[足式机器人]Part4 南科大高等机器人控制课 Ch09 Dynamics of Open Chains

2023-12-18 21:30:43

Prof. Wei Zhang

1. Introduction

1.1 From Single Rigid Body to Open Chains

  • Recall Newton-Euler Equation for a single rigid body:
    F = d d t H = I A + V ~ ? I V \mathcal{F} =\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\mathcal{H} =\mathcal{I} \mathcal{A} +\tilde{\mathcal{V}}^*\mathcal{I} \mathcal{V} F=dtd?H=IA+V~?IV
  • Open chains consists of multiple rigid links connected through joints
  • Dynamics of adjacent links are coupled
  • This lecture: model multi-body dynamics subject to joint constrainsts.

1.2 Preview of Open-Chain Dynamics

  • Equations of Motion are a set of 2nd-order differential equations:
    τ = M ( θ ) θ ¨ + c ( θ , θ ˙ ) \tau =M\left( \theta \right) \ddot{\theta}+c\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) τ=M(θ)θ¨+c(θ,θ˙)
    θ ∈ R n \theta \in \mathbb{R} ^n θRn : vector of joint variables ;
    τ ∈ R n \tau \in \mathbb{R} ^n τRn : vector of joint forces/torques(与之前的符号不一致);
    M ( θ ) ∈ R n × n M\left( \theta \right) \in \mathbb{R} ^{n\times n} M(θ)Rn×n : mass matrix
    c ( θ , θ ˙ ) ∈ R n c\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) \in \mathbb{R} ^n c(θ,θ˙)Rn : forces that lump together centripetal, Coriolis, gravity, friction terms, and torques induced by external forces. These terms depends on θ \theta θ and θ ˙ \dot{\theta} θ˙

  • Forward dynamics : Determine accecleration θ ¨ \ddot{\theta} θ¨ given the state ( θ , θ ˙ ) \left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) (θ,θ˙) and the joint forces/torques
    θ ¨ ← F D ( τ , θ , θ ˙ , F e x t ) \ddot{\theta}\gets FD\left( \tau ,\theta ,\dot{\theta},\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}} \right) θ¨FD(τ,θ,θ˙,Fext?)

  • Inverse dynamics : Finding torques/forces given state ( θ , θ ˙ ) \left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) (θ,θ˙) and desired acceleration θ ¨ \ddot{\theta} θ¨ (Given desired motion, find the required torque to generate the desired motion)
    τ ← I D ( θ , θ ˙ , θ ¨ , F e x t ) \tau \gets ID\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta},\ddot{\theta},\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}} \right) τID(θ,θ˙,θ¨,Fext?)

1.3 Lagrangian VS. Newton-Euler Methods

  • There are typically two ways to derive the equation of motion for an open-chain robot: Lagrangian method and Newton-Euler method

Lagrangian Formulation : Energy-based method ; Dynamic equations in closed form ; Often used for study of dynamic properties and analysis of control methods

Newton-Euler Formulation : Balance of forces/torques ; Dynamic equations in numeric/recuisive form ; Often used for numerical solution of forward/inverse dynamics

We focus on Newton-Euler Formulation

2. Inverse Dynamics: Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm(RNEA)

2.1 RNEA: Notations


  • Number bodies : 1 to N N N
    Parents : p ( i ) : p ( 3 ) = { 2 } , p ( 4 ) = { 2 } p\left( i \right) :p\left( 3 \right) =\left\{ 2 \right\} ,p\left( 4 \right) =\left\{ 2 \right\} p(i):p(3)={2},p(4)={2}
    Children : c ( i ) : c ( 2 ) = { 3 , 4 } , c ( 1 ) = { 2 } c\left( i \right) :c\left( 2 \right) =\left\{ 3,4 \right\} ,c\left( 1 \right) =\left\{ 2 \right\} c(i):c(2)={3,4},c(1)={2}

  • Joint i i i connects p ( i ) p\left( i \right) p(i) to i i i

  • Frame { i } \left\{ i \right\} {i} attached to body i i i at the joint

  • S i \mathcal{S} _{\mathrm{i}} Si? : Spatial velocity (screw axis) of joint i i i

  • V i \mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}} Vi? and A i \mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{i}} Ai? : spatial velocity and acceleration of body i i i

  • F i \mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{i}} Fi? : force(wrench) onto body i i i from body p ( i ) p\left( i \right) p(i)

  • Note : By default, all vectors ( S i , V i , F i ) \left( \mathcal{S} _{\mathrm{i}},\mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}},\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{i}} \right) (Si?,Vi?,Fi?) are expressed in local frame { i } \left\{ i \right\} {i}

2.1.1 RNEA: Velocity and Accel. Propagation(Forward Pass)

Goal: Given joint velocity θ ˙ \dot{\theta} θ˙ and acceleration θ ¨ \ddot{\theta} θ¨ , compute the body spatial velocity V i \mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}} Vi? and spatial acceleration A i \mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{i}} Ai?

