
2023-12-13 18:47:21



NS_ERROR_ENUM(NSCocoaErrorDomain) {
    // File system and file I/O related errors, with NSFilePathErrorKey or NSURLErrorKey containing path or URL
    NSFileNoSuchFileError = 4,                                              // Attempt to do a file system operation on a non-existent file
    NSFileLockingError = 255,                                               // Couldn't get a lock on file
    NSFileReadUnknownError = 256,                                           // Read error (reason unknown)
    NSFileReadNoPermissionError = 257,                                      // Read error (permission problem)
    NSFileReadInvalidFileNameError = 258,                                   // Read error (invalid file name)
    NSFileReadCorruptFileError = 259,                                       // Read error (file corrupt, bad format, etc)
    NSFileReadNoSuchFileError = 260,                                        // Read error (no such file)
    NSFileReadInapplicableStringEncodingError = 261,                        // Read error (string encoding not applicable) also NSStringEncodingErrorKey
    NSFileReadUnsupportedSchemeError = 262,                                 // Read error (unsupported URL scheme)
    NSFileReadTooLargeError = 263,             // Read error (file too large)
    NSFileReadUnknownStringEncodingError = 264, // Read error (string encoding of file contents could not be determined)
    NSFileWriteUnknownError = 512,                                          // Write error (reason unknown)
    NSFileWriteNoPermissionError = 513,                                     // Write error (permission problem)
    NSFileWriteInvalidFileNameError = 514,                                  // Write error (invalid file name)
    NSFileWriteFileExistsError = 516,          // Write error (file exists)
    NSFileWriteInapplicableStringEncodingError = 517,                       // Write error (string encoding not applicable) also NSStringEncodingErrorKey
    NSFileWriteUnsupportedSchemeError = 518,                                // Write error (unsupported URL scheme)
    NSFileWriteOutOfSpaceError = 640,                                       // Write error (out of disk space)
    NSFileWriteVolumeReadOnlyError = 642,      // Write error (readonly volume)

    // NSFileManager unmount errors
    NSFileManagerUnmountUnknownError = 768,    // The volume could not be unmounted (reason unknown)
    NSFileManagerUnmountBusyError = 769,       // The volume could not be unmounted because it is in use

    // Other errors
    NSKeyValueValidationError = 1024,                                       // KVC validation error
    NSFormattingError = 2048,                                               // Formatting error
    NSUserCancelledError = 3072,                                            // User cancelled operation (this one often doesn't deserve a panel and might be a good one to special case)
    NSFeatureUnsupportedError = 3328,          // Feature unsupported error
    // Executable loading errors
    NSExecutableNotLoadableError = 3584,           // Executable is of a type that is not loadable in the current process
    NSExecutableArchitectureMismatchError = 3585,  // Executable does not provide an architecture compatible with the current process
    NSExecutableRuntimeMismatchError = 3586,       // Executable has Objective C runtime information incompatible with the current process
    NSExecutableLoadError = 3587,                  // Executable cannot be loaded for some other reason, such as a problem with a library it depends on
    NSExecutableLinkError = 3588,                  // Executable fails due to linking issues
    // Inclusive error range definitions, for checking future error codes
    NSFileErrorMinimum = 0,
    NSFileErrorMaximum = 1023,
    NSValidationErrorMinimum = 1024,
    NSValidationErrorMaximum = 2047,

    NSExecutableErrorMinimum = 3584,
    NSExecutableErrorMaximum = 3839,

    NSFormattingErrorMinimum = 2048,
    NSFormattingErrorMaximum = 2559,
    NSPropertyListReadCorruptError = 3840,         // Error parsing a property list
    NSPropertyListReadUnknownVersionError = 3841,  // The version number in the property list is unknown
    NSPropertyListReadStreamError = 3842,          // Stream error reading a property list
    NSPropertyListWriteStreamError = 3851,         // Stream error writing a property list
    NSPropertyListWriteInvalidError = 3852,       // Invalid property list object or invalid property list type specified when writing

    NSPropertyListErrorMinimum = 3840,
    NSPropertyListErrorMaximum = 4095,

    NSXPCConnectionInterrupted = 4097,
    NSXPCConnectionInvalid = 4099,
    NSXPCConnectionReplyInvalid = 4101,
    NSXPCConnectionCodeSigningRequirementFailure = 4102,
    NSXPCConnectionErrorMinimum = 4096,
    NSXPCConnectionErrorMaximum = 4224,

    NSUbiquitousFileUnavailableError = 4353, // NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingErrorKey contains an error with this code when the item has not been uploaded to iCloud by the other devices yet
    NSUbiquitousFileNotUploadedDueToQuotaError = 4354, // NSURLUbiquitousItemUploadingErrorKey contains an error with this code when the item has not been uploaded to iCloud because it would make the account go over-quota
    NSUbiquitousFileUbiquityServerNotAvailable = 4355, // NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingErrorKey and NSURLUbiquitousItemUploadingErrorKey contain an error with this code when connecting to the iCloud servers failed

