
2023-12-13 08:05:16

以下回答来源于ChatGPT plus


The image you uploaded shows a screenshot of a terminal or command-line interface running a fuzz testing program. Here's an analysis based on the visible text and layout:

  • Program Name: The program is named "american fuzzy lop" with a version number of 0.47b, often abbreviated as AFL. This is a well-known security testing tool used to find bugs by automatically feeding unexpected inputs to a program to see if it crashes or behaves unexpectedly.

  • Process Timing: The timing section shows various statistics about the runtime. It includes the last run time, last unique crash, last unique hang, and cycle progress. For example, the last unique crash occurred 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 26 seconds before the screenshot was taken.

  • Now Processing: This line indicates that the fuzzer is processing input number 38, which is 19.49% of the total input set it is working through.

  • Stage Progress: It shows that the current fuzzing stage is trying 0 out of 9990 paths and has not found any items of interest in the current stage.

  • Overall Results: This section provides a summary of the fuzzing session, including the number of cycles done, total paths, unique crashes, and unique hangs. No unique crashes have been found, but one unique hang has been recorded.

  • Map Coverage: It shows the map density and count coverage, which are indicators of how thoroughly the program is being tested.

  • Findings in Depth: This portion gives insight into the number of favored paths and the depth of those paths. Favored paths are inputs that have been found to reach new areas of the code.

  • Fuzzing Strategy Yields: This section details the types of fuzzing strategies that have been employed and the results each has yielded. Strategies include bit flips, byte flips, arithmetics, known ints, and havoc, among others.

  • Exec Speed: Shows the execution speed of the fuzzer, measured in executions per second.

  • Path Geometry: This provides information on the depth and spread of the execution paths that have been tested.

From this, it's clear that the AFL fuzzing tool is being used to test some software, likely to find security vulnerabilities. The statistics suggest that the tool has been running for a short time and has not yet found any crashes, but has encountered at least one hang. The program is still in the early stages of fuzzing, with many more paths to test.


您上传的图片显示的是一个终端或命令行界面,正在运行一个名为 "american fuzzy lop"(简称 AFL)的版本号为 0.47b 的模糊测试(fuzz testing)程序。这是一个众所周知的安全测试工具,用于通过自动向程序提供意外输入来发现程序是否崩溃或表现出意外行为。以下是基于可见文本和布局的分析:

  • 程序名称:程序名为 "american fuzzy lop"(简称 AFL),版本号为 0.47b。这是一个被广泛使用的安全测试工具,用于通过自动化输入异常数据来寻找程序错误。

  • 处理时间(Process Timing):这一部分显示了有关运行时间的各种统计数据。包括上一次运行时间、最后一次独特崩溃、最后一次独特挂起和循环进度。例如,最后一次独特崩溃发生在截图前的 0 天 0 小时 0 分钟 26 秒。

  • 当前处理(Now Processing):这一行表明模糊测试程序正在处理第 38 个输入,这是它正在工作的总输入集的 19.49%。

  • 阶段进度(Stage Progress):它显示当前模糊测试阶段正在尝试 0 个路径中的 9990 个,并且在当前阶段没有发现任何感兴趣的项目。

  • 总体结果(Overall Results):这部分提供了模糊测试会话的总结,包括完成的循环次数、总路径数、独特崩溃次数和独特挂起次数。没有发现独特的崩溃,但记录了一个独特的挂起。

  • 映射覆盖(Map Coverage):它显示了映射密度和计数覆盖率,这些是测试程序覆盖程度的指标。

  • 深度发现(Findings in Depth):这一部分提供了有关优先路径数量和这些路径深度的信息。优先路径是那些被发现到达代码新区域的输入。

  • 模糊测试策略产出(Fuzzing Strategy Yields):这一部分详细介绍了已经采用的模糊测试策略以及每种策略的结果。策略包括位翻转(bit flips)、字节翻转(byte flips)、算术操作(arithmetics)、已知整数(known ints)、混沌测试(havoc)等。

  • 执行速度(Exec Speed):显示模糊测试器的执行速度,以每秒执行次数计。

  • 路径几何(Path Geometry):提供了已测试执行路径的深度和分布信息。