  • Velocity Propagation : V i i = [ X p ( i ) i ] V p ( i ) p ( i ) + S i i θ ˙ i \mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}}^{i}=\left[ X_{\mathrm{p}\left( i \right)}^{i} \right] \mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{p}\left( i \right)}^{p\left( i \right)}+\mathcal{S} _{\mathrm{i}}^{i}\dot{\theta}_{\mathrm{i}} Vii?=[Xp(i)i?]Vp(i)p(i)?+Sii?θ˙i?
  • Accel Propagation : A i i = [ X p ( i ) i ] A p ( i ) p ( i ) + V ~ i i S i i θ ˙ i + S i i θ ¨ i \mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{i}}^{i}=\left[ X_{\mathrm{p}\left( i \right)}^{i} \right] \mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{p}\left( i \right)}^{p\left( i \right)}+\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{\mathrm{i}}^{i}\mathcal{S} _{\mathrm{i}}^{i}\dot{\theta}_{\mathrm{i}}+\mathcal{S} _{\mathrm{i}}^{i}\ddot{\theta}_{\mathrm{i}} Aii?=[Xp(i)i?]Ap(i)p(i)?+V~ii?Sii?θ˙i?+Sii?θ¨i?


2.1.2 RNEA: Force Propagation(Backward Pass)

Goal : Given body spatial velocity V i \mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}} Vi? amd spatial acceleration A i \mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{i}} Ai?, compute the joint wrench F i \mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{i}} Fi? and the corresponding torque τ i = S i T F i \tau _{\mathrm{i}}={\mathcal{S} _{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{i}} τi?=Si?TFi?

{ F i = I i A i + V ~ i ? I i V i + ∑ j ∈ c ( i ) F j τ i = S i T F i \begin{cases} \mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{i}}=\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{i}}+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{\mathrm{i}}}^*\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}}+\sum\nolimits_{j\in c\left( i \right)}^{}{\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{j}}}\\ \tau _{\mathrm{i}}={\mathcal{S} _{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{i}}\\ \end{cases} {Fi?=Ii?Ai?+V~i??Ii?Vi?+jc(i)?Fj?τi?=Si?TFi??


  • Body 4:
    F 4 + F G 4 = I 4 A 4 + V ~ 4 ? I 4 V 4 ? F 4 = I 4 A 4 + V ~ 4 ? I 4 V 4 ? F G 4 , F G 4 = I 4 A G 4 = I 4 [ X O 4 ] A G O \mathcal{F} _4+\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{G}4}=\mathcal{I} _4\mathcal{A} _4+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_4}^*\mathcal{I} _4\mathcal{V} _4 \\ \Rightarrow \mathcal{F} _4=\mathcal{I} _4\mathcal{A} _4+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_4}^*\mathcal{I} _4\mathcal{V} _4-\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{G}4},\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{G}4}=\mathcal{I} _4\mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{G}}^{4}=\mathcal{I} _4\left[ X_{\mathrm{O}}^{4} \right] \mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{G}}^{O} F4?+FG4?=I4?A4?+V~4??I4?V4??F4?=I4?A4?+V~4??I4?V4??FG4?,FG4?=I4?AG4?=I4?[XO4?]AGO?
    τ 4 = S 4 T F 4 \tau _4={\mathcal{S} _4}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{F} _4 τ4?=S4?TF4?
  • Body 2:
    F 2 = I 2 A 2 + V ~ 2 ? I 2 V 2 + F 4 + F 3 ? F G 2 , F G 2 = I 2 [ X O 2 ] A G 2 O τ 2 = S 2 T F 2 \mathcal{F} _2=\mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{A} _2+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_2}^*\mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{V} _2+\mathcal{F} _4+\mathcal{F} _3-\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{G}2},\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{G}2}=\mathcal{I} _2\left[ X_{\mathrm{O}}^{2} \right] \mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{G}2}^{O} \\ \tau _2={\mathcal{S} _2}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{F} _2 F2?=I2?A2?+V~2??I2?V2?+F4?+F3??FG2?,FG2?=I2?[XO2?]AG2O?τ2?=S2?TF2?

2.1.3 Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm

τ ← R N E A ( θ , θ ˙ , θ ¨ , F e x t ; M o d e l ) \tau \gets RNEA\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta},\ddot{\theta},\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}};Model \right) τRNEA(θ,θ˙,θ¨,Fext?;Model)
Initialize : V 0 = 0 , A 0 = ? A G \mathcal{V} _0=0,\mathcal{A} _0=-\mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{G}} V0?=0,A0?=?AG? (without gravity “trick” modify F i = I i A i + V ~ i ? I i V i ? I i [ X O i ] A G i O \mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{i}}=\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{i}}+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{\mathrm{i}}}^*\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}}-\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\left[ X_{\mathrm{O}}^{i} \right] \mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{Gi}}^{O} Fi?=Ii?Ai?+V~i??Ii?Vi??Ii?[XOi?]AGiO?)

  • Forward pass : For i = 1 i=1 i=1 to N N N
    V i i = [ X p ( i ) i ] V p ( i ) p ( i ) + S i i θ ˙ i \mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}}^{i}=\left[ X_{\mathrm{p}\left( i \right)}^{i} \right] \mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{p}\left( i \right)}^{p\left( i \right)}+\mathcal{S} _{\mathrm{i}}^{i}\dot{\theta}_{\mathrm{i}} Vii?=[Xp(i)i?]Vp(i)p(i)?+Sii?θ˙i?
    A i i = [ X p ( i ) i ] A p ( i ) p ( i ) + V ~ i i S i i θ ˙ i + S i i θ ¨ i \mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{i}}^{i}=\left[ X_{\mathrm{p}\left( i \right)}^{i} \right] \mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{p}\left( i \right)}^{p\left( i \right)}+\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{\mathrm{i}}^{i}\mathcal{S} _{\mathrm{i}}^{i}\dot{\theta}_{\mathrm{i}}+\mathcal{S} _{\mathrm{i}}^{i}\ddot{\theta}_{\mathrm{i}} Aii?=[Xp(i)i?]Ap(i)p(i)?+V~ii?Sii?θ˙i?+Sii?θ¨i?
    F i = I i A i + V ~ i ? I i V i \mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{i}}=\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{i}}+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{\mathrm{i}}}^*\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}} Fi?=Ii?Ai?+V~i??Ii?Vi?
  • Backward pass : For i = N i=N i=N to 1
    τ i = S i T F i \tau _{\mathrm{i}}={\mathcal{S} _{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{i}} τi?=Si?TFi?
    F p ( i ) = F p ( i ) + [ X i p ( i ) ] F i \mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{p}\left( i \right)}=\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{p}\left( i \right)}+\left[ X_{\mathrm{i}}^{p\left( i \right)} \right] \mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{i}} Fp(i)?=Fp(i)?+[Xip(i)?]Fi?

3. Analytical Form of the Dynamics Model

3.1 Structures in Dynamic Equation

Jacobian of each link(body) : J 1 , ? ? , J 4 J_1,\cdots ,J_4 J1?,?,J4?
J i J_{\mathrm{i}} Ji? : denote the Jacobian of body(Link) i i i , i.e. V i = J i θ ˙ = [ J i 1 J i 2 J i 3 J i 4 ] [ θ ˙ 1 θ ˙ 2 θ ˙ 3 θ ˙ 4 ] \mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}}=J_{\mathrm{i}}\dot{\theta}=\left[ \begin{matrix} J_{\mathrm{i}1}& J_{\mathrm{i}2}& J_{\mathrm{i}3}& J_{\mathrm{i}4}\\ \end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} \dot{\theta}_1\\ \dot{\theta}_2\\ \dot{\theta}_3\\ \dot{\theta}_4\\ \end{array} \right] Vi?=Ji?θ˙=[Ji1??Ji2??Ji3??Ji4??] ?θ˙1?θ˙2?θ˙3?θ˙4?? ?
e.g. V 1 = J 1 θ ˙ = [ δ 11 S 1 δ 12 S 2 δ 13 S 3 δ 14 S 4 ] [ θ ˙ 1 θ ˙ 2 θ ˙ 3 θ ˙ 4 ] = [ S 1 0 0 0 ] [ θ ˙ 1 θ ˙ 2 θ ˙ 3 θ ˙ 4 ] δ i j = { 1 , i f ?? j o i n t ?? j s u p p o r t ?? b o d y ?? i 0 , o t h e r w i s e \mathcal{V} _1=J_1\dot{\theta}=\left[ \begin{matrix} \delta _{11}\mathcal{S} _1& \delta _{12}\mathcal{S} _2& \delta _{13}\mathcal{S} _3& \delta _{14}\mathcal{S} _4\\ \end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} \dot{\theta}_1\\ \dot{\theta}_2\\ \dot{\theta}_3\\ \dot{\theta}_4\\ \end{array} \right] =\left[ \begin{matrix} \mathcal{S} _1& 0& 0& 0\\ \end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} \dot{\theta}_1\\ \dot{\theta}_2\\ \dot{\theta}_3\\ \dot{\theta}_4\\ \end{array} \right] \\ \delta _{\mathrm{ij}}=\begin{cases} 1, if\,\,joint\,\,\mathrm{j} support\,\,body\,\,\mathrm{i}\\ 0, otherwise\\ \end{cases} V1?=J1?θ˙=[δ11?S1??δ12?S2??δ13?S3??δ14?S4??] ?θ˙1?θ˙2?θ˙3?θ˙4?? ?=[S1??0?0?0?] ?θ˙1?θ˙2?θ˙3?θ˙4?? ?δij?={1,ifjointjsupportbodyi0,otherwise?

V 2 = J 2 θ ˙ = [ S 1 S 2 0 0 ] θ ˙ ? V 2 2 = [ [ X 1 2 ] S 2 1 S 2 2 0 0 ] θ ˙ \mathcal{V} _2=J_2\dot{\theta}=\left[ \begin{matrix} \mathcal{S} _1& \mathcal{S} _2& 0& 0\\ \end{matrix} \right] \dot{\theta}\Rightarrow \mathcal{V} _{2}^{2}=\left[ \left[ X_{1}^{2} \right] \begin{matrix} \mathcal{S} _{2}^{1}& \mathcal{S} _{2}^{2}& 0& 0\\ \end{matrix} \right] \dot{\theta} V2?=J2?θ˙=[S1??S2??0?0?]θ˙?V22?=[[X12?]S21??S22??0?0?]θ˙

see the two-body example:

  1. Forward pass :
    V 1 = S 1 θ ˙ 1 \mathcal{V} _1=\mathcal{S} _1\dot{\theta}_1 V1?=S1?θ˙1? , V 2 2 = [ [ X 1 2 ] S 2 1 S 2 2 ] [ θ ˙ 1 θ ˙ 2 ] \mathcal{V} _{2}^{2}=\left[ \begin{matrix} \left[ X_{1}^{2} \right] \mathcal{S} _{2}^{1}& \mathcal{S} _{2}^{2}\\ \end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} \dot{\theta}_1\\ \dot{\theta}_2\\ \end{array} \right] V22?=[[X12?]S21??S22??][θ˙1?θ˙2??]
    A 1 , A 2 \mathcal{A} _1, \mathcal{A} _2 A1?,A2?
  2. Backward pass :
    F 2 = I 2 A 2 + V ~ 2 ? I 2 V 2 ? F 2 e x t ? F 2 G F 1 = I 1 A 1 + V ~ 1 ? I 1 V 1 ? F 1 e x t ? F 1 G + [ X 2 1 ] ( I 2 A 2 + V ~ 2 ? I 2 V 2 ? F 2 e x t ? F 2 G ) τ 2 = S 2 T F 2 τ 1 = S 1 T F 1 \mathcal{F} _2=\mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{A} _2+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_2}^*\mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{V} _2-\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{ext}}-\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{G}} \\ \mathcal{F} _1=\mathcal{I} _1\mathcal{A} _1+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_1}^*\mathcal{I} _1\mathcal{V} _1-\mathcal{F} _{1\mathrm{ext}}-\mathcal{F} _{1\mathrm{G}}+\left[ X_{2}^{1} \right] \left( \mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{A} _2+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_2}^*\mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{V} _2-\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{ext}}-\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{G}} \right) \\ \tau _2={\mathcal{S} _2}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{F} _2 \\ \tau _1={\mathcal{S} _1}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{F} _1 F2?=I2?A2?+V~2??I2?V2??F2ext??F2G?F1?=I1?A1?+V~1??I1?V1??F1ext??F1G?+[X21?](I2?A2?+V~2??I2?V2??F2ext??F2G?)τ2?=S2?TF2?τ1?=S1?TF1?

Overall torque expression :
τ 1 = S 1 T F 1 = S 1 T ( I 1 A 1 + V ~ 1 ? I 1 V 1 ? F 1 e x t ? F 1 G + [ X 2 1 ] ( I 2 A 2 + V ~ 2 ? I 2 V 2 ? F 2 e x t ? F 2 G ) ) = S 1 T ( I 1 A 1 + V ~ 1 ? I 1 V 1 ) + ( [ X 1 2 ] S 1 ) T ( I 2 A 2 + V ~ 2 ? I 2 V 2 ) ? S 1 T ( F 1 e x t + F 1 G + [ X 2 1 ] ( F 2 e x t + F 2 G ) ) \tau _1={\mathcal{S} _1}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{F} _1={\mathcal{S} _1}^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{I} _1\mathcal{A} _1+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_1}^*\mathcal{I} _1\mathcal{V} _1-\mathcal{F} _{1\mathrm{ext}}-\mathcal{F} _{1\mathrm{G}}+\left[ X_{2}^{1} \right] \left( \mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{A} _2+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_2}^*\mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{V} _2-\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{ext}}-\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{G}} \right) \right) \\ ={\mathcal{S} _1}^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{I} _1\mathcal{A} _1+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_1}^*\mathcal{I} _1\mathcal{V} _1 \right) +\left( \left[ X_{1}^{2} \right] \mathcal{S} _1 \right) ^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{A} _2+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_2}^*\mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{V} _2 \right) -{\mathcal{S} _1}^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{F} _{1\mathrm{ext}}+\mathcal{F} _{1\mathrm{G}}+\left[ X_{2}^{1} \right] \left( \mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{ext}}+\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{G}} \right) \right) τ1?=S1?TF1?=S1?T(I1?A1?+V~1??I1?V1??F1ext??F1G?+[X21?](I2?A2?+V~2??I2?V2??F2ext??F2G?))=S1?T(I1?A1?+V~1??I1?V1?)+([X12?]S1?)T(I2?A2?+V~2??I2?V2?)?S1?T(F1ext?+F1G?+[X21?](F2ext?+F2G?))

due to motion of body 1 and 2 and external force of body 1 and 2

τ = [ τ 1 τ 2 ] = [ S 1 T ( I 1 A 1 + V ~ 1 ? I 1 V 1 ) + ( [ X 1 2 ] S 1 ) T ( I 2 A 2 + V ~ 2 ? I 2 V 2 ) ? S 1 T ( F 1 e x t + F 1 G + [ X 2 1 ] ( F 2 e x t + F 2 G ) ) S 2 T ( I 2 A 2 + V ~ 2 ? I 2 V 2 ? F 2 e x t ? F 2 G ) ] = [ S 1 T 0 ] ( I 1 A 1 + V ~ 1 ? I 1 V 1 ? F 1 e x t ? F 1 G ) + [ ( [ X 1 2 ] S 1 ) T S 2 T ] ( I 2 A 2 + V ~ 2 ? I 2 V 2 ? F 2 e x t ? F 2 G ) = J 1 T ( I 1 A 1 + V ~ 1 ? I 1 V 1 ? F 1 e x t ? F 1 G ) + J 2 T ( I 2 A 2 + V ~ 2 ? I 2 V 2 ? F 2 e x t ? F 2 G ) \tau =\left[ \begin{array}{c} \tau _1\\ \tau _2\\ \end{array} \right] =\left[ \begin{array}{c} {\mathcal{S} _1}^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{I} _1\mathcal{A} _1+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_1}^*\mathcal{I} _1\mathcal{V} _1 \right) +\left( \left[ X_{1}^{2} \right] \mathcal{S} _1 \right) ^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{A} _2+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_2}^*\mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{V} _2 \right) -{\mathcal{S} _1}^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{F} _{1\mathrm{ext}}+\mathcal{F} _{1\mathrm{G}}+\left[ X_{2}^{1} \right] \left( \mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{ext}}+\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{G}} \right) \right)\\ {\mathcal{S} _2}^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{A} _2+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_2}^*\mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{V} _2-\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{ext}}-\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{G}} \right)\\ \end{array} \right] \\ =\left[ \begin{array}{c} {\mathcal{S} _1}^{\mathrm{T}}\\ 0\\ \end{array} \right] \left( \mathcal{I} _1\mathcal{A} _1+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_1}^*\mathcal{I} _1\mathcal{V} _1-\mathcal{F} _{1\mathrm{ext}}-\mathcal{F} _{1\mathrm{G}} \right) +\left[ \begin{array}{c} \left( \left[ X_{1}^{2} \right] \mathcal{S} _1 \right) ^{\mathrm{T}}\\ {\mathcal{S} _2}^{\mathrm{T}}\\ \end{array} \right] \left( \mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{A} _2+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_2}^*\mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{V} _2-\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{ext}}-\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{G}} \right) \\ ={J_1}^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{I} _1\mathcal{A} _1+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_1}^*\mathcal{I} _1\mathcal{V} _1-\mathcal{F} _{1\mathrm{ext}}-\mathcal{F} _{1\mathrm{G}} \right) +{J_2}^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{A} _2+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_2}^*\mathcal{I} _2\mathcal{V} _2-\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{ext}}-\mathcal{F} _{2\mathrm{G}} \right) τ=[τ1?τ2??]= ?S1?T(I1?A1?+V~1??I1?V1?)+([X12?]S1?)T(I2?A2?+V~2??I2?V2?)?S1?T(F1ext?+F1G?+[X21?](F2ext?+F2G?))S2?T(I2?A2?+V~2??I2?V2??F2ext??F2G?)? ?=[S1?T0?](I1?A1?+V~1??I1?V1??F1ext??F1G?)+[([X12?]S1?)TS2?T?](I2?A2?+V~2??I2?V2??F2ext??F2G?)=J1?T(I1?A1?+V~1??I1?V1??F1ext??F1G?)+J2?T(I2?A2?+V~2??I2?V2??F2ext??F2G?)

Overall : in general with N-links / Joints

τ = ∑ i = 1 N J i T ( I i A i + V ~ i ? I i V i ? F i e x t ? F i G ) \tau =\sum_{i=1}^N{{J_{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{i}}+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{\mathrm{i}}}^*\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}}-\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{iext}}-\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{iG}} \right)} τ=i=1N?Ji?T(Ii?Ai?+V~i??Ii?Vi??Fiext??FiG?)

V i = J i θ ˙ A i = V ˙ i = ( J ˙ i θ ˙ + J i θ ¨ + V ~ i J i θ ˙ ) \mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}}=J_{\mathrm{i}}\dot{\theta} \\ \mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{i}}=\dot{\mathcal{V}}_{\mathrm{i}}=\left( \dot{J}_{\mathrm{i}}\dot{\theta}+J_{\mathrm{i}}\ddot{\theta}+\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{\mathrm{i}}J_{\mathrm{i}}\dot{\theta} \right) Vi?=Ji?θ˙Ai?=V˙i?=(J˙i?θ˙+Ji?θ¨+V~i?Ji?θ˙)


τ = ∑ i = 1 N J i T I i J i θ ¨ + ∑ i = 1 N J i T ( I i J ˙ i + I i V ~ i J i + V ~ i ? I i J i ) θ ˙ \tau =\sum_{i=1}^N{{J_{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}J_{\mathrm{i}}}\ddot{\theta}+\sum_{i=1}^N{{J_{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\dot{J}_{\mathrm{i}}+\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{\mathrm{i}}J_{\mathrm{i}}+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{\mathrm{i}}}^*\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}J_{\mathrm{i}} \right)}\dot{\theta} τ=i=1N?Ji?TIi?Ji?θ¨+i=1N?Ji?T(Ii?J˙i?+Ii?V~i?Ji?+V~i??Ii?Ji?)θ˙
∑ i = 1 N J i T I i J i = M ( θ ) , ∑ i = 1 N J i T ( I i J ˙ i + I i V ~ i J i + V ~ i ? I i J i ) = c ( θ , θ ˙ ) \sum_{i=1}^N{{J_{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}J_{\mathrm{i}}}=M\left( \theta \right) ,\sum_{i=1}^N{{J_{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\dot{J}_{\mathrm{i}}+\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{\mathrm{i}}J_{\mathrm{i}}+{\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{\mathrm{i}}}^*\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}J_{\mathrm{i}} \right)}=c\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) i=1N?Ji?TIi?Ji?=M(θ),i=1N?Ji?T(Ii?J˙i?+Ii?V~i?Ji?+V~i??Ii?Ji?)=c(θ,θ˙) , τ G = ∑ i = 1 N J i T I i [ X O i ] ( ? A i G O ) \tau _G=\sum_{i=1}^N{{J_{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}\left[ X_{\mathrm{O}}^{i} \right]}\left( -\mathcal{A} _{\mathrm{iG}}^{O} \right) τG?=i=1N?Ji?TIi?[XOi?](?AiGO?)

最终理解: τ = M ( θ ) θ ¨ + c ( θ , θ ˙ ) θ ˙ + τ G + J T ( θ ) F e x t \tau =M\left( \theta \right) \ddot{\theta}+c\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) \dot{\theta}+\tau _G+J^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \theta \right) \mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}} τ=M(θ)θ¨+c(θ,θ˙)θ˙+τG?+JT(θ)Fext?
F e x t \mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}} Fext? : applied from the body to environment

J i J_{\mathrm{i}} Ji? : body/link i Jacobian , V i ∣ 6 × 1 = J i ∣ 6 × n θ ˙ ∣ n × 1 \left. \mathcal{V} _{\mathrm{i}} \right|_{6\times 1}=\left. J_{\mathrm{i}} \right|_{6\times \mathrm{n}}\left. \dot{\theta} \right|_{\mathrm{n}\times 1} Vi?6×1?=Ji?6×n?θ˙ ?n×1?
τ ∈ R n \tau \in \mathbb{R} ^n τRn , τ \tau τ play two major roles :

  1. generate motion
  2. generate force/torque

3.2 Properties of Dynamics Model of Multi-Body Systems

Only cpnsider body 2’s effect

4. Forward Dynamics Algorithms

4.1 Forward Dynamics Problem

τ = M ( θ ) θ ¨ + c ( θ , θ ˙ ) θ ˙ + τ G + J T ( θ ) F e x t = M ( θ ) θ ¨ + h ( θ , θ ˙ ) \tau =M\left( \theta \right) \ddot{\theta}+c\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) \dot{\theta}+\tau _G+J^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \theta \right) \mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}}=M\left( \theta \right) \ddot{\theta}+h\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) τ=M(θ)θ¨+c(θ,θ˙)θ˙+τG?+JT(θ)Fext?=M(θ)θ¨+h(θ,θ˙)

  • Inverse dynamics : τ ← R N E A ( θ , θ ˙ , θ ¨ , F e x t ) \tau \gets RNEA\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta},\ddot{\theta},\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}} \right) τRNEA(θ,θ˙,θ¨,Fext?) —— O ( N ) O\left( N \right) O(N) complexity
    RNEA can work directly with a given URDF-United Robotics Description Format model (kinematic tree + joint model + dynamic parameters). It does not require explicit formula for M ( θ ) , h ( θ , θ ˙ ) M\left( \theta \right),h\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) M(θ),h(θ,θ˙)

  • Forward dynamics : Given ( θ , θ ˙ ) , τ , F e x t \left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) ,\tau ,\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}} (θ,θ˙),τ,Fext? , find θ ¨ \ddot{\theta} θ¨
    Calculate h ( θ , θ ˙ ) = c ( θ , θ ˙ ) θ ˙ + τ G + J T F e x t h\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) =c\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) \dot{\theta}+\tau _{\mathrm{G}}+J^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}} h(θ,θ˙)=c(θ,θ˙)θ˙+τG?+JTFext?
    Caculate mass matrix M ( θ ) = ∑ i = 1 N J i T I i J i M\left( \theta \right) =\sum_{i=1}^N{{J_{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}J_{\mathrm{i}}} M(θ)=i=1N?Ji?TIi?Ji?
    Solve M θ ¨ = τ ? h ? θ ¨ = M ? 1 ( τ ? h ) M\ddot{\theta}=\tau -h\Rightarrow \ddot{\theta}=M^{-1}\left( \tau -h \right) Mθ¨=τ?h?θ¨=M?1(τ?h): This is not the most efficient way to find θ ¨ \ddot{\theta} θ¨

4.2 Caculations of h and M

Denote our inverse dynamics algorithm : τ = R N E A ( θ , θ ˙ , θ ¨ , F e x t ) = M θ ¨ + h \tau =RNEA\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta},\ddot{\theta},\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}} \right) =M\ddot{\theta}+h τ=RNEA(θ,θ˙,θ¨,Fext?)=Mθ¨+h

  • Calculation of h h h : obviously , τ = h \tau =h τ=h if θ ¨ = 0 \ddot{\theta}=0 θ¨=0. Therefore, h h h can be computed via : h ( θ , θ ˙ ) = R N E A ( θ , θ ˙ , 0 , F e x t ) h\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) =RNEA\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta},0,\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}} \right) h(θ,θ˙)=RNEA(θ,θ˙,0,Fext?)

  • Calculation of M M M : Note h ( θ , θ ˙ ) = c ( θ , θ ˙ ) θ ˙ + τ G + J T F e x t h\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) =c\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) \dot{\theta}+\tau _{\mathrm{G}}+J^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}} h(θ,θ˙)=c(θ,θ˙)θ˙+τG?+JTFext?
    Set G = 0 , F e x t = 0 , θ ˙ = 0 G=0,\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}}=0,\dot{\theta}=0 G=0,Fext?=0,θ˙=0 , then h ( θ , θ ˙ ) = 0 h\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) =0 h(θ,θ˙)=0 , ? τ = M ( θ ) θ ¨ \Rightarrow \tau =M\left( \theta \right) \ddot{\theta} ?τ=M(θ)θ¨
    We can compute the j j jth colum of M ( θ ) M\left( \theta \right) M(θ) by calling the inverse algorithm
    τ = M : , j ( θ ) = R N E A ( 0 , 0 , θ ¨ 0 , j , 0 ) \tau =M_{:,\mathrm{j}}\left( \theta \right) =RNEA\left( 0,0,\ddot{\theta}_{0,\mathrm{j}},0 \right) τ=M:,j?(θ)=RNEA(0,0,θ¨0,j?,0) , θ ¨ 0 , j \ddot{\theta}_{0,\mathrm{j}} θ¨0,j? is a vector with all zeros except for a 1 at the j j jth entry
    θ ¨ 0 , 1 = [ 1 0 ? 0 ] , τ = [ M 1 ( θ ) ? M n ( θ ) ] , M 1 , j ( θ ) = τ θ ¨ 0 , 1 \ddot{\theta}_{0,1}=\left[ \begin{array}{c} 1\\ 0\\ \vdots\\ 0\\ \end{array} \right] ,\tau =\left[ \begin{matrix} M_1\left( \theta \right)& \cdots& M_{\mathrm{n}}\left( \theta \right)\\ \end{matrix} \right] ,M_{1,\mathrm{j}}\left( \theta \right) =\tau \ddot{\theta}_{0,1} θ¨0,1?= ?10?0? ?,τ=[M1?(θ)???Mn?(θ)?],M1,j?(θ)=τθ¨0,1?

  • A more effiicient algorithm for computing M M M is the Composite-Rigid-Body Algorithm(CRBA). Details can be found in Featherstone’s Book

4.3 Forward Dynamics Algorithms

Now assume we have θ , θ ˙ , τ , M ( θ ) , h \theta ,\dot{\theta},\tau ,M\left( \theta \right) ,h θ,θ˙,τ,M(θ),h , then we can immediately compute θ ¨ \ddot{\theta} θ¨ as θ ¨ = M ? 1 ( τ ? h ) \ddot{\theta}=M^{-1}\left( \tau -h \right) θ¨=M?1(τ?h) —— θ ¨ = F D ( τ , θ , θ ˙ , F e x t ) \ddot{\theta}=FD\left( \tau ,\theta ,\dot{\theta},\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}} \right) θ¨=FD(τ,θ,θ˙,Fext?)


This provides a 2nd-order differential equation in R n \mathbb{R} ^n Rn , we can easily simulate the joint trajectory over any time period (under given ICs θ 0 , θ ˙ 0 \theta ^0,\dot{\theta}^0 θ0,θ˙0)

Computational Complexity:
RNEA : O ( N ) O\left( N \right) O(N)
h ( θ , θ ˙ ) = R N E A ( θ , θ ˙ , 0 , F e x t ) h\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) =RNEA\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta},0,\mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}} \right) h(θ,θ˙)=RNEA(θ,θ˙,0,Fext?) : O ( N ) O\left( N \right) O(N)
M ( θ ) M\left( \theta \right) M(θ) : O ( N 2 ) O\left( N^2 \right) O(N2)
M ? 1 ( θ ) M^{-1}\left( \theta \right) M?1(θ) : O ( N 3 ) O\left( N^3 \right) O(N3)

Most efficient forward dynamics algorithm : Articulate-Body Algorithm(ABA) : O ( N ) O\left( N \right) O(N)

4.4 More Discussions

M ( θ ) M\left( \theta \right) M(θ) : Mass matrix , M T ( θ ) = M ( θ ) M^{\mathrm{T}}\left( \theta \right) =M\left( \theta \right) MT(θ)=M(θ), also positive semi-definite.
M ( θ ) = ∑ i = 1 N J i T I i J i M\left( \theta \right) =\sum_{i=1}^N{{J_{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}}J_{\mathrm{i}}} M(θ)=i=1N?Ji?TIi?Ji?—— I i \mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}} Ii? Inertia matrix symmetric / postive semi-definite

There are many equivalent ways to define c ( θ , θ ˙ ) c\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) c(θ,θ˙) , they are all related to the same product c ( θ , θ ˙ ) θ ˙ c\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) \dot{\theta} c(θ,θ˙)θ˙ —— common and confusing
Typical expression for c c c : c i j = ∑ k = 1 1 2 ( ? M i j ? θ k + ? M i k ? θ j ? ? M j k ? θ i ) θ ˙ k , Γ i j k = 1 2 ( ? M i j ? θ k + ? M i k ? θ j ? ? M j k ? θ i ) c_{\mathrm{ij}}=\sum_{k=1}^{}{\frac{1}{2}\left( \frac{\partial M_{\mathrm{ij}}}{\partial \theta _{\mathrm{k}}}+\frac{\partial M_{\mathrm{ik}}}{\partial \theta _{\mathrm{j}}}-\frac{\partial M_{\mathrm{jk}}}{\partial \theta _{\mathrm{i}}} \right)}\dot{\theta}_{\mathrm{k}},\varGamma _{\mathrm{ijk}}=\frac{1}{2}\left( \frac{\partial M_{\mathrm{ij}}}{\partial \theta _{\mathrm{k}}}+\frac{\partial M_{\mathrm{ik}}}{\partial \theta _{\mathrm{j}}}-\frac{\partial M_{\mathrm{jk}}}{\partial \theta _{\mathrm{i}}} \right) cij?=k=1?21?(?θk??Mij??+?θj??Mik????θi??Mjk??)θ˙k?,Γijk?=21?(?θk??Mij??+?θj??Mik????θi??Mjk??) chrostoffel symbol
c ( θ , θ ˙ ) c\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) c(θ,θ˙) defind using Γ i j k \varGamma _{\mathrm{ijk}} Γijk? satisies : [ M ˙ ? 2 c ] \left[ \dot{M}-2c \right] [M˙?2c] skew symmetric matrix ( n × n n\times n n×n)

M ( θ ) , c ( θ , θ ˙ ) , τ G M\left( \theta \right) ,c\left( \theta ,\dot{\theta} \right) ,\tau _G M(θ),c(θ,θ˙),τG? all depend on I i \mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}} Ii? linearly