    NSUbiquitousFileErrorMinimum = 4352,
    NSUbiquitousFileErrorMaximum = 4607,

    NSUserActivityHandoffFailedError = 4608,	// The data for the user activity was not available (e.g. if the remote device became unavailable.)
    NSUserActivityConnectionUnavailableError = 4609,  // The user activity could not be continued because a required connection was not available
    NSUserActivityRemoteApplicationTimedOutError = 4610, // The remote application failed to send data in time
    NSUserActivityHandoffUserInfoTooLargeError = 4611, // The NSUserActivity userInfo dictionary was too large to receive

    NSUserActivityErrorMinimum = 4608,
    NSUserActivityErrorMaximum = 4863,
    NSCoderReadCorruptError = 4864, // Error parsing data during decode
    NSCoderValueNotFoundError = 4865, // Data requested was not found
    NSCoderInvalidValueError = 4866, // Data was not valid to encode
    NSCoderErrorMinimum = 4864,
    NSCoderErrorMaximum = 4991,
    NSBundleErrorMinimum = 4992,
    NSBundleErrorMaximum = 5119,
    NSBundleOnDemandResourceOutOfSpaceError = 4992, // There was not enough space available to download the requested On Demand Resources.
    NSBundleOnDemandResourceExceededMaximumSizeError = 4993, // The application exceeded the amount of On Demand Resources content in use at one time
    NSBundleOnDemandResourceInvalidTagError = 4994, // The application specified a tag which the system could not find in the application tag manifest
    NSCloudSharingNetworkFailureError = 5120,        // Sharing failed due to a network failure.
    NSCloudSharingQuotaExceededError = 5121,         // The user doesn't have enough storage space available to share the requested items.
    NSCloudSharingTooManyParticipantsError = 5122,   // Additional participants could not be added to the share, because the limit was reached.
    NSCloudSharingConflictError = 5123,              // A conflict occurred while trying to save changes to the CKShare and/or root CKRecord. Respond to this error by first fetching the server's changes to the records, then either handle the conflict manually or present it, which will instruct the user to try the operation again.
    NSCloudSharingNoPermissionError = 5124,         // The current user doesn't have permission to perform the requested actions.
    NSCloudSharingOtherError = 5375,                 // These errors may require application-specific responses. For CloudKit sharing, use the NSUnderlyingErrorKey, which is a CKErrorDomain error, to discover the specific error and refer to the CloudKit documentation for the proper response to these errors.
    NSCloudSharingErrorMinimum = 5120,
    NSCloudSharingErrorMaximum = 5375,
    NSCompressionFailedError = 5376,
    NSDecompressionFailedError = 5377,
    NSCompressionErrorMinimum = 5376,
    NSCompressionErrorMaximum = 5503,




    NSURLErrorUnknown = 			-1,
    NSURLErrorCancelled = 			-999,
    NSURLErrorBadURL = 				-1000,
    NSURLErrorTimedOut = 			-1001,
    NSURLErrorUnsupportedURL = 			-1002,
    NSURLErrorCannotFindHost = 			-1003,
    NSURLErrorCannotConnectToHost = 		-1004,
    NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost = 		-1005,
    NSURLErrorDNSLookupFailed = 		-1006,
    NSURLErrorHTTPTooManyRedirects = 		-1007,
    NSURLErrorResourceUnavailable = 		-1008,
    NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet = 		-1009,
    NSURLErrorRedirectToNonExistentLocation = 	-1010,
    NSURLErrorBadServerResponse = 		-1011,
    NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication = 	-1012,
    NSURLErrorUserAuthenticationRequired = 	-1013,
    NSURLErrorZeroByteResource = 		-1014,
    NSURLErrorCannotDecodeRawData =             -1015,
    NSURLErrorCannotDecodeContentData =         -1016,
    NSURLErrorCannotParseResponse =             -1017,
    NSURLErrorAppTransportSecurityRequiresSecureConnection = -1022,
    NSURLErrorFileDoesNotExist = 		-1100,
    NSURLErrorFileIsDirectory = 		-1101,
    NSURLErrorNoPermissionsToReadFile = 	-1102,
    NSURLErrorDataLengthExceedsMaximum =	-1103,
    NSURLErrorFileOutsideSafeArea = -1104,
    // SSL errors
    NSURLErrorSecureConnectionFailed = 		-1200,
    NSURLErrorServerCertificateHasBadDate = 	-1201,
    NSURLErrorServerCertificateUntrusted = 	-1202,
    NSURLErrorServerCertificateHasUnknownRoot = -1203,
    NSURLErrorServerCertificateNotYetValid = 	-1204,
    NSURLErrorClientCertificateRejected = 	-1205,
    NSURLErrorClientCertificateRequired =	-1206,
    NSURLErrorCannotLoadFromNetwork = 		-2000,
    // Download and file I/O errors
    NSURLErrorCannotCreateFile = 		-3000,
    NSURLErrorCannotOpenFile = 			-3001,
    NSURLErrorCannotCloseFile = 		-3002,
    NSURLErrorCannotWriteToFile = 		-3003,
    NSURLErrorCannotRemoveFile = 		-3004,
    NSURLErrorCannotMoveFile = 			-3005,
    NSURLErrorDownloadDecodingFailedMidStream = -3006,
    NSURLErrorDownloadDecodingFailedToComplete =-3007,

