihedrals and impropers, these parameters override the standard parameters in the itp files.
This should only be used in special cases.
Instead of parameters a string can be added for each bonded interaction, the string is copied to the top file, this is used for the GROMOS96 forcefield.
gmx pdb2gmx automatically generates all angles, this means that the [angles] field is only useful for overriding itp parameters.
gmx pdb2gmx会自动生成所有角度,这意味着[angles]字段只用于覆盖itp文件中的参数。
gmx pdb2gmx automatically generates one proper dihedral for every rotatable bond, preferably on heavy atoms.
gmx pdb2gmx会自动生成每个可转动键的一个适当的二面角,最好在重原子上。
When the [dihedrals] field is used, no other dihedrals will be generated for the bonds corresponding to the specified dihedrals.
It is possible to put more than one dihedral on a rotatable bond.
gmx pdb2gmx sets the number exclusions to 3, which means that interactions between atoms connected by at most 3 bonds are excluded.
gmx pdb2gmx将排除数设置为3,这意味着将排除通过最多3个键相连接的原子之间的相互作用。
Pair interactions are generated for all pairs of atoms which are separated by 3 bonds (except pairs of hydrogens).
When more interactions need to be excluded, or some pair interactions should not be generated, an [exclusions] field can be added, followed by pairs of atom names on separate lines.
All non-bonded and pair interactions between these atoms will be excluded.
A sample is included below.


The top file extension stands for topology. It is an ascii file which is read by gmx grompp which processes it and creates a binary topology (tpr file).
A sample file is included below:


The tpr file extension stands for portable binary run input file. This file contains the starting structure of your simulation, the molecular topology and all the simulation parameters. Because this file is in binary format it cannot be read with a normal editor. To read a portable binary run input file type:

gmx dump -s topol.tpr

or if you’re not such a fast reader:

gmx dump -s topol.tpr | less

You can also compare two tpr files using:

gmx check -s1 top1 -s2 top2 | less

Files with the trr file extension contain the trajectory of a simulation. In this file all the coordinates, velocities, forces and energies are printed as you told GROMACS in your mdp file. This file is in portable binary format and can be read with gmx dump:

gmx dump -f traj.trr

or if you’re not such a fast reader:

gmx dump -f traj.trr | less

You can also get a quick look in the contents of the file (number of frames etc.) using:

gmx check -f traj.trr


The xtc format is a portable format for trajectories.
It uses the xdr routines for writing and reading data which was created for the Unix NFS system.
它使用为Unix NFS系统创建的xdr例程来进行数据的写入和读取。
The trajectories are written using a reduced precision algorithm which works in the following way:
the coordinates (in nm) are multiplied by a scale factor, typically 1000, so that you have coordinates in pm.
These are rounded to integer values. 这些值被四舍五入为整数。
Then several other tricks are performed, for instance making use of the fact that atoms close in sequence are usually close in space too (e.g. a water molecule).
To this end, the xdr library is extended with a special routine to write 3-D float coordinates.
All the data is stored using calls to xdr routines.所有的数据都是使用xdr例程的调用进行存储的。
int magic
A magic number, for the current file version its value is 1995.一个魔数,对于当前文件版本,其值为1995。
int natoms
The number of atoms in the trajectory.轨迹中的原子数。
int step
The simulation step.
float time
The simulation time.
float box[3][3]
The computational box which is stored as a set of three basis vectors, to allow for triclinic PBC. For a rectangular box the box edges are stored on the diagonal of the matrix.
3dfcoord x[natoms]
The coordinates themselves stored in reduced precision. Please note that when the number of atoms is smaller than 9 no reduced precision is used.


Almost all output from GROMACS analysis tools is ready as input for Grace, formerly known as Xmgr. We use Grace, because it is very flexible, and it is also free software. It produces PostScript? output, which is very suitable for inclusion in eg. LaTeX documents, but also for other word processors.
A sample Grace session with GROMACS data is shown below:

