AS7343 多光谱传感器 在树莓派上的使用
2024-01-03 15:25:20
在嵌入式系统和物联网应用中,光谱传感器在监测环境光照、颜色测量和光谱分析等方面发挥着重要作用。本文将介绍如何使用Python在树莓派上操作AMS AG公司的AS7343数字光谱传感器,并实现一些基本功能。
AS7343是AMS AG公司生产的数字光谱传感器,专为检测可见光谱范围内的光线而设计。它通过I2C接口与树莓派或其他嵌入式系统连接,提供高分辨率的光谱数据。
- reset: 复位传感器。
- power_on/power_off: 打开/关闭传感器电源。
- get_id_info: 获取传感器ID、辅助ID和修订版本。
- set_reg_blank: 设置传感器寄存器的访问位置。
# Register Bank Access
# 0: Register access to register 0x80 and above
# 1: Register access to register 0x20 to 0x7F
# Note: Bit needs to be set to access registers 0x20 to 0x7F. If registers 0x80 and above needs to be accessed bit needs to be set to “0”.
- set_adc_gain: 设置ADC增益。
# value from 0~12, gain from 0.5x~2048x
# 0 0.5x
# 1 1x
# 2 2x
# 3 4x
# 4 8x
# 5 16x
# 6 32x
# 7 64x
# 8 128x
# 9 256x
# 10 512x
# 11 1024x
# 12 2048x
- channel_select: 选择测量通道。
# mode 6,12,18
# Cycle 1: FZ, FY, FXL, NIR, 2xVIS, FD
# Cycle 2: F2, F3, F4, F6, 2xVIS, FD
# Cycle 3: F1, F7, F8, F5, 2xVIS, FD
# Note: the bit “auto_smux” should only be changed before a measurement is started.
# Once a measurement is started the device is automatically processing the channels as per
# definition above and storing the measurement results in the eighteen data registers.
# 2xVIS: per default the “Top Left” and “Bot Right” VIS/CLEAR PD is read-out.
- set_wait_time: 设置等待时间。
# 8-bit value to specify the delay between two consecutive spectral measurements.
# Value Wait Cycles Wait Time
# 0x00 1 2.78 m
# 0x01 2 5.56 ms
# n n 2.78 ms x (n+1)
# 0xff 256 711 ms
- set_integration_time: 设置积分时间。
# Equation 1: Setting the integration time
# 𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑡 = (𝐴𝑇𝐼𝑀𝐸 + 1) × (𝐴𝑆𝑇𝐸𝑃 + 1) × 2.78 μ𝑠
# It is not allowed that both settings –ATIME and ASTEP – are set to “0”.
# The integration time also defines the full-scale ADC value, which is equal to:
# Equation 2: ADC full scale value1
# 𝐴𝐷𝐶𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 = (𝐴𝑇𝐼𝑀𝐸 + 1) × (𝐴𝑆𝑇𝐸𝑃 + 1)
- enable_spectral_measurement: 启用光谱测量。
- enable_flicker_detection: 启用闪烁检测。
- led_control: 控制传感器LED。
- read_spectral_counts: 读取光谱计数。
- sp_fifo_map_set/fd_fifo_map_set: 配置FIFO映射。
# If set, CH5 data is written to the FIFO Buffer. (two bytes per sample)
# Note: If flicker detection is enabled, this bit is ignored. Refer to register 0xD7 for FDEN=”1”.
# If set flicker raw data is written into FIFO (one byteper sample)
# Note: This bit is ignored if flicker detection is disabled. Refer to register 0xFC for FDEN=”0”.
- init_as7343: 初始化传感器设置。
- read_data: 读取传感器数据。
- get_data: 获取处理后的光谱数据。
- data_process: 对光谱数据进行处理。
cycle_num = 6
as7343_instance = AS7343()
keys, values, sorted_dict = as7343_instance.data_process()
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