    NSURLErrorInternationalRoamingOff =         -1018,
    NSURLErrorCallIsActive =                    -1019,
    NSURLErrorDataNotAllowed =                  -1020,
    NSURLErrorRequestBodyStreamExhausted =      -1021,
    NSURLErrorBackgroundSessionRequiresSharedContainer = -995,
    NSURLErrorBackgroundSessionInUseByAnotherProcess = -996,
    NSURLErrorBackgroundSessionWasDisconnected = -997,



typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger,SKErrorCode) {
    SKErrorClientInvalid,                                                                                       // client is not allowed to issue the request, etc.
    SKErrorPaymentCancelled,                                                                                    // user cancelled the request, etc.
    SKErrorPaymentInvalid,                                                                                      // purchase identifier was invalid, etc.
    SKErrorPaymentNotAllowed,                                                                                   // this device is not allowed to make the payment
    SKErrorStoreProductNotAvailable API_AVAILABLE(ios(3.0), macos(10.15), watchos(6.2), visionos(1.0)),                        // Product is not available in the current storefront
    SKErrorCloudServicePermissionDenied API_AVAILABLE(ios(9.3), tvos(9.3), watchos(6.2), macos(11.0), visionos(1.0)),          // user has not allowed access to cloud service information
    SKErrorCloudServiceNetworkConnectionFailed API_AVAILABLE(ios(9.3), tvos(9.3), watchos(6.2), macos(11.0), visionos(1.0)),   // the device could not connect to the nework
    SKErrorCloudServiceRevoked API_AVAILABLE(ios(10.3), tvos(10.3), watchos(6.2), macos(11.0), visionos(1.0)),                 // user has revoked permission to use this cloud service
    SKErrorPrivacyAcknowledgementRequired API_AVAILABLE(ios(12.2), tvos(12.2), macos(10.14.4), watchos(6.2), visionos(1.0)),   // The user needs to acknowledge Apple's privacy policy
    SKErrorUnauthorizedRequestData API_AVAILABLE(ios(12.2), macos(10.14.4), watchos(6.2), visionos(1.0)),                      // The app is attempting to use SKPayment's requestData property, but does not have the appropriate entitlement
    SKErrorInvalidOfferIdentifier API_AVAILABLE(ios(12.2), macos(10.14.4), watchos(6.2), visionos(1.0)),                       // The specified subscription offer identifier is not valid
    SKErrorInvalidSignature API_AVAILABLE(ios(12.2), macos(10.14.4), watchos(6.2), visionos(1.0)),                             // The cryptographic signature provided is not valid
    SKErrorMissingOfferParams API_AVAILABLE(ios(12.2), macos(10.14.4), watchos(6.2), visionos(1.0)),                           // One or more parameters from SKPaymentDiscount is missing
    SKErrorInvalidOfferPrice API_AVAILABLE(ios(12.2), macos(10.14.4), watchos(6.2), visionos(1.0)),                            // The price of the selected offer is not valid (e.g. lower than the current base subscription price)
    SKErrorOverlayCancelled API_AVAILABLE(ios(12.2), macos(10.14.4), watchos(6.2), visionos(1.0)),
    SKErrorOverlayInvalidConfiguration API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0), visionos(1.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos) __TVOS_PROHIBITED,
    SKErrorOverlayTimeout API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0), visionos(1.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos) __TVOS_PROHIBITED,
    SKErrorIneligibleForOffer API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0), macos(11.0), watchos(7.0), visionos(1.0)),                              // User is not eligible for the subscription offer
    SKErrorUnsupportedPlatform API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0), macos(11.0), watchos(7.0), visionos(1.0)) __TVOS_PROHIBITED,
    SKErrorOverlayPresentedInBackgroundScene API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.5), visionos(1.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos) __TVOS_PROHIBITED  // Client tried to present an SKOverlay in UIWindowScene not in the foreground
} API_AVAILABLE(ios(3.0), macos(10.7), watchos(6.2), visionos(1.0));



typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(SKANErrorDomain, SKANError) {
    SKANErrorImpressionMissingRequiredValue = 0,
    SKANErrorUnsupported                    = 1,
    SKANErrorAdNetworkIdMissing             = 2,
    SKANErrorMismatchedSourceAppId          = 3,
    SKANErrorImpressionNotFound             = 4,
    SKANErrorInvalidCampaignId              = 5,
    SKANErrorInvalidConversionValue         = 6,
    SKANErrorInvalidSourceAppId             = 7,
    SKANErrorInvalidAdvertisedAppId         = 8,
    SKANErrorInvalidVersion                 = 9,
    SKANErrorUnknown                        = 10,
    SKANErrorImpressionTooShort             = 11,
} API_AVAILABLE(ios(15.4), visionos(1.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos,watchos) __TVOS_PROHIBITED;
