latch: cache buffers chains 等待争用
“latch: cache buffers chains”争用通常会遇到,原因是当 SQL 语句读取比它们需要的多的缓冲区,并且多个会话正在等待读取同一个块时。
- 查找访问相关块的 SQL 并确定是否需要重复读取。 这可能在单个会话中或跨多个会话。
- 检查执行计划不是最优的 SQL(这是该等待事件的最常见原因)- 查看正在运行的 SQL 的执行计划并尝试减少每次执行对缓冲区获的获取,这将最大限度地减少被访问的块数,从而减少多个会话争夺同一个块的机会。
- 如果您可以识别出一个糟糕的 SQL 并确定了一个更好的计划,您可以通过以下文章指导优化器使用该计划:
Document 1400903.1?Directing Plans with Baselines/Profiles Using coe_load_sql_baseline.sql / coe_load_sql_profile.sql (shipped with SQLT)
Possible hot blocks in the buffer cache normally can be identified by a high or rapid increasing wait count on the CACHE BUFFERS CHAINS latch. This latch is acquired when searching for data blocks cached in the buffer cache. The Buffer cache is implemented as a chain of blocks linked together under a hash value. When a buffer is requested the hash value of the chain that this buffer will be in is calculated and that chain is scanned. Each chain is protected by a latch to prevent it from being changed while it is scanned. Contention in this latch can be caused by very heavy access to a single block. This can require the application to be reviewed.
By examining the waits for this latch, information about the segment and the specific block can be obtained using the following queries.
Identify high contention latch addresses
First determine which latch addresses (ADDR) are interesting by examining the number of? sleeps for this latch. The higher the sleep count, the more processes are having to wait for that latch, so the higher the sleeps, the higher the contention. If we are investigating contention, the higher the sleeps the more interesting the latch?addresses (ADDR) is. The following select returns latch?addresses (ADDR) ordered by sleeps:
select *from v$latch; 19C 1000多个
SELECT child# "cCHILD" ,
addr "sADDR" ,
gets "sGETS" ,
misses "sMISSES" ,
sleeps "sSLEEPS" ----获取不到就sleep 等待
FROM v$latch_children
WHERE name = 'cache buffers chains'
ORDER BY 5, 1, 2, 3;
Run the query above a few times to establish the?addresses (ADDR) that consistently has the highest sleeps.
Identify the blocks protected under that address
Once the addresses (ADDR) with the highest sleep count have been determined, these latch addresses can be used to get more detail about the blocks currently in the buffer cache protected by this latch. The following query identifies the blocks protected by a particular ADDR and should be run just after determining the ADDR with the highest sleep count:
SQL> column segment_name format a35 SELECT /*+ RULE */ e.owner || '.' || e.segment_name segment_name, e.extent_id extent#, x.dbablk - e.block_id + 1 block#, x.tch, l.child# FROM sys.v$latch_children l, sys.x$bh x, sys.dba_extents e WHERE x.hladdr = '&ADDR' AND e.file_id = x.file# AND x.hladdr = l.addr AND x.dbablk BETWEEN e.block_id AND e.block_id + e.blocks -1 ORDER BY x.tch DESC ;
Example Output:
SEGMENT_NAME EXTENT# BLOCK# TCH CHILD# -------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------ ---------- <Schema_name>.EMP_PK 5 474 17 7,668 <Schema_name>.EMP 1 449 2 7,668
The TCH column identifies the number of times each block has been hit by a SQL statement, so you can use this information to identify a hot block. The higher the value of the TCH column, the more frequent the block is accessed by SQL statements.
The following query joins with DBA_OBJECTS to find the objects waiting, the misses, sleeps, etc:
WITH bh_lc AS
/*+ ORDERED */
bh.tch tch,
FROM x$kslld ld,
v$session_wait sw,
v$latch_children lc,
x$bh bh
WHERE lc.addr =sw.p1raw
AND sw.p2 = ld.indx
AND ld.kslldnam='cache buffers chains'
AND lower(sw.event) LIKE '%latch%'
AND sw.state ='WAITING'
AND bh.hladdr=lc.addr
SELECT bh_lc.hladdr,
FROM bh_lc,
dba_objects o
WHERE bh_lc.obj = o.object_id(+)
SELECT bh_lc.hladdr,
FROM bh_lc,
dba_objects o
WHERE bh_lc.obj = o.data_object_id(+)
The output is something similar to the following:
HLADDR TCH OWNER OBJECT_NAME OBJECT_TYP CHILD# GETS MISSES IMMEDIATE_GETS IMMEDIATE_MISSES SPIN_GETS SLEEPS ---------------- ----- -------- ------------------------- ---------- ------- ------ ------ ---------------- ---------------- --------- ------ 0000000621ED8B00 127 SABXFER PCBDEMPRELEVEMENT TABLE 80750 703326 1649 8007 0 1642 7 0000000621ED8B00 127 80750 703326 1649 8007 0 1642 7 0000000621ED8B00 74 SABXFER V_HIERARCHIEENTREPRISE_B TABLE 80750 703326 1649 8007 0 1642 7 0000000621ED8B00 1 SABXFER SACNTPR_PK INDEX 80750 703326 1649 8007 0 1642 7 0000000621ED8B00 1 SABXFER SAENCR2_1 TABLE 80750 703326 1649 8007 0 1642 7 0000000621ED8B00 1 80750 703326 1649 8007 0 1642 7 0000000621ED8B00 0 80750 703326 1649 8007 0 1642 7
Reducing contention
In order to reduce contention for this object the following mechanisms can be put in place:
- Examine the application to see if the execution of certain DML and SELECT statements can be reorganized to eliminate contention on the object. This may be because individual SQL statements are reading more buffers than they need to or SQL affecting specific buffers does so at the same time. For more details see:
Document 1342917.1?Troubleshooting 'latch: cache buffers chains' Wait Contention
- Decrease the buffer cache. If less buffers are stored then there is less change of them contending. This may only help in a small amount of cases and may just move the problem elsewhere.
- DBWR throughput may have a factor in this as well because this determines how quickly buffers are flushed to disk. If dirty buffers are present then processes requesting those buffers may need to find earlier version meaning that they hold latches longer increasing the chances of contention.? If using multiple DBWR's then increase the number of DBWR's. See:
Document 62172.1?- Understanding and Tuning Buffer Cache and DBWR
- Increase the PCTFREE for the table storage parameters via ALTER TABLE or rebuild. This will result in less rows per block such that there is less chance of the same buffers being requested by processes.
- Consider implementing reverse key indexes (if range scans aren't commonly used against the segment)
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