【small syposis: 脾气好的人是怎么做到的?读《非暴力沟通》】

2024-01-09 17:49:46

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I) text excerption

为什么生气?有人出言不逊?有人拿你东西?侵犯个人权利?孩子比听话?朋友欺骗?,,,这些理由归结为一个:我们的需求没有被满足(physiology生理需求-->safe安全需求-->social activity社交需求-->尊重需求-->self value realized)
Needs not to be fullfilled, then we need to put foward/propose/bring out/advance the needs, then /negotiate/discuss/ with the better half
Anger will blind us, and a protection mechanism, which gets adrenaline higher with faster heartbeats, and transmits more blood into the limbs. Man will prepare to fight, defend or flee/withdraw. While counter-effect is slowly thinking about/considering slowly resulting from brain lack of blood (balance the blood in brain and limbs in different situations)
Needs behind the anger, so we needs to propose the enquiries/requirements, 
Watch without bias comments.

II) 描述事实

  1. 不能言过其实,

  2. 一次一件事,to avoid, 数怨并述

  3. 不要推测意图

  4. 不要随意评价,而要客观描述事实(first step for success)

    最不会引起争议的事实入手(like a life responsible one/director/host/creator/leader/ highest vision/bevel),






II) 表达感受&需要

  • 情绪源于自身
  • 第一人称陈述
  • 示弱来解决冲突,at last fight and defend,



请求具体些,而不是模糊太大,如小事开始的:先分担家务开始,打理老宅子,take care of senior,etc,

邀请不是乞求也不是order,base on equality and freedom, to advise/propose/scheme for better,,,

scenario for difference beteen order and proposal

  • 提出命令的人,如果听到别人的拒绝,会感到生气,想要指责对方;
  • 提出请求的人,如果被别人拒绝,它会考虑对方有什么困难;

IV) 提出请求

  1. 从正面说
  2. 请求要具体
  3. 请求不是命令

解决大多数生活中平常无意义的冲突,但是即便是各大团体组织和国家等重大利益,通过有效非暴力沟通,也能解决无意义争吵和误解的分歧,从中解脱出来,(terrorism or racism),not enemy, just because our needs clashed,
无法满足所有人需要at the same time,while we can search a solution by all cost altogether,

all stand on the same side to handle the other side (negtive things)